The Emperor Reigns Them All

v8 Chapter 103: Belongs to 朕 (middle)

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The heavy rain poured, and the water on the tiles was connected into a line in front of the eaves. Zhen Xuan stood in front of the porch and overlooked the city of Wanshanzhou through the heavy rain curtain. The deep eyes flashed the light of wisdom. When the eyes fell on the armored guard at the gate of the palace, there was a flame in his eyes.

He never thought that Jin Mao would recognize his identity as the post-Beiji King.

Although millions of stone rations did not agree with each other. But with the identity of the post-Baiji King, who cares about that money?

When Park Ruiqian came to meet him before, Zhen Xuan didn\'t mean to join forces with Silla in the slightest. This was not only because he never considered himself a Silla courtier, but also because Tang Jun was too powerful, and he couldn\'t raise his defensive mind.

But now Jin Jin is willing to admit his identity!

Things changed immediately.

This means that the Silla people will recognize his king\'s identity. As long as the Tang army is repelled and Silla is attacked in the future, it is no longer the following offense, but the two countries are at war! The resistance of the Silla people will be much weaker, and the morale of the post-Baekje will be even higher.

Over the years, Zhen Xuan has not stopped attacking Silla, and she has won and lost with each other. Only in the past two years, due to the rule of Jin Mao, the fighting has been more difficult. If Kim Jong acknowledges his identity as the later King of Baekje, the Silla people will lose confidence in Kim Jong, and those Silla soldiers will lose their heart, what else will they use to stop themselves?

Zhen Xuan is sure, as long as Tang Jun can withdraw from the peninsula, Jin Ye will definitely not be his opponent in the case of the bow descendants!

When the time comes to occupy the north, and then attack Silla on both sides, Jin Ye will lose!

In this way, after the Baekje will unify the land, he Zhen Xuan will also establish a great contribution to be extolled forever!

Before he dared not fight with Tang Jun, he was forced to surrender because he knew he could not fight the other side. However, if Silla assists, Tang Army will be attacked on both sides. As a Tang Army guest, the army will not have enough troops. As long as the post-Baekje and Silla can deal with each other well and let the war last longer, they will win.

Zhen Xuan does not lack ambitions, but as long as she is not in despair, as long as she can see a glimmer of hope, she will have the courage to work hard! At that time, no one dared to hold up the banner against Silla on this land. At that time, Silla was still a unified dynasty. Who was not afraid?

But myself, Zhen Xuan, dare to stand up first!

"Call Park Sang to see you!" Zhen Xuan decided.


Jin Ling hasn\'t gone to the garden to falter these days, and he doesn\'t even have the mood to look like that.

It is a shame and shame for him to admit the identity of Baiji King after Zhen Xuan, and it is not too much to say that it is a national shame. But in order to save Silla and defeat the mighty Tang Jun, he is ready to be misunderstood by the Chinese and hesitate to bear infamousness!

With such a heavy load of humiliation, Kim Ye must not be under a lot of pressure. He knows that a little carelessness is the end of all disasters, and he must seize every moment to plan military planes and prepare for war.

In these days, he has glanced at all matters, and for this reason has not closed his eyes for many days.

He and Zhen Xuan have signed a covenant, and both sides are secretly preparing for war.

In order to give Tang Jun an unexpected attack, Jin Ye asked Park Ruiqian\'s son, Park Jinghui, to lead people to stay in Wanshan Prefecture directly, so that the two sides could timely convey various messages.

Park Jinghui has outstanding talents, won the trust of Jin Mao, and even paid more attention than Park Ruiqian. Sending the other party to Zhen Xuan is also to make the other party see more, so that he can learn more about Zhen Xuan\'s internal situation when he starts fighting with Zhen Xuan in the future.

Time passed quickly, and Tang Jun had already taken action.

In Jin ’s previous prediction, Tang Jun had only two ways to go, or

First go to Shanzhou, collect the arms of Zhen Xuan\'s army, demobilize the soldiers from the other side, and ensure the flanks are clear; or directly attack Jincheng.

In response to Tang Jun\'s two choices, Jin Mao and Zhen Xuan both formulated meticulous battle plans.

If Tang Jun goes to Shanzhou first, then Zhen Xuan will ambush and encircle all sides at a critical juncture. At the same time, Silla sends a part of the army to attack Tang\'s back, and then uses part of the army to go straight to Songyue to cut off Tang\'s back road;

If the Tang army came directly to Jincheng, Silla had already prepared for the clear wall and the wild, and the army would be divided into several strands and scattered into the countryside. Instead of confronting the Tang army, they would attack day and night, exhausting them.

Zhen Xuan also had to send some troops to support, to ensure that they could attack Tang Jun in turn with the absolute strength advantage, making the other side tired.

As long as Tang Jun is not fighting directly, Tang Jun\'s combat advantage cannot be brought into play.

At the same time, Zhen Xuan will send a part of the army, take Song Yue directly, disrupt the rear of the Tang army, and take the order of Jin Mao, plus his own prestige, call on the troops of the northern states and counties to fight the Tang army.

The battle only needs to last for a few months, and Tang Jun will be completely trapped in the quagmire, and the soldiers will be exhausted. By then, the fighters will be completely in the hands of Silla and Houbaiji!

And after Tang Jun\'s real action, these time Jin Jin, who has been frowning, laughed out loud in front of the heavy ministers such as Park Ruiqian.

"With only 100,000 soldiers and horses, how much does Li Yan look down on my Silla? Bullying me that Silla has no heroes and heroes? Think I\'m a bunch of stupid pigs?"

On the surface, Jin Yan is pretending to be uneven. In fact, his face is full of redness, and his heart is already blooming. "That\'s it. Now he has divided 100,000 soldiers and horses into two roads, all the way to Shanzhou, all the way to Jincheng. !!

"The king deduced many strategies of Tang Jun\'s war, but he did not expect that Li Zhi would adopt such a plan, why? Because this is the most stupid plan!

"The 100,000 Tang army has fewer soldiers, and it still needs to stay in the north. If the remaining soldiers and horses clenched into fists, we would be really troublesome to deal with them. But now! How do the soldiers in their early 40,000s face my army of 600,000? Even if we use the method of walking dogs, we will slip him to death! Li Ye is killing himself! "

Speaking of which, Jin Mao stood up and glanced at the ministers with enthusiasm. "Everyone in the world said that Li Puxiong was only a little rough and did not lose Tang Taizong, but the king thought that he was too far behind Tang Taizong because he looked down on his opponent. But even if Emperor Tang Taizong sent troops to conquer Goguryeo several times in the year, he could not completely defeat Goguryeo!

"Zhugong, now Silla is united in the whole, rejecting powerful enemies, Li Yimo said that he is slightly inferior to Tang Taizong, and the soldiers and horses are far from good. As long as we fight bravely, we will get loud!"

Upon hearing this, Park Ruiqian and others listened attentively, saluting at the same time, saying the same thing: "King Yingming, Silla must win!"

For Silla, the division of the Tang army was an unexpectedly good situation. Jin Wei immediately ordered that the original strategy of keeping the wall clear of the wild remains unchanged. The army was dispatched, fighting against its own country, familiar with the local conditions, and assisted by the people, and could easily disperse into the countryside.

The incoming Tang army only had more than 40,000, allowing them to deal with it calmly.

Not only that, Silla and Hundred Baekje both had the strength to tune an elite and go round to the north of the former Goguryeo territory, assaulting Tang Jun\'s back.

The military order was issued, and Jin Mao returned to the living palace with satisfaction. For many days, he had a meal for the first time in the United States and America, and planned to return to the harem for a good rest for a long time.

"We still have to think about the long-term. We can no longer consume our energy so hard." Walking along the road, Jin Min felt his contentment with his chin so contented.

The idea just came out, Kim

Suddenly his heart jumped suddenly. Suddenly the time wrapped his sense of danger, making him almost think he had stepped on the wrong foot and went straight to Huangquan Road! Suspicious Jin Min stopped, looked up, could not help but startled.

The sky has changed!

To be precise, the sky is no longer visible, and the sky as far as the field of vision is rolling, thick blue clouds tumbling, endless like the stormy sea. Countless purple lightnings flew up and down in the clouds, the roaring thunder was deafening, and it seemed that the sky was about to explode and collapse.

Including the Royal Palace, the entire Jincheng city is dimly lit.

The wind that can pull up willows roars everywhere, with a stern and overbearing voice. In the royal palace where flying sand and stones and bricks are flying together, Jin Yan seems to be standing in the center of the doomsday world. He saw countless court eunuchs flying off the ground, accompanied by screams of tragic terror, and Huang Ye spinning in mid-air.

Jin Ye\'s hands and feet were cold.

Not only him, monks rushing around in the palace, looked up to see such a scene in front of them is stunned, the real monk was confused, and the monk practicing trembling shuddered.

Is it a hurricane?

When did Jincheng have such a horrible hurricane?

This is certainly not a hurricane!

How could there be such a strong aura in a hurricane?

At this time, each one was flying like a monk, who appeared from the clouds. They stood high and looked indifferently toward Jincheng, the royal palace, and Jinyu.

Each of them had a strong breath, so strong that the monk who could practice Qi could not rise to the slightest resistance. As if they only need one thought, they don\'t even need to move their fingers, and they can make the whole King\'s people go to ruin!

Is this really a fairy?

Many monks who practiced Qi saw the gods and hurriedly worshiped on the ground. They felt the irresistible coercion, their legs were already unstable, they could only kneel in rows and worship.

The whole dimly lit Jincheng immediately fell into chaos, and the chickens and dogs jumped between the markets-flying involuntarily in the midst of the wild wind.

Countless ordinary people knelt down on the ground and regretted their crimes on a daily basis, praying for the forgiveness of the angry God, and don\'t involve them in the air and fall alive.

Jin Yanya clenched his teeth and tightened his fist in his sleeve.

As a great monk in the real world of Yangshen, how can he not sense that there is some extremely powerful existence above the clouds? He was obviously taken care of, and the grand coercion made him lose as much as he could. He couldn\'t help trembling, his knees continued to soften, and he tried his best to make himself kneel.

Before the horrible existence appeared, I took the lead in kneeling. What did it look like?

Jin Mao felt unprecedented fear and grief. As a real world of Yangshen, he originally thought that his cultivation was already on the top of the world, and under the circumstances that the immortals could not descend, there was no monk who could stand on his head.

But now, that tyrannical existence is just unfolding the field, revealing coercion, making itself almost impossible to stand firm, the strength of the two sides is like a cloud of mud! How can the gap be as big as the real world of Yangshen?

Finally, the turbulent Qingyun Center, sprinkled with a few bright beams of light, a figure that could not be seen directly, and came slowly and dignified without losing its dignity, appearing on top of many Datang monks.

Jin Yan could not see the other person\'s face, his eyes only touched the other person\'s imposing figure, and he felt that his eyes were stinging and irritating.

However, it was only at this moment that Jin Zhen had realized who this Jincheng was in the doomsday scene.

Emperor of Tang Dynasty, Li Yan!