The domineering president loves his wife like loving his life

Chapter 9

Yi Rushi knows that she has found an ally.

At this time, Yi Rushi came to Yu Yiling with red wine and a smile: "Miss Yu..."

"Who? Don't let all the cats and dogs come to me. " Yu Yiling was proud and ready to turn around and leave. She always looked down on such people.

"Oh, the first lady in Imperial City? Ha ha... "Yu Yiling looked at Yi Rushi ironically.

He heard about Yi Rushi's wedding more or less, but he didn't know that Leng Haotian took Yi Rushi to get the certificate.

"I am an easy enemy. The enemy of the enemy should be able to become friends." Yi Rushi smiled gracefully and calmly in the face of Yu Yiling's irony.

Yi Rushi knows that the most important thing at present is to deal with Yi Rushi.

Yu Yiling listened to Yi Rushi's words. She stopped walking forward, then turned around and looked at her. For a moment, she smiled.

So they got together and talked.

Leng Haotian took Yi Ruyan and sat down in a corner: "sit down first. I'll get you something to eat. What do you need to eat?"

"I'll go with you." Yi Ruyan gets up to go with lenghaotian.

"Sit down. It's inconvenient for you to walk in high heels. I'll get it for you." Leng Haotian said to Yi Ruyan in an ordered tone.

The tone of the order made Yi Ruyan feel warm.

A man so old-fashioned has such a careful piece.

"OK." Since Leng Haotian is wearing high-heeled shoes, she will let Leng Haotian serve her.

"Then take some for me. You think it's delicious." Yi Ruyan doesn't care.

"Wait a minute." Leng Haotian said that and left.

When Yi Ruyan looked at the man's tall and straight back, he suddenly said to himself from his heart, since he has been married, live a good life and treat the man well.

Sometimes, marriage can have nothing to do with love.

As long as two people respect each other, understand each other and make concessions, they can also live a good life.

Yi Ruyan thinks so now.

Yi Ruyan also believes that even if lenghao doesn't have her in his heart, he can certainly be a good husband, and she can also be a good wife.

Soon, Leng Haotian took a lot of food for Yi Ruyan: "eat slowly first. I have several old customers in business. Go and say hello. Just sit quietly and don't go anywhere, you know?"

Leng Haotian told her like a child.

"OK." Yi Ruyan looked at him sweetly, smiled and nodded.

"Yes." Leng Haotian left with his mouth light.

Leng Haotian left and Yi Ruyan buried herself in eating, as if everything here had nothing to do with her. She was really hungry. At this time, she only had these delicious foods in her eyes.

"Like smoke." Luo Mingyu's voice sounded. Yi Ruyan frowned before he looked up.

Yi Ruyan looked up, half narrowed his eyes and looked at Luo Mingyu with disgust: "slag man, please stay away from me."

"Cherish life and stay away from scum men." Yi Ruyan got up and was ready to leave.

Because Yi Ruyan is not ready to leave when he looks at Luo Mingyu. Since he doesn't go, Yi Ruyan goes by himself.

"Like smoke, listen to me." Luo Mingyu was so easy to let her leave. He stretched out his hand and grabbed his arm. He threw away in disgust and said with a gloomy face, "disgusting, dirty, don't touch me."