The domineering president loves his wife like loving his life

Chapter 36

Time passed slowly. Yu Yiling was more and more nervous. She was afraid that lenghaotian would come.

As a result, as expected, Leng Haotian came.

Leng Haotian came with his assistant.

"Here you are." Yi Ruyan knew he would come. Seeing Leng Haotian coming, her anger at Leng Haotian seemed to disappear in the morning. It can be regarded as forgiving him.

"Yes." Lenghao Tianyan looked at Yi Ruyan gently.

Leng Haotian's appearance made everyone notice here.

Yu Yiling really didn't expect Leng Haotian to come for this girl.

"You, what are you doing here? Didn't you say there was an important meeting? " Yu Yiling clenched his fist and slowly walked to lengtiantian's side. His face looked at him and asked.

"Her business is more important." Leng Haotian opened his mouth lightly, and his tone was cold and indifferent. This sentence was like a sharp knife, which stabbed Yu Yiling's heart heavily. Her whole heart was shaking.

When Yi Ruyan listened to Leng Haotian's words, she didn't feel it.

Really, is her business more important?

However, think about it. I always thought Leng Haotian was very good to her and took her things very important. Maybe it was because I couldn't give her love, so I used other things to make up for it.

I felt guilty because I didn't love her, so I tried harder to be good to her.

When Yi Ruyan thought of this, he was vaguely lost.

Sometimes, Yi Ruyan is eager to get Leng Haotian's love for herself, because she has married him. Since she married him, she needs to live well with him.

"What happened?" Leng Hao Tianyan looked at Yi Ruyan gently and asked.

"I took a fancy to that bracelet. As a result, I was robbed by this woman. I saw it first. Why should she take it? I swear to get this bracelet. " Since Leng Haotian asked, Yi Ruyan said.

"Like it?" Leng Haotian glanced at the bracelet Mei Lanxiu held tightly in her hand and asked gently.

"I didn't like it so much, but since she wants to rob me, I won't give it to her." Yi Ruyan's bright eyes looked at Leng Haotian and said his thoughts.

"OK." Leng Haotian looked at her with a smile, nodded faintly and looked at assistant Wu: "assistant Wu, you deal with this matter. I'll buy this store and give it to my wife."

Leng Haotian's voice was neither small nor small, but it revealed dignity. Everyone in the store heard it.

Everyone put their surprised eyes on Leng Haotian and Yi Ruyan.

"My God..."


"What the hell? Buy this store? "

"Who is this man?"

Leng Hao is famous, but he hardly goes to magazines and newspapers, so everyone doesn't know him.

Everyone looked at Leng Haotian with strange eyes. Yu Yiling was even more surprised. She tightened her eyebrows and went to Leng Haotian with a white face: "are you crazy? You bought this store? Everything in it? "

"What's the problem?" Leng Haotian tightened his eyebrows and looked cold.

"Do you know how much it costs?" Yu Yiling really thinks Leng Haotian is crazy.

"Is it important?" Lenghao asked coldly.

"Doesn't it matter? It's at least hundreds of millions, right? unimportance? Your money is not from the wind, and your money is also from your hard work. You... Are you sure you want to do it for this woman... "Before Yu Yiling finished, Leng Haotian looked at her with cold and dissatisfaction, and interrupted her:" Yu Yiling, this is my business. "