The Emperor Reigns Them All

v2 Chapter 29: Where he is

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of Emperor Fairy Magic!

It will take a lot of time to handle the funeral of Jimo Villa. Li Yan and others can\'t stay here for too long. They can only gather the corpses rushed. Things about the villa.

When leaving Jimo Villa, Cui Keli was in front of the gate and worshipped at the villa Voldemort. When the Confucian scholar looked up, his look had returned to normal, but what kind of vows did he make in his heart? Unable to know.


In the convoy, Yang Feng held a straw stem pulled from the roadside in his mouth, leaned his hands on the cargo piled up on the carriage, looked at the guys, followed the carriage to eat the car ash, and the corners of his mouth were raised. A tiny smile.

Those guys all carried knives. Some were young, only a dozen, and some were older, in their 30s and 40s. The sun was burning on top of their heads, and each of them was almost sweating.

Two days ago, Yang Feng was just like them. He was not qualified to sit on a carriage, and he was not qualified to ride a horse. He could only eat ash behind the truck. When the road was uneven, he pushed the carriage forward. In summer, the hot air on the ground rises, just like the steamer under the sun, not to mention how uncomfortable it is.

Yang Feng, who was a kid in a car and horse shop, has been running for six years and nine months since he was 13 years old. In each year, almost ten months are on the road. The skin is also tanned.

But since two days ago, Yang Feng didn\'t have to eat dust behind the carriage, because the night before he had been successfully promoted to the Wuzong realm, he was only one step away from the achievement!

All kinds of commercial goods are transported. There is a gang for transportation, and a gang for river transportation. Naturally, there is a carriage on the road.

Yang Feng feels very satisfied. In the car and horse line of fifty or sixty people, there are only 40-year-old masters who are Qi practitioners. There are several Wu Zong, but Yang Feng is the youngest.

Yang Feng turned his head and glanced at the front of the convoy. He was also the only one in the convoy who was qualified to ride a horse and looked around. Yang Feng secretly pursed his lips. In this broad daylight, he was on a flat and open official road. He also counted six or seven years of walking in rivers and lakes, barely be regarded as old rivers and lakes, and encountered trouble only in remote places and mountain roads.

However, Yang Feng is very good at Yang Feng, and he has always been regarded as his son, because in the entire line of horses and horses, Yang Feng is young and promising.

Yang Feng didn\'t remember how to enter the car and horse store. Later, I accidentally heard that he was sold by his parents when he planted grass on the street. That year was a year of severe drought. The locust plague was severe, and many people were starved to death, especially the displaced people who left their homes and tens of thousands.

Yang Feng does not like to be regarded as a son, and is treated as a son. If possible, he is more like to be treated as a son-in-law ... Hey, Xiao Shimei was born with water, he took her to play since he was young. The first time I followed the car and immediately took the goods. I used the whole copper plate from that trip to buy a fine texture fragrant purse for the little girl. When the little girl took the purse, she smiled with no eyes, Yang Feng. How happy.

It was because his head was knocked by Master—that is, the master, and it hurt for a long time.

"Feng Yang, why are you smirking? Don\'t you eat ash behind the carriage, isn\'t it Teshutan lying on the van? Otherwise, it won\'t be a day in the sky, and you will have a big dream? Look at you, Hara is out! Who are you dreaming about, shouldn\'t she be a little girl? Hehe ... "

A guy as thin as a monkey ran to Yang Fengcha from the front and winked at him.

Yang Feng touched the corner of his mouth and did not touch Hara. Then he realized that the thin monkey was playing with it. Immediately furious, he had to teach this guy, but the thin monkey jumped away with a big laugh, causing the back Guys, haha ​​keep laughing.

"I\'ll tell you to go there, I\'m here!"

Before Yang Feng jumped off the truck, the thin monkey slipped.

"What\'s so funny!" Yang Feng glared at those joking guys in annoyance. However, He always used to be kind to others. This stare had no power at all, but it also caused everyone to continue to joke.

"Feng Yang, I think the thin monkey is right, you just have an idea for the little sister, or why not react so much?"

"You have to be careful with Feng Yang, but I heard that the little sister was caught by the son of the big family. The other person is a Qi practitioner. You have to work hard!"

"Feng Yang, come and come, He Bo teaches you some experience, keeping you can capture the heart of the little teacher\'s niece ..."

Yang Feng was thin-skinned, and where he could stand it, he fled into the desert immediately, without any accident, and caused a laugh.

Yang Feng ran his lips while running, a bunch of guys who didn\'t have any warmth under the covers of the girls, said one by one, they talked about going to the drunk moon floor and sleeping in Hua Kui ...

Feng Yang is the guys of the chariots and horses. They call Yang Feng. Yang Feng doesn\'t know why they call themselves so. Feng Yang is not only a good name, it is clearly a crazy sheep.

At first Yang Feng did not agree with being called this way, but he got used to it over time.

He trot to the big horse, Yang Feng looked up and said, "Master, you call me?"

The big head is a man with a frosty face. He looks extraordinarily old and has a slight camel on his back. People in their forties look like they are in their 50s. There is no way. Life is not easy. OK, in the Pinglu border, it is the lowest level of rivers and lakes forces, and it is not easy to take over.

"This is Li Gongzi." The master introduced Yang Feng to the young man at the horse.

Li Gongzi ... Yang Feng secretly pouted, he had seen that long ago, the young man in the black robe who talked with the master for a long time, in his early twenties, looking at Swen Baijing, personable, a look is The children of the big family don\'t say that clothes, just the jade around the waist, are not Yang Feng\'s salary for a year.

Yang Feng didn\'t like the big family sons. He wasn\'t jealous of people\'s brocades, but he was short-sighted and arrogant one by one. He would be bullying when he was fine.

This time Penglai held the Xiandao Conference, and the rivers and lakes monks who moved the sea were endless. Yang Feng also saw a lot of such big family members along the way. This was not a break when he stopped at the station last night. Carefully bumped into a boy in Jin Yi, was beaten by the opponent\'s person, and his leg was broken on the spot.

At that time, Yang Feng was furious and pulled up his sword. The brothel that looked arrogant and arrogant was a straw bag. Only the practice of the martial arts realm was taken by Yang Feng into a pig\'s head at that time, and his teeth were knocked out. In the end, did n’t everyone cry like a pig, let go of the sloppy words like “You are waiting for me to destroy your carriages and horses”, and were carried away in a humble manner?

"You\'re Yang Feng? Good name." Xuanpao son smiled at Yang Feng.

Yang Feng held his chest up. That ’s right. He did n’t look at the name. The master gave it. Do you know the name of the little sister? Yang Yun. Yang Feng, Yang Yun, Feng Yun, this is clearly a pair ...

"Li Gongzi is a distinguished guest of the Cui family. In the next few days, we will just go with you, and you will receive it." The master told Yang Feng.

Yang Feng\'s face collapsed immediately. Of course, he knew what Master meant, Cui\'s family, one of the four big families in Qingzhou. If this time he could take the opportunity to mingle with the distinguished guests of Cui\'s family, what would happen next? Can\'t we pick up Cui\'s business? That\'s amazing, great opportunity. In addition, chariots and horses are located in Qingzhou. If they can have a good relationship with the Cui family in the future, they can enjoy the coolness under the trees.

The overall situation is important. Yang Feng, who is young and vigorous, although he doesn\'t like such things as flattery and flattery, can only sacrifice himself for the sake of driving. Yang Feng depressed the inherent dislike of the wealthy son, barely smiled, followed the son of Xuanpao\'s son, and waited for the other party\'s instructions.

"Brother Feng Yang is the realm of Wu Zong? Before reaching the crown, you can have the realm of Wu Zong. It is good." The son of Xuanpao immediately smiled mildly and did not speak.

"My son is ridiculous, I dare not be guilty, down ..." Yang Feng laughed with his companion, but he couldn\'t just poke his lips, but he could only poke his lips in his heart. I am a monk in the realm of Wuzong, and I am with you Waiting, grievances, you guy of Jinyiyushi, I\'m afraid they haven\'t arrived at Wu Zongjing yet? Samurai or warrior? Alas, the world is not fair, and the boys are born.

Yang Feng thought of this, but his mouth wasn\'t closed, but he couldn\'t speak. His eyes fell behind the son of Xuanpao, and he couldn\'t move again.

A female Taoist wearing a navy blue robe, was following Ma Xuanpao\'s son. He looked like he was in his twenties. He was born with a picturesque eyebrow and a dusty manner, with a sense of inhumanity. To say that this is not a fairy, Yang Feng does not believe it.

Next to the long female road, she followed a chubby fat pier, carrying a peach sword, and looked at Yang Feng with a smile.

Yang Feng knew that he was rude, and quickly retracted his eyes and lowered his head, but his heart was already in a stormy sea. There is even a beauty with such an outstanding appearance in the world? How did the poem come about? There are beautiful women in the north, who are peerless and independent. When they look at the city of people, they look at the country of people ... Isn\'t that just the woman head in front of her?

Yang Feng took the soul and dreams of the young girl and compared it with this girl, and then she reluctantly found that she couldn\'t compare it at all. Although the young girl\'s face is also very beautiful, she is also ancient and weird, but with this There is still a world of difference between the female road chief ...

Yang Feng\'s heart is sour, even if the son of Xuanpao was born with good looks, Yang Feng may not be jealous, although he knows that he can\'t compare to it. After all, the male husband looks like a fart, but you are followed by such a fairy , Then it ’s ridiculous, I am Yang Feng, but a teenage Wu Zong, I ...

Yang Feng stopped thinking about it, wasn\'t that spreading salt on his wound?

By noon, Yang Feng was already familiar with the Xuanpao boy. He found that the boy was a little different from those who had seen him before. He was very easy-going and obviously had a good homeschooling and courteous manner, which made Yang Feng no longer uncomfortable. Although people are born to be good, they can be followed by heaven to make them jealous, but others have good morals, so there is nothing to be sour.

Yang Feng was thinking so, immediately seeing the scene in front of him, he felt unbalanced immediately.

The crowd just found a place to sit down, but the woman who was obviously not eating fireworks from the back of the carriage brought drinks and food, and offered to the son of Xuanpao, and he offered to drink wine for him. Make a pie.

Yang Feng only wanted to vomit blood, looked up and asked the sky silently, such a stunning beauty, a superb position with a detached temperament. If others are fortunate to get it, they will be too late to be offered like a bodhisattva, for fear of being tired, it is really in their mouth I\'m afraid of melting, I\'m afraid of falling when I hold it in my palm.

What else did Yang Feng see? When the son of Xuanpao turned his head to thank him, the fairy-like fluttering length of his head embarrassedly bowed his head, and Xiafei\'s cheeks looked utterly confused, but in this way, he was obviously shy, shy ... You put down your body and wait for others to thank you. You are the fairy of the country. You are so shy. What about your dignity and pride?

Yang Feng decided that he could not see the heart and chaos, and buried his head in the dried pie. This world was really chaotic and couldn\'t understand.

"Brother Feng Yang, how about coming to drink together?" The son of Xuanpao issued an invitation.

Yang Feng wanted to refuse. You guy who doesn\'t take pearls as a baby, I\'m annoyed when I look at my heart. Can you be so rich if you have money? But as soon as he smelled the scent of the wine, Yang Feng stunned. The wine is so strong and mellow. How good is this wine? I haven\'t seen it in my life ... No, Yang Feng, you are a grand master who stands up to the sky, how can you bend over for a glass of wine?

Yang Feng was about to shake his head, but saw the son of Xuanpao, a sincere and eager look. It was a look of treating his friends sincerely, just as the spring breeze melted the snow, which made people unbearable. Yang Feng, who was kind in nature, burst into his heart. He is also an extraordinary son, and he is also familiar with each other, and is a kind invitation, is it not good to refuse it? Besides, I haven\'t seen any scene of Yang Feng, what happened to a glass of wine?

Yang Feng didn\'t know how he took the wine pouch, took a sip of his head, and immediately dilated his pupils, good wine!

"Good wine!" He wiped his mouth and returned the wine sac to the son of Xuanpao. Yang Feng couldn\'t help but sigh. He drank a few mouthfuls of wine and was so proud of it. He even watched the son of Xuanpao. Multitemporal, Yang Feng is no exception.

"Because it\'s good wine, drink more." The son of Xuanpao beckoned. On that day, the prince of the Taoist Road took the initiative to get up and went out of the carriage to take out a wine pouch, which was handed directly to Yang Feng this time.

Yang Feng got up this time to take it directly, but kept his eyes down and didn\'t dare to look at Tianxiandao for a long time, for fear of blushing. If it makes people feel rude and Tang suddenly glares, wouldn\'t it be bad? Besides, Yang Feng is not a lust.

Drinking too much, Yang Feng gradually let go, and chatted with the son of Xuanpao freely.

With a wave of his hand, he made a wine drink, and to the newcomers of rivers and lakes that he believed had little experience in rivers and lakes: "Everyone said that rivers and lakes are good, what are rivers and lakes good? You may hear Mr. Shushu said in the teahouse of the wine shop that this How powerful is the sword fairy, how domineering is that villa, how does this martial art come out of the dust, and the sword house that casts the sword, and the people inside it make swords all their life, in fact? How is this possible! No matter how powerful a monk, you also have to eat? The higher the cultivation, the more you need to cultivate resources. Is there no one at home to work? Where does the money come from for you to cast your sword all day long? You do n’t need money to buy iron? You do n’t need money to eat? If you do n’t go to the rivers and lakes to run errands, where does the money come from? Buy a magic weapon? "

"The magic weapon, how expensive it is, there is no one in the house. You are poor and rich, and you do n’t have thousands of acres of land in your family. Do n’t even think about it. Master leads the door and practices in the individual. Master must also lead the door. There is no Master to teach, no matter how talented you are, how to cultivate? Those who read must also lead people to literacy. If they are poor in the family, they must lie on the windows of the academy to eavesdrop? Or how to understand the profound philosophies? , You have to ask a master teacher and a master to teach you. You have to practice high-quality exercises. How much does it cost? "

"So the big forces on the rivers and lakes are not the clan family, or the people in the family are the officials, and the poor are also the wealthy ones. Those talents are really romantic. In the final analysis, we are the ordinary people. All the cultivation is to eat and eat! And this bowl of rice is not delicious, so let ’s not talk about the four big families in Qingzhou. Those who can barely be regarded as rich and powerful, have to bow to flattery and meet them most. We must also tolerate regression and not be able to argue with them.

"The rivers and lakes, where and where they are, are all worldly places. Small fish and shrimps like ours must be cautious and do not provoke those big forces, big forces, be careful and not provoke military officials, otherwise No matter how hard you are, once people come over to ride the armor, you will have to die in smoke. What\'s the point of this sentence, Xia is banned by martial arts, and the monks who killed the people are not the killers? They have to be wanted by the government and hide in mountains It\'s all over the place, and I dare not show up! The real chic spirit is just a limited handful, like the Fifth Avenue Gate, like Penglai ... Of course, you brothers like you ... The rest, who do n’t want to eat, who do n’t want to be urged by their family to start a family, how can they fly around all day long ... ”

Jomo felt that he had talked too much, Yang Feng smiled awkwardly, and pointed to those chariots and horses who were sleeping in the wind and eating, "Don\'t talk about this, the son will know if you look at them. In a word, if the son is not high, do n’t go for fun at the Penglai Xiandao Conference. It ’s all done by the big men. Let ’s take a look at the son and go back to avoid messing with people. I ’ve heard Penglai has real immortals! They do n’t care about their son ’s family history. If they do n’t see the right thing, they will be separated from each other when they see each other.

Xuanpao smiled, didn\'t say much, but just drank with Yang Feng.

Yang Feng tolerated it for a long time, after all, he didn\'t hold it. He got in front of the son of Xuanpao and lowered his voice: "My son, I look at that fairy-like Taoist, I\'ve been secretly watching you, let\'s drink here, I count After that, she peeked at you nine times! Did the Master Tianxian move his heart and love you? "

His voice was low enough that only the son of Xuanpao could hear.

I do n’t know, the Tianxian Road next to him was long, and immediately chopped, the chopsticks in his hands snapped to the ground.

Yang Feng looked back suddenly, and saw that Tianxian Road was long, his face flushed to the neck, and he flew away as soon as he smoked ... he flew ... he flew ...

Looking at the Tianxian Roadmaster who was about a dozen feet away, Yang Feng was stunned, and he swallowed hard: "Are ... really Tianxian ?!"

Before Yang Feng said anything, suddenly, a scream screamed loudly beside the chariot.

Yang Feng looked back in shock and saw at once that the thin monkey fell into a pool of blood.

A streamer passed by, the master ’s left arm flew off his shoulder and flew up!

A group of menacing men gathered around a brocade boy and rushed over aggressively.

Yang Feng\'s limbs were stiff.