The Dragon's Flower

Vol 6 Chapter 199 – Sir Xiang hit the jackpot when no one welcomes it!

XH 199 - Sir Xiang hit the jackpot when no one welcomes it!

With the help of Da Bei, Xiao Hua does not need to fill water into the buckets and only need to dump tea leaves from the bag that Doctor Bai had given her into the bucket.

Even if it was time consuming compared to the choice of just dumping the tea leaves into the well, Xiao Hua was still calm enough to foresee the consequences of that action. It would lead to big problems even if it would solve their current issue.

It would be bad if this well gained a new reputation for its health boosting water. She also does not know if the boosting will spread to the new water entering the well.

Seeing how quickly Da Bei\'s movement was, the two older men decided to just ransack for any form of container around the area for the youngsters.

Using a wooden ladle, Xiao Hua savagely smash the tea leaves inside the buckets until the water changed into a light brown color, with a strong smell of tea coming from it.

"Doctor Shen, Sir Xiang, please drink some tea as precaution from the bugs." Xiao Hua passed the completed bucket to them before continue on smashing other tea leaves in other buckets.

Xiao Hua doubted that the tea would be any use as prevention, but the real reason she asked them to drink was so to help them recover their stamina and reduce their fatigue after the earlier events. Not to mention, at their age, it was very easy for them to injure their back from the heavy lifting.

She felt guilty to have them carry the heavy buckets to the treatment tent, but she needs to make as much tea as possible without wasting time to help out in transporting the buckets.

"Precaution is good!" Doctor Shen joyfully laughed and drank almost half of the bucket in large gulps. As a knowledgeable doctor, he would normally refuse to drink unboiled water but he could not pass this chance to taste this special tea! If he gets sick, he can still cure himself!

Lord Xiang scooped some of the tea into his palms and drank from it slowly. His eyes widened in surprise when he felt changes in his body.

"As expected of Bai clan\'s secret tea, I feel so energized, as if I\'m still in my youthful years!" Doctor Shen exclaimed in uncontained excitement, which danced in Lord Xiang\'s eyes as well.

"Alright, I\'m done with this too." Xiao Hua patted the second bucket she had finished preparing. "We don\'t have any guards so it\'s better to leave a hand free in case you encounter any danger. It would be safer for Doctor Shen and Sir Xiang to go together."

"That\'s what I thought as well." Lord Xiang nodded, his forehead creased with worry. "Miss Bai will be here to continue brewing with your guard protecting your safety. If there is a great danger, please run and do not continue brewing. I would presume that Gu Dan will assign someone to oversee the result of their experimentation. If the word of your brew are lethal to their bugs, they would not hesitate to do you harm."

"I will not leave Xiao Hua\'s side," Da Bei gave his word like a loyal guard. He had never planned to leave Xiao Hua\'s side to help them with the lifting at all. Even if she told him to help, he will resolutely decline it!

Xiao Hua did not argue as Lord Xiang\'s words were sound. "You will need to make more trips back and forth for the tea."

"Hahaha! That\'s the least of our worries! There are plenty of guards we can ask for help when we reach the treatment tent!" Doctor Shen said.

With things decided, Doctor Shen and Lord Xiang each grabbed a bucket of tea, ran at a speed that would not spill even a drop of their precious cargo, towards the treatment tent.

At her seventh bucket of completed tea, Doctor Shen returned with Hao Li and a guard. "I\'ve brought help!"

"Good! Those are ready!" Xiao Hua beamed.

"Quick, Hao Li! Carry them to the treatment tent!"

At his uncle\'s urging, the shocked Hao Li quickly snapped back to reality. "R-Right!"

If Hao Li had not witnessed what the water from the buckets could do, he would be reluctant to help in carrying them and choose to restrain the agitated patients instead.

Earlier, Hao Li and the guard encountered Doctor Bai and the head warden as the latter group make way to the treatment tent. He was relieved when Doctor Bai said that he had created an antidote but its effect was too weak and did almost nothing to the patients other than removing some green color on their skin.

But Hao Li felt that when Doctor Bai entered the treatment tent, the patients seems to be targeting him and became more violent.

Doctor Shen waved Hao Li and the guard to return to the tent first as he passed the buckets he had picked up along the way. He also used this opportunity to stabilize his breathing.

"Doctor Shen, how\'s the effect of the tea on the patients?" Xiao Hua asked curiously as she worked hard in pounding the tea leaves, nearly spilling the tea from her moment of inattention.

"Doctor Bai had tried splashing the tea onto them, but it has no effect other than making them even more violent. It is truly fortunate that Doctor Bai is strong enough to hold more than twenty of them by himself."

Doctor Shen spent a few seconds to fondly remember how dashing that slender figure moved gracefully when he slipped around the patients. He made it look easy to escape their fast punches and kicks, at the same time baiting them away from the defenseless people.

"With no other choice left, Doctor Bai had to force the tea down their throat." They could not use ropes or the elements to restraint the patients\' movement as they would struggle until they were freed, as if they could not feel the pain from it.

As a result, Doctor Bai grabbed hold of a patient and forcefully pry open his mouth wide before pouring the tea down the throat. The result was satisfactory and so the lady in purple copied Doctor Bai\'s movement seamlessly and did the same to other patients.

Doctor Shen knew that it was not an easy thing to do because the other guards struggled to do the same. They had to restrain, force the green patients\' mouth open and pour the tea down their throat at the same time.

"The tea works as expected, but as time is short, I rushed for more tea instead of staying to watch the result till the end." Well, Doctor Shen could not stand the overly piercing screeching that no humans could produce from their throat, and mixed with the smell of burning, he ran away even if he was curious as a doctor.

"Hmm, no one tried to dip their sword with the tea and stab them?" Xiao Hua mused half jokingly, with the idea came from the anime \'Blood Plus\'. There was no syringe created yet, so it was rather difficult to insert the tea into the green soldiers\' body.

Doctor Shen opened his mouth and after a while, closed it, not knowing what to say. As a doctor of more than fifty years, he has yet to be able to cultivate his thinking to that degree.

As expected of Legendary Doctor Bai\'s daughter! It was a crude method, but it might work!

Normally, he would have reacted badly at the idea of treating patients in such a cruel method. But as an experienced doctor that was familiar with the anatomy of a body, he has a strong deduction that the lives of the prisoners could not be saved. Their body looked as if they were starved for months, their bones outlined clearly under the skin and the area where organs were normally located was strangely shrunken. If what Miss Bai said was right, their organs must have been eaten already.

Even if there was a small chance of miracle in saving them, it was only Doctor Bai that could create this miracle.

"That\'s good! I will brew more!"

Doctor Shen stared at Xiao Hua\'s bright expression and strongly felt his old age. When he was much younger, he has the same expression as hers then, wanting to give his all to help his patients, even if he knew there was nothing he could do to pull them away from the Death\'s embrace. It was after facing numerous number of failures did he finally gave up and accepted death as the natural way of life.

"What? It\'s a little kid?"

A man draped in a rough, travelling purpose cloak jumped down from the tree. His bright green eyes were full of hostility and his mouth curled into an ugly sneer.

Sir Xiang hit the jackpot when no one welcomes it!

Chapter 200 - Chapter 209 will be taken down and only available to be read at some ebook channels (ex: googleplay books, amazon, etc) and my Patreon page (only selected tiers)

Volume 6 will be launched as an ebook at 12.07.2022