The Dragon's Flower

Vol 4 Chapter 124


XH 124

Grand Tutor Ping Pong had often visited his granddaughter and grandson-in-law and agreed that it would be best for them to stay at the Third Prince\'s manor until they fully recovered. Fortunately, the Second Prince had not sent his soldiers to Ping manor to cause trouble, but they still remained on guard in case the Second Prince changed his mind in the future.

Ping Shui and General Tang were given room to stay at the Summer Courtyard. Long Lian, the second owner of the said courtyard felt that her presence would disturb their rest, so she just exchanged some polite words with them before leaving the courtyard for them to stay in.

After knowing the truth on what happened to the couple, Princess Long Lian\'s impression on Liu Chu Chu grew even worse. She silently scolded her second brother for being a blind, lovesick fool. If her third brother had not stopped her, she would have marched over to second brother\'s house to beat up Liu Chu Chu into a bloody mess!

Since the Summer Courtyard was not available, Long Lian would hang out with Xiao Hua at Spring courtyard, but she immediately sensed her third brother\'s silent displeasure of her stepping into his personal courtyard, hence the sudden decreasing of visitation.

Duan XiYing and Da Bei followed Xiao Hua and the Eighth Prince silently as they headed to the Summer Courtyard. Duan XiYing was spotted with a seductive smile and Da Bei with a blank expression on his half-covered face by a black skin-tight mask.

There were two male servants sweeping the floor and trimming plants in the garden of the Summer Courtyard. Upon seeing their arrival, they quickly greeted them respectfully despite one was a silly prince and another was a silly maid. But they both had a higher position than them and should not be slighted.

Seeing the food baskets that Duan XiYing and Da Bei was holding, the male servants knew they were here to visit the recently arrived guests. They were shocked when Xiao Hua and the Eighth Prince gave them a smile before they walked further into the courtyard.

The reason of their shock was the similarity of their smile! No, they have different face structure, but it was the feeling behind the smile that gave them a sense of similarity!

The male servants: Perhaps they had just witnessed the legendary idiot smile?

Poor Xiao Hua and the Eighth Prince, they were trying to be nice by giving them an empty, polite smile that they often have given to unknown strangers in their world, but their smile was labeled as silly instead!

Duan XiYing slowed down her steps and silently slithered closer to the male servants with a threatening smile. "Continue your task~"


The transmigrated duo continues walking before Xiao Hua finally realized something. She does not know which room Ping Shui stayed in!

"Hey Xiao Hua, do you know which room is Ping Shui staying in?" the Eighth Prince stared at her doubtfully after seeing Xiao Hua\'s change of expression.

"Nope." Xiao Hua laughed; feeling embarrassed and quickly turned to Da Bei and Duan XiYing. "Do any of you know?"

Da Bei shakes his head but replied positively, "I can track them."

When Da Bei led the small group using his sharp nose, Xiao Hua asked, "Da Bei, the reason you wear a mask because of your strong sense of smell?"

"Like a dog?" The Eighth Prince added two cents in, which earned a glare from Xiao Hua.

"No," Da Bei answered. Team Transmigrated did not probe on the mask issue any further since they felt Da Bei deserved his privacy and secrets.

"How will you track Ping Shui?" The Eighth Prince asked curiously. "Did she wear a specific kind of perfume?"

Duan XiYing answered for Da Bei. "Every person has their own smell and Da Bei used it to track Madam Ping."

Team Transmigrated: \'...\' Normal people won\'t be able to smell it at such a far distance, no?!

"I found her," Da Bei notified, but his subtle frown goes unnoticed by Team Transmigrated, as they were more eager to know where was the location.

"Two doors in front." Da Bei answered their expecting gaze. His sharp nose caught a certain scent and wondered if he should warn them about what the occupants were doing inside but at a glance towards Duan XiYing had made him hold his tongue. She was smiling seductively as always, but her eyes were filled with anticipation of a good show.

Da Bei knew that Duan XiYing was as loyal to Xiao Hua as him and would never risk her safety. Harmless fun would not harm Xiao Hua\'s safety.

Stepping closer to the door that Da Bei had pointed out, Xiao Hua and Eighth Prince heard a rough muffled groan and a feminine moan coming from inside.

"Is Madam Ping Shui in pain?" Xiao Hua asked worriedly at the continuous low groan. She reached out a hand towards the door but the Eighth Prince quickly grabbed her wrist to stop her.

"She\'s not in pain," the Eighth Prince whispered quickly, as he immediately realized what was going on inside the room.

"She isn\'t? How do you know?"

"Oh come on! Those noises are not those in pain!" The Eighth Prince said bluntly, feeling a bit embarrassed.

Thankfully, Xiao Hua immediately caught on and blushed. "Oh!"

The Eighth Prince rubbed his chin thoughtfully. "Hmm, from the noise they make, it must be very good."

"Y-You... don\'t be crude!" Xiao Hua stammered in embarrassment as she darted a glance towards Da Bei and Duan XiYing.

Duan XiYing laughed sweetly as she cheerfully revealed, "XiYing knew what Madam Ping Shui and General Tang is doing~"

"I-I see." Xiao Hua could not resist looking at Da Bei with a hint of awkwardness.

"I could smell what they are doing," Da Bei said as if the topic of the conversation was not an embarrassing thing to discuss!

"You can smell it?" The Eighth Prince asked Da Bei curiously, which Xiao Hua quickly smacked the back of his head.

"Stop it," Xiao Hua hissed. "He\'s just an eight years old boy!"

With a laugh, Duan XiYing answered for Da Bei, "Xiao Hua, Da Bei has a very sharp nose. He had smelt it often from his parents~"

Xiao Hua\'s mouth hung open in shock before remembering to close it after a few seconds. But what Duan XiYing had said was too shocking that her mouth gaped open again. It was not that she did not know how babies were created, but her image of pure An Jing having wild sex with Da Liu was a little difficult to digest!

Oh gosh, how is she supposed to face An Jing now that the idea is stuck inside her head?!

Xiao Hua nearly jumped out of her skin when she saw the Eighth Prince sneakily parted open a window to peek in.

Moving as silently as she could, she quickly dragged the Eighth Prince away from the window, but one of his hands was still holding onto the window, which parted wider from her pull. The creaking sound had the duo turned still, their ears straining to hear if the occupants inside the room had noticed them.

They must not hear it as the masculine moans continue playing, with soft feminine giggles playing a duet with it.

The team transmigrated sighed softly in relief and Xiao Hua once again tried to tug the Eighth Prince away from the window. During the process, her eyes accidentally fall into the room and her body paralyzed in shock and a bolt of lust travelled down her body.

It was the Eighth Prince\'s soft \'wow\' that broke Xiao Hua\'s daze. She quickly pushed the Eighth Prince away with a burst of strength and silently closed the window of sin.

"We should return." Xiao Hua gulped and fanned herself with a hand to reduce the heat that was gathering in her.

"I\'m surprised she\'s that creative," the Eighth Prince said admiringly.

"You pervert!" Xiao Hua hissed. "Why did you peek on them?"

"Oh come on, I\'m curious. I heard nothing but high praises of Madam Ping able to brainwash her husband using sex."

Xiao Hua choked on air. "B-Brainwash?"

"You don\'t know Ping Shui got her husband to betray the Second Prince?"

"He did not exactly betray the Second Prince you know. And your words are crude! Anyway, let\'s return and not disturb them."

"There\'s no need, Xiao Hua~," Duan XiYing said. "It would be a waste to gain nothing on this trip."

Xiao Hua: \'...\' I gained the knowledge of Ping Shui and General Tang being a kinky couple.

Duan XiYing approached the door and spoke in a loud voice, "Greetings to Madam Ping. My lady, Xiao Hua, and the Eighth Prince is here to pay a visit. We shall wait for you in the next room."

Xiao Hua stared at Duan XiYing in horror, as the moaning abruptly stopped and a loud bang could be heard.

"Your maid is crazy," the Eighth Prince said dazedly and the equally dazed Xiao Hua nodded in agreement.