The Dragon's Flower

Vol 5 Chapter 146

XH 146

No one stopped Xiao Hua when she walked in x8 speed straight into the Eighth Prince\'s courtyard. All servants already knew she was the Empress\' special guest as well as the Eighth Prince\'s friend.

But they wondered why she was in such a hurry. They saw a familiar boy dressed in black with a mask covering the lower half of his face followed her from behind quite a distance away. Seeing that Xiao Hua was accompanied by her guard, they returned back to their task, no longer concerned about her.

Currently, in the Eighth Prince\'s courtyard, there was a guest that had arrived since early morning. It was a child around the same age as the Eighth Prince, dressed in Munzhu Country\'s male attire. His robes were not as high grade as the Eighth Prince\'s but it was still made from one of the finest cloth in the Four Kingdoms.

"Nu Li, want to play horse and prince game?" the Eighth Prince asked his new friend, the previous Munzhu king\'s youngest son, Prince Nu Li.

Although the rebels had wanted to kill Nu Li to prevent him to stage a coup to overthrow them when he was older with the support of the previous King\'s loyal men, Tian Liang had stopped them.

"He is just a kid where we still able to teach him properly. With him living, it will also appease the previous king\'s supporter and they won\'t do anything drastic yet. Prince Nu Li is still the direct royal bloodline that founded the Munzhu country. If we kill him, we kill our founder\'s line, kill our tradition and we will be known as rebels that are ungrateful to our founder."

When Heise heard it from Eunuch Heng, he was surprised that his character that was supposed to be cruel and wild would have such deep thoughts.

Nu Li nodded and gave Heise a small smile. Despite him having the appearance of an ill-treated kid, Heise had witnessed nothing abusive from the King’s attitude towards Nu Li. The younger boy\'s tanned skin and thin frame looked more of a commoner than a prince.

It was the sense of pity that influence Heise to be friendly to Nu Li when the other boy shyly approached him and asked to play with him during the New Year celebration. The poor boy was brought along with the King of Munzhu to visit the Guilin Kingdom for New Years and had no one to spend time with.

Surprisingly, when the King of Munzhu returned to Guilin again for some business, Nu Li asked to follow as well, just to meet the Eighth Prince.

They were just deciding who will be the horse and who will be the prince when Xiao Hua barged into the room. She had only done that after she peeked into the room from the window and found the Eighth Prince with a little kid.

She immediately figured the kid\'s identity but she did not greet him and pretend to be ignorant of his identity. Keeping her eyes only on the Eighth Prince, she said with a bright smile, "I\'ve brought candies for you, Eighth Prince."

"Candies!" The Eighth Prince jumped out of his chair hurriedly. "Nu Li, sorry but we will play tomorrow okay?"

The word \'I\'ve brought candies for you\' was the transmigrated duo\'s code for \'we need to talk, its emergency\'.

However, Nu Li viewed it otherwise. During the times he visited Long Ming, he had never eaten many candies as he does not favour them that much, except for snacks. But when this unknown girl suddenly offered him candies, Long Ming quickly pushed him away so that he can be with this girl alone!

Nu Li glared at the childish girl wearing cute animal embroidery robes, thinking that this sort of girl, despite being cute, would not suit Long Ming. Long Ming needs a sensible, caring, and attentive partner!

Xiao Hua naturally noticed Prince Nu Li was glaring at her since it was done in that child did not bother hiding it. She knew that the kid was angry with her for disturbing his evil plans to lure the Eighth Prince onto his web.

Eunuch Heng, the observer, thought that Xiao Hua and Nu Li hated each other with how enthusiastic they glared at each other. They were rivals for the Eighth Prince\'s affections, but they were still ignorant of the fact that he, Heng Xin, was the Eighth Prince\'s favourite!

"Eunuch Heng, please sent Nu Li back safely," the Eighth Prince asked his personal eunuch.

Nu Li, who had planned to remain in his seat and shamelessly choosing not to leave, did not expect his friend to ask his eunuch to escort him away.

Feeling hurt, Nu Li stood up. "No need. I can leave myself."

The Eighth Prince could see his new friend was hurt, but he did not know why. "Nu Li!"

But Nu Li ignored the Eighth Prince\'s calls and continue making his way out.

She originally wanted to stop them from getting close to each until she or the Eighth Prince figured out what Prince Nu Li had planned to do in the future. But this scene of a \'wounded boyfriend leaving when the girlfriend paid attention to his friend instead of his boyfriend\' let Xiao Hua know that the Eighth Prince gets along rather well with the Prince of Munzhu!

Fortunately, the Eighth Prince did not chase after Nu Li, or else Xiao Hua does not know what to do to call him back without stepping on any feelings.

"This servant will escort Prince Nu Li until he\'s safely back to his residence," Eunuch Heng said before chasing after Nu Li.

With a heavy sigh, the Eighth Prince flopped down onto a chair. "I will have to send a toy to cheer Nu Li up later. What is it that\'s so important anyway?"

Xiao Hua took a seat as well. "I want to talk about you and your new friend later. But right now, I\'m here because I need your help to interrogate something for me."

"Huh? Who?"

"Not who. \'It\'."

"You are into animal abuse now? What will your prince charming say?"

Xiao Hua ignored his words. "Just now, I met a system, a white Rubik cube that could fly. It\'s in my spatial dimensional now." Xiao Hua could see what\'s inside her bracelet in her mind the moment she had bounded it with her blood.

That benefit allowed her to observe the system and was sure that it could not sense what was happening outside as it kept on circling around the space while calling her with bad names, trying to look for an exit.

The Eighth Prince looked fairly interested. "A system, you say? I want to see it!"

"Not until I tell you everything and we discussed what we should do next! It believes that I am the real Xiao Hua. It does not seem to know that I\'m a transmigrator. But what it said was rather worrying..."

"Said what? Do you know who the host is? I want to meet the host! He must be a cool person!"

"The host is Legendary Doctor Bai so I guess he is cool..."

"Doctor Bai?" The Eighth Prince immediately changed his tune. "This sucks, no wonder he picked third brother as his apprentice! Since the system is here, Doctor Bai will be here too! What did he want by coming here? To meet the female lead since she claimed she\'s his apprentice?"

"Oh. I did not tell you the Third Prince\'s teacher is Doctor Bai? Ops, sorry." Xiao Hua looked away from the Eighth Prince\'s glare.

"You didn\'t tell me everything!"

"I honestly forgot!"

"What do you remember then?" The Eighth Prince asked insultingly.

"I remember the system insult Xiao Hua as if it hates her," Xiao Hua quickly said, changing the topic at the same time. "I think Doctor Bai is here because of the letter the Third Prince had sent to him. It\'s a letter to request him to adopt me. And before you say anything, you refuse to see me so I did not get to tell you about it."

The Eighth Prince sighed angrily, but he swallowed his tongue to stop himself from scolding Xiao Hua, for he did refuse to meet her and the chances for them to talk decreased.

"Fine. That\'s my fault. But next time, tell me everything!"

"Okay~ I will also talk to you about a blue book later~ Right now, let\'s discuss the possibility of this world having a different plot than what you had written."

The Eighth Prince: \'...\' What blue book? Book keeping record for Parliament?

"Isn\'t it obvious with how our existence here changed things? And the change in the Third Prince also messed things up. I wonder if he changed because of Doctor Bai\'s influence."

Xiao Hua pointed out. "He\'s a time traveller, of course Third Prince will be different than the original."

"I mean his personality development. It\'s not easy for someone with a weak personality to change so much without help."

Xiao Hua looked solemn. "Maybe... Doctor Bai was supposed to take the Third Prince as his apprentice, the real Xiao Hua survived the hunger, and the real Eighth Prince did not get a head injury."

The Eighth Prince let out a shaky breath. "A plot where we, the transmigrator, did not exist."

Xiao Hua nodded. "Doctor Bai and the system will be here to fix something, that\'s for sure, but what are they supposed to fix?"

The Eighth Prince slowly grinned in a feral manner, showing his white teeth that resulted from extra care from Eunuch Heng. "Bring out the system. We need to get more information from it."

Xiao Hua\'s face was sported with a similar grin. "Do whatever you want, just don\'t kill it or its supervisor or something will hunt us down."