The domineering president loves his wife like loving his life

Chapter 25

"Nonsense. Your sister-in-law will misunderstand. " Cheng Suqin gently pushed Leng Shanshan and motioned her not to talk nonsense.

"Oh, yes... Sister-in-law, I'm sorry, I'm sorry..." Leng Shanshan apologized quickly.

"No, it's okay." Yi Ruyan smiled awkwardly.

"I'm sorry, this girl. Shan Shan is too young to be sensible. Don't mind." Cheng Suqin quickly apologized for lengshanshan.

"Nothing." Yi Ruyan can only say it's okay even if he cares.

"This is my father's wife and this is her daughter." Leng Haotian explained faintly.

"Er..." Yi Ruyan listened to the introduction. Why is it so strange?

"I'm his stepmother. This is my daughter." Cheng Suqin looked at Yi Ruyan and explained with a smile.

"Call aunt." Leng Haotian said faintly again.

"Oh, aunt, aunt, my name is Yi Ruyan." Yi Ruyan knows that he will become a family with them in the future. Therefore, no matter what people think in their hearts, the surface Kung Fu must be in place.

"You're welcome. Since you're Haotian's wife, we'll be a family in the future. You're welcome." Cheng Suqin looked at Yi Ruyan warmly.

"Hao is naturally thin and cool, and he is a little cold. He......" when Cheng Suqin just wanted to get close to Yi Ruyan, Leng Haotian pulled Yi Ruyan away.

This made Yi Ruyan a little embarrassed. He pulled her away without saying hello.

"Mom, look, I don't respect you at all. Although you're not his own mother, you took care of him from childhood, didn't you? You treat him better than me. Your stepmother is better than his own mother. He never gives you a look. " Lengshanshan looked at Cheng Suqin with some heartache and complained.

"Watch your mouth later, you know? Stepmothers are hard to do. Now there is a sister-in-law at home. Since your brother took her home, it shows that this woman is still more important to your brother. You should understand what to do and what not to do. " Cheng Suqin looked at Leng Shanshan seriously.

"Mom, I see." Leng Shanshan sighed: "I always thought my brother would marry Yu Yiling. I didn't expect to kill such a woman on the way. To tell the truth, I don't like her."

"You girl, don't say that again. Your brother will be unhappy if he hears it. We have no right to say we like or dislike his wife. " Cheng Suqin looked at Leng Shanshan very seriously and told him, "remember?"

"Mom, I know, remember." Leng Shanshan sighed.

"I tell you, don't worry about your brother. You know his temper, especially this sister-in-law. You must respect him and don't offend her." Cheng Suqin seriously reminded lengshanshan.

"Mom... But I don't like her. I like sister Yiling." Leng Shanshan said discontentedly, "sister Yiling is very kind to me. You can't see it."

"What's the use of you liking her? Your brother doesn't like it. Well, don't mention it again in the future. Do as I say, or I won't protect you. " Cheng Suqin gave a cold warning.

Leng Shanshan looked at Cheng Suxin so serious that she could only agree: "I know."


Leng Haotian took Yi Ruyan to the third floor, and then took her into his room: "they all live on the second floor. They don't come up above the third floor."