The Dragon's Flower

Vol 3 Chapter 89 – The story of the Eighth Prince and the maid

XH 89 - The story of the Eighth Prince and the maid

Xiao Hua giggled at the sight of a feminine looking guy with a thick mustache that looked out of place on the beautiful face. She ignored the fact that she has a similar mustache on herself as well.

This happened because Long Lian had thought of an idea on how to visit the town without people recognizing them. "If we dressed up as a man, no one would bother with us!"

Xiao Hua does not have the heart to burst Long Lian\'s confidence. She had watched and read many Chinese dramas where the female lead would dress up as a guy but trouble will still find them. It was either because the female lead would save a damsel in distress and had the damsel fallen in love with her, or having a newly acquired buddy guy that would question his own sexual orientation because of the female lead\'s allure.

"Ah Lian, I don\'t think I would need a beard," Xiao Hua pointed out. "I look like a child and no child would have a mustache that early, right?"

"...Right." With a smile, An Jing helped Xiao Hua to remove the fake mustache away.

Long Lian was dressed in dark brown clothes with her hair tied up into a high ponytail. Her generous chest was now a smaller size as they were bound with cloth. Xiao Hua does not need to wrap her chest and that fact actually hurts her self-confidence.

This young lady misses her C- cup! (╥﹏╥)

Her attire was identical to Long Lian\'s, except its quality was nicer. There was a lingering smell of herbs coming from the clothes she was wearing, but she does not mind it. Her hair was tied into a high bun with her bangs remains untouched, leaving it to cover her forehead.

An Jing chooses to dress in a more masculine way with a sword strapped at her waist but did not hide her true gender. Da Bei and Da An would follow them as well but they will follow them at a distance without revealing themselves.

Tang Mei was cross-dressing as well, with impressive makeup that made her look like a plain-looking guy.

Xiao Hua was amazed and wanted Tang Mei to help her change her face but Long Lian secretly whispered to her that Tang Mei\'s skill was not that good yet so there might be some risk. She immediately changed her mind after that.

After their carriage dropped them some distance away from the marketplace, they opted to walk. When Xiao Hua saw the huge crowd, she suddenly doubted if she would survive the day without getting separated from Long Lian.

As a precaution, she reached out to hold Long Lian\'s left hand with her right hand, allowing Long Lian to use her dominant hand freely. Sadly, if they were in trouble, Long Lian will have to be the one that fights for their safety!

"X-Xiao Hua?" Long Lian blushed prettily but the fake mustache destroyed the beautiful view.

"With this, we won\'t get separated!"

Xiao Hua did consider holding An Jing\'s hand as well, but three people walking in a row would be difficult to achieve in such a huge crowd with limited space. The crowd was mostly commoners, judging from their dressing if they could be believed. "Where should we go first?"

Long Lian looked conflicted as well, not wanting to squeeze into the crowd. The thought of touching people, even if just a brief brush, filled her with nothing but aversion. Today was her first time out of the palace, despite what others might think. She has no close friend or maid that she trusted to have this kind of adventure with.

In the end, An Jing was chosen as their tour guide, as Tang Mei could not be relied on, which was told by Long Lian as well.

"As Lord Lian wishes to listen to stories, why don\'t we have our lunch while listening to them?" An Jing suggested. They had discussed that they will refer to Long Lian as \'Lord Lian\' and Xiao Hua will be Long Lian\'s younger brother. The idea of Xiao Hua as the younger brother was insisted by Long Lian herself.

"Yes~" Long Lian and Xiao Hua chorused and followed An Jing like little chicks following their mother.

They entered a shop with tables arranged to leave a wide space at the center of the shop. Most of the customers choose to occupy the seats close to the center so that they can listen to the storytelling clearer. Commoners were usually none cultivators, with most of their time working to feed their family.

An Jing managed to secure a seat away from the crowd, which was right next to the open window. Their spot allowed them some privacy but still able to listen to the storyteller.

"Welcome, welcome! What would you like to eat and drink?" A well-dressed middle-aged man hurried to their table. He ordered a young servant with a tablecloth draped over a shoulder to wipe their table cleanly.

The manager of the restaurant has sharp eyes and was able to tell that these new customers were born from the house of nobility despite dressed in commoner attire. There were no calluses on their white skin and their slender, weak limbs were not something commoners could possess.

An Jing took over as she was the only that know about this restaurant. "I\'ve heard that your restaurant is famous for lotus root soup and frog porridge?"

"This honored guest, you are absolutely right! We are also best in making fried rice!"

Upon hearing fried rice, Long Lian grew interested. Xiao Hua\'s fried rice was different from how the royal chef had made, so that means commoner fried rice would be just like Xiao Hua\'s dish!

"We will have those three," An Jing ordered when she noticed the interested gaze from Long Lian\'s eyes.

"It will be served momentarily! What would honorable guests like to order for drinks?"

"Tieguanyin," Long Lian said.

"Of course! We also serve good Tieguanyin tea!"

"Owner, when will the storytelling begin?" Long Lian asked, ignoring the manager\'s self-boosting.

"Ah? I\'m just a manager." Seeing their disinterest towards his position, he let out an embarrassed cough and answered the question. "Very soon! He just took a short break!"

Long Lian nodded, satisfied with his answer. "What story would the storyteller be telling today?"

The manager beamed. "It will be the story of our brave Second Prince on his latest victory!"

A customer that happens to walk past their table overheard the manager\'s words. "Eh? I\'ve heard that story already."

"Lord Song! Not every customer had heard that story before. It was also a request from a few customers that wish to listen to that story."

"If I request the story of the Eighth Prince and the maid, will the storyteller take it?"

"Lord Song, that story must not be mentioned!" The manager whispered hastily, his small eyes eyed around in panic.

“That story is much more interesting than the Second Prince\'s heroic story. I\'ve listened to so many of it that it\'s getting boring."

"Can I listen to the Eighth Prince\'s story as well?" The manager\'s breath hitched when he saw one of his honorable guests, a young boy with his hair tied up into a bun on top of his head, staring at him with interest.

"This young master, that story is banned," the manager said gravely. “An Imperial edict had passed that no one must speak of that story or they will be fined heavily."

"I will tell you!" Lord Song, without being invited, grabbed a chair and joined their table.

An Jing wanted to remove the newcomer but Long Lian said, "Well, it certainly sounds much more interesting than the story of the Second Prince’s heroic accomplishment."

"Well said!"

The manager tried to change his frequent customer\'s mind. "Lord Song, you will be fined!"

"I have enough money to pay three times the amount of fine. And did you see any guards rushing here to stop me?"

"I will pay for the fine if you are punished," Long Lian promised generously.

"I... I will pay too," Xiao Hua offered since she wanted to listen as well. She will have to borrow money from Long Lian and slowly pay back the debt.

"Did my brother give you money?" Long Lian asked. "It should not be enough to cover the fine so I will pay for it."


Lord Song suddenly applauded. "Such a good uncle you have, little boy! Just accept your uncle\'s kindness. You can always return it when you get older and earn your own money!"

Xiao Hua did her best to hide her laughter but Long Lian seems as if she was going to blow up with how red her face was becoming.

She quickly placed a hand over Long Lian’s to calm her down. "Lord Song gave good advice! I will definitely remember it!"

Still annoyed, Long Lian turned to the manager. "How long does it need for the dish to arrive?"

"V-Very soon, honorable customer! Please wait for a little longer!" He was ashamed to admit he was too distracted to pass the order to the kitchen! He quickly fled to the kitchen and have them prepare the honorable guests\' dishes first!

"Now, which version do you want to listen to?" Lord Song asked.


"I\'ve managed to listen to three versions before the edict arrived."

"What\'s the first version about?" Xiao Hua asked.

"The Third Prince\'s maid had seduced the innocent Eighth Prince and asked for a rare beast to prove his love towards her."

Xiao Hua: ( ̄_ ̄)・・・


Well, I found an app that lets you dress up your chibi. That\'s how I decided to make chibi Xiao Hua and Chibi Long Lian. It\'s not exactly an accurate picture of them dressing up as little boys but this is the best the app can give.