The domineering president loves his wife like loving his life

Chapter 42

"Leng Haotian was good to you. He can give you his life. " LV Qiufeng explained.

"That's because he owes my mother." Yi Ruyan said with a wry smile, "if it weren't for my mother, he probably wouldn't marry me."

"I'm not sure. Maybe he's already in love with you? Moreover, I think, ah, there is nothing like him to bind him and let him do things he doesn't like. If he doesn't like you, he won't marry you. Who dares to force him to do something he doesn't like? " LV Qiufeng understands this.

However, Yi Ruyan doesn't think so, but she doesn't want to continue to discuss this issue with LV Qiufeng. It's boring.

"Well, I won't tell you. I have something else to do. Make an appointment to have dinner another day and have a good chat. " Yi Ruyan feels annoyed when talking about these issues, so he doesn't want to continue talking.

"OK, I'm busy too, but you should have a number in mind. The senior is back." LV Qiufeng reminded Yi Ruyan.

"I see." Yi Ruyan answered and hung up.

After hanging up, Yi Ruyan was stunned: is he back? However, whether he comes back or not seems to have nothing to do with me.

Thinking of this, Yi Ruyan's heart was also much easier. The corners of his mouth raised and smiled.

After work, Yi Ruyan goes home by himself.

When he got home, Cheng Suqin was still very enthusiastic about Yi Ruyan. Yi Ruyan looked at her like a stranger, but he still couldn't bear it.

"Shall we wait for Haotian to come back for dinner? Like smoke, why don't you change your clothes first? " Cheng Suqin smiled at Yi Ruyan and said.

"OK." Yi Ruyan nodded with a smile.

"Ruyan, although I am not Haotian's biological mother, I regard Haotian as my own son. Now that you are married to him, you are my daughter-in-law, and I will treat you as my own daughter-in-law. We are also a family. Shanshan's child is still young and not very sensible. Sometimes you don't like listening to her. Please forgive me." Cheng Suqin said to Yi Ruyan in a flattering tone.

Yi Ruyan smiled when Cheng Suqin said these words to himself sincerely: "don't worry, aunt, we are a family. Leng Haotian is so cold. Leave him alone. "

"No, no, although he looks cold, he is actually very good to us. Really, I treat him as my own son." Cheng Suqin said with a smile.

"Yes." Yi Ruyan nodded.

"What do you need? Tell me or tell mama Wu, okay? You're welcome. " Cheng Suqin said to Yi Ruyan with a smile and enthusiasm.

"OK, I will." Yi Ruyan nodded.

"In the future, you will also be the mistress of this family." Cheng Suqin continued.

"The mistress of this family is her. What does it mean that she is also the mistress of this family?" At this time, Leng Haotian's cold voice sounded.

Cheng Suqin trembled when she heard this. Yi Ruyan could see that she was frightened.

"Well, yes... That's what I mean." Cheng Suqin quickly explained with a smile.

"Why are you so fierce?" Yi Ruyan can't bear to see Leng Haotian's cold fierce Cheng Suqin. Anyway, she is also an elder.