The Emperor Reigns Them All

v2 Chapter 25: Said it (third)

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"Father, why did you go out?" Cui Keli was worried and uttered.

Cui Shulin is old. He has been staying behind closed doors for years, recuperating quietly, and is unwilling to waste his life. For him, every time he uses the power of repair, it means consuming vitality, which means reducing the life that is not much. If this is not the case, the affairs in the clan will not be left to Cui Hucheng to take care of.

Before Cui Shulin floated down the hospital, he glanced at everyone, and looked at Li Wei a little, then closed it back. This is a kind and vicissitudes old man, he sighed: "I know the cause and effect of today ’s matter That\'s it, let\'s go. "

"Father!" Cui Hucheng\'s face changed.

"Huh?" Cui Shulin looked at Cui Hucheng without anger, "What else do you think?"

"Don\'t dare!" When contacted with Cui Shulin\'s eyes, Cui Hucheng shook his head and quickly lowered his head. Although he was the second master of Cui\'s family, Xiu was far worse than Cui Shulin, as long as Cui Shulin was still alive, He didn\'t dare to presumptuously, but he was not willing to do what he did today, so he was done, gritted his teeth, and he said, "The child asked the father to take the lead, and the child will now have a homeowner comparison with the second brother!"

Cui Shulin glanced at Cui Hucheng, looking unhappy: "Now?"

Cui Hucheng couldn\'t swallow his breath, and said under pressure: "Please father!"

Cui Shulin looked at Cui Keli, his eyes softened a lot: "How does the second child feel?"

Cui Keli looked back at Li Yi and others, and saw Li Yi nodded slightly, then turned back and said: "Little Second is willing to play against the third brother."

Cui Shulin nodded his head and said, "If that\'s the case, let\'s set the stage and call the tribe to witness together."


Li Ye was very funny when he heard the term "Little Two" and couldn\'t help smiling. With this smile, Cui Shulin immediately looked at him, and Li Ye didn\'t even pretend to do anything.

Cui Shulin frowned slightly, and then took a deep look at Li Yan, and then slowly looked back.


Of course, the Cui family doesn\'t have to come all in. They only need to notify a group of people, but because of the suddenness, it still takes some time.

Taking advantage of this gap, Cui Keli, Li Yi, and others stood on the side of the yard and began to make a total of big arrangements.

Cui Keli said: "Three games, one article and two martial arts. Wenbi Cui will play on his own, let alone, the third brother of Wubi will definitely play in person, and will also send a strong doorkeeper. What is the strength of the doormate of the third brother I have n’t seen it, but it ’s not worse than that of Yang Zhongxiu, but the one who should be the one to fear most is the third brother himself, who is the second master of the Cui family. ”

Li Yan, Su Emei and others looked at each other. Li Yan asked, "What kind of realm has Cui Hucheng achieved?"

Cui Keli was slightly embarrassed and rubbed his hands: "I ignore ethnic affairs and have been studying for more than 20 years. I really don\'t know much about the third brother\'s realm, but he has been practicing the middle of Qi for many years. But that\'s not the most important thing. What\'s important is his knife. "

When talking about the last three words, Cui Keli looked solemn and solemn.

"His knife?" Wei Xiaozhuang repeated.

Cui Keli nodded: "After the third brother was promoted to the middle of practicing Qi, he practiced his sword with all his heart. Recently, he heard that he has touched the threshold of sword intention in his practice in this way!"

"Sword intention?" Everyone looked at each other.

In addition to surgery, sword training is the same as sword training, which is divided into three realms, sword qi, sword meaning, and kendo.

The threshold of Jianqi is the lowest, and it is also an entry-level standard. General Qiqi masters can use Jianqi, only the difference in the purity of Jianqi.

Sword intention is a realm above the sword spirit. It is extremely difficult to comprehend, and it has great power and the ability to win from a higher level. However, it is necessary to understand the origin of the sword. Generally speaking, the monks who practice high Qi have the qualification to understand Jianyi, but because it is extremely difficult to understand Jianyi, even the monks who practice high Qi can understand Jianyi.

Among the monks Li Jun has seen, there is only the "Three Swords of Buyue" in Nangong, which has the charm of sword. "If Cui Hucheng really understands the meaning of the sword-even if it only touches the threshold of the sword, it will be extremely difficult to deal with." Su Emei said calmly, she still knows a lot about cultivation, thanks to her Master\'s teachings.

"Sword meaning!" Wei Xiaozhuang looked in awe and looked at Su Emei. "Sister hit the small sword and practiced it, did you realize the meaning of sword?"

Su Emei shook her head sincerely.

Cui Keli continued: "If the third brother used a knife, Yang Zhongxiu, the first sword in Qingzhou, would not be his opponent at all. Now in Pinglu, the third brother already has the reputation of the first sword. Originally, the third brother had plans and wanted Looking for Liu Dazheng, who was the first knife in the Central Plains in the past, to compete in the Daodao practice, this time the Xiandao Conference was delayed. "

Li Yan smiled. Liu Dazheng, the first knife in the Central Plains, is now on duty at the Yimen Square in Tsing Yi.

While Cui Keli was discussing, Cui Hucheng was surrounded by a group of people.

"Cui Gong ’s Daodao Xiuwei has touched the threshold of artistic conception. If he shot, those people that Cui Keli had found could not resist."

Yang Zhongxiu gritted his teeth and said that he had previously been defeated by Li Yan and had no face to face. Now it is possible for Cui Hucheng to take revenge for him, and he immediately came over and came up with an idea: "The young Xuanpao on that side, the repair is good, but Cui You do n’t have to worry about him, he is not your opponent! Only Yang was also careless, and then he was attacked by a sneak attack. He really had to face the battle. Whoever loses or who wins is not necessarily! "

In the end, Yang Zhongxiu did not forget to excuse himself.

Cui Hucheng sneered sneerly: "I thought Chui Li could find any big man, but it was just two villagers and one unknown soldier. If this was not my son\'s injury, Cui would disdain."

"That\'s natural. How many people can touch the threshold of the sword? When Cui Gong comes out, no one can fight! The whole Pinglu, and only the Penglai Daomen, can make Cui justice see each other." Yang Zhongxiu immediately flattered.

"Father, you must kill the cricket and hate the baby!" Jin Yizi gritted his teeth.

"It looks like that." Cui Hucheng domineered.

From time to time, the people of Cui\'s family are almost there.

The crowd circled a place outside the courtyard as a platform for Wubi. As for Wenbi, it took place in Cui Keli\'s house.

Cui Hucheng\'s revenge is also eager to show his crushing power. He first stood up, so this first game was Wubi.

Li Yan refused to let him go, and came to Cui Hucheng.

Cui Shulin sat in the yard with his eyes closed.

Under the watchful eye of the Cui family, Cui Hucheng snorted, watching Li Yan spit, scornfully: "Unknown junior, not worthy of this utility knife, you shot it!"

Li Min looked at Cui Hucheng and smiled slightly: "Within three strokes, if I can\'t beat you, I will be defeated."

Everyone in the Cui family heard the words, and they all made a mistake. Then they sneered and laughed, and they rang all around.

"Isn\'t this kid a fool? He thought he could win San Gong?"

"I won within three strokes. I don\'t think he knows anything at all, but anyone who knows something awesome wouldn\'t dare to say so! San Gong is the second master of the Cui family!"

"Huh, in my opinion, this boy wants to support three moves, and then says that he did not win, so there are steps down? It\'s ridiculous. If San Gong used a knife, he could split him in half!"

"Where the second father found the ignorant junior is really a shame!"

"Shuzi, dare to be so mad!" Cui Hucheng was furious. He originally said he wanted Li Xun to take the shot first, but the guy who hurt his son was so arrogant that he couldn\'t bear it anymore. Come.

The two were not far away, there were a lot of onlookers, and the range of the ring was not large, so Cui Hucheng did not make a lot of momentum, but this punch also used seven or eight minutes to repair, and the speed was fast in the midair. The layer of sound burst, and in front of Li Yan, he yelled, "I see you die!"

Li Yan stood still and did not move. He was also punched with a single punch. He was unremarkable, and he had no big punches, but his fist tore the air and the sound boom was no smaller than Cui Hucheng!


The two punches hit each other without fancy!

There is a momentary stillness.

A circle of sound bursts like waves!

Cui Hucheng, full of self-confidence, had changed his face so far, and there was a look of shock in his eyes.

This punch was unexpected, he didn\'t take advantage of the cheap!

Not only that, but the fist was sorely painful, just like a awl, giving it a shot!

This is impossible!

Cui Hucheng became angry and shameless. His whole body was cultivated with no reservations. He transported his energy and put his fists in his palms, and banged directly at Li Ye\'s door!

He has come to understand that this seemingly unknown kid is not much weaker than him and deserves his full strength!

One palm blasted out, Li Yan\'s long hair spread back.

He looked dull and struck out with the same palm!


Two palms hit each other in midair!

This time, the two palms did not stand still.

Cui Hucheng\'s arm was directly shaken back. The whole person took a few steps back before he could barely stabilize his figure!

Cui Hucheng is as white as paper!

How could this be?

His internal organs swelled, and he couldn\'t help but spit out blood.

Staring at Li Yan\'s eyes, full of anger and anger!

What the **** is this guy doing!

His cultivation strength is comparable to himself? !!

No, it\'s not comparable, it\'s better than yourself!

How is it possible that he is still so young!

Who is this guy?

Everyone in the Cui family saw Cui Hucheng being repelled, and Li Yan stood still, extinct, exclaiming one by one.

Cui Hucheng sank, knowing that he had no way back.

"Come here!" Cui Hucheng held out his hand.

A domestic servant quickly threw out a huge black nine-ring gold knife.

Cui Hucheng took the knife in his hand, and was settled in his heart. Holding the handle, his confidence was instantly full, and he had the idea of ​​victory again!

No matter how strong the cultivation is, my knife path is repaired. I have touched the meaning of the sword and can challenge it more!

Cui Hucheng yelled, ran forward, slashed off suddenly, urged the sword, and went straight to the top of Li Kui!

It ’s not a hit that touches the threshold of the sword. A second handle knife emerges from the knife. It looks real and magical. Just looking at it makes people tremble, giving birth to a chill from their feet, as if the sudden second The handle knife is a vortex that devours the soul!

"Shot! Let\'s die! Let me spur the sword, you can die with peace of mind!" Cui Hucheng shouted.

Seeing this knife, Li Min smiled lightly: "Unfortunately, you still don\'t even have the qualification to let me sword."

"This is the third move, so the game is over." Li Min blasted a punch toward Cui Hucheng: "Ziqi Juyunquan!"

The figure that Cui Hucheng jumped to death was still in the air, and was hit by a solid purple boxing punch. His head was crooked, and there was no room for resistance, and he was blown out a dozen feet!

In the courtyard, Cui Shulin, who had been keeping his eyes closed, was suddenly startled, and looked over in amazement.

Watching Su Emei, she took a deep breath and held her heart with her hands.

Wei Xiaozhuang\'s mouth was wide and he could put an egg.

Before the relationship, Cui Keli said so much. What Cui Hucheng was very difficult to deal with was all in vain?

Brother Li is so amazing?

The Cui family looked around, stunned, stunned.

"How could this be?"

"San Gong was blown away with a punch ?!"

"San Gong was defeated? This kid turned out ... really three moves to defeat San Gong ?!"

"This young age is so scary ?!"

Li Yan retracted his fist, and did not look at Cui Hucheng who flew out. The negative hand left the field indifferently, just as if he had just arrived here, but he only enjoyed the scene of falling leaves.