The domineering president loves his wife like loving his life

Chapter 28

Although not that kind of vigorous feelings, at least they will love each other.

Now that she is married, Yi Ruyan wants to live with him. However, Leng Haotian doesn't want to touch her at all. Why?

"Good, sleep, don't be angry." Leng Haotian knew what she meant and that she was angry. He pulled her into his arms and coaxed her gently.

Yi Ruyan is very angry after listening to Leng Haotian's words.

Why is she angry?

Yes, she admitted that she was angry three years ago, but this time she was really not angry. Moreover, she felt that they were husband and wife and should do such a thing.

"I'm not angry." Yi Ru pushed away the smoke, and Leng Haotian roared, "why do you think I'm angry? Do you think I'm angry when I marry you? "

Leng Haotian didn't speak. In the dark room, the atmosphere became more and more stiff.

Yi Ruyan waited for a while. Leng Haotian still didn't speak. She was very angry: "Leng Haotian, I tell you, I'm not angry, I'm really not angry."

"We are husband and wife. We should do what we should do, shouldn't we? Why don't you want me? " Yi Ruyan cried wrongly. If her big eyes were covered with water mist, she was wronged.

Although Leng Haotian could not see the tears in her eyes in the dark, he could feel her grievance.

"I think you will understand my good intentions in the future." Leng Haotian still said in a dumb voice.

"Will you understand your intentions in the future? So, you mean, you don't want to touch me because of me, for my good? " Yi Ruyan said with a sneer, sarcastic tone.

"Alas... You are still young and impulsive." Leng Haotian couldn't understand this, but she wasn't happy, so she didn't speak at all.

Yi Ruyan was very uncomfortable after hearing this.

But she didn't want to retort.

"Good... I'm doing it for you." Leng Haotian coaxed Yi Ruyan into not talking.

"Ha ha... Leng Haotian, I got the certificate with you. We are legal husband and wife. As a result, you didn't touch me on the wedding night. Did you say it was for my good? I don't want to? Or is my body not allowed? What way are you doing for me? " Yi Ruyan heard Leng Haotian say this and blew his hair. He sat up and shouted loudly.

Leng Haotian saw Yi Ruyan sit up. As a result, he also sat up. He put a quilt over her and said with concern: "cold."

"I don't care about you, Leng Haotian. Since you don't love me, why do you marry me? You married me, you don't want me, you...... "Yi Ruyan cried and cried. As a result, Leng Haotian's mobile phone rang.

Leng Haotian turned on the light, picked up his mobile phone and looked at the tears on Yi Ruyan's face. His heart was tight and painful. Looking at her eyes full of heartache, he answered the phone with a cold voice: "what's the matter?"

"OK, I see. I'll be right there." Leng Haotian hung up the phone and got up to get dressed.

"Where are you going?" Yi Ruyan sees lenghaotian going out and looks at him and asks.

"If you have something to do, you don't have to wait for me." Leng Hao said as he dressed.

"What can I do for you so late? Who called you? " Yi Ruyan just heard a woman's voice. In the middle of the night, a woman called him and he went out?