The domineering president loves his wife like loving his life

Chapter 238

"But, I......" Leng Haotian didn't want to let her down: "I didn't want to let her down."

"I'm afraid she will be disappointed with me. I can't even see the gift she gave me. I..." Leng Haotian was a little depressed and sad when he said this.

"I suggest you confess to her anyway. There is no need to hide such a white lie. If she knew you lied to her, she would be more sad and disappointed in you. " Xi Chengfeng suggested, "however, I don't know much about you two, so you should think about it."

"Well, OK, I'll think about it. As like as two peas, I'll see what I want to do. I've done a good job, and I'll take care of it first. Leng Haotian didn't know how to face it for a moment, and he didn't know how to talk to Yi Ruyan about it.

"Yes. that 's ok. Then go back early. I'm sure she's waiting for you at home. Moreover, if you think about it, she went to the company to find you. As a result, you're not there. How disappointed she was. Go back early. " Xi Chengfeng continued to persuade Leng Haotian.

Leng Haotian nodded, "OK, I'll go back first."

"Go ahead. I'll settle the bill here. Go quickly." Xi Chengfeng looked at him, and suddenly he couldn't wait to go back, and smiled.

Leng Haotian picked up his coat, grabbed the car key and left quickly.

When Leng Haotian got home, only Wu Ma was in the living room. Everyone had gone back to their room.

"Mr. Leng, you're back." Wu Ma looked at Leng Haotian coming back and smiled: "my wife cooked dinner for you today and sent it to the company. As a result, my wife brought back the dinner and said you didn't need it."

"I don't seem very happy when I look at her. Hurry to coax." Wu Ma kindly reminded Leng Haotian.

Leng Haotian's heart ached when Wu's mother said so. He tightened his eyebrows and nodded. He quickly ran to the room.

Leng Hao naively didn't expect Yi Ruyan to cook dinner for her again. He was kind. He wanted to surprise him. As a result, he failed her again. His heart hurt faintly and he felt pain for Yi Ruyan.

Leng Haotian thought he was a jerk and failed her kindness again and again.

In fact, when Leng Haotian was on his way back, he was struggling with whether to confess to Yi Ruyan or not.

But now, when I think about it, I let her down just now. She cooked meals for herself and sent them to the company in person. He was not there. She should be very disappointed. Now I tell her that she lost the fifty cents she sent, and her heart must be more uncomfortable.

Leng Haotian has decided not to say it for the time being. Coax her and say it again. This matter must not be hidden. We must make it clear that we can't hide it from her.

Leng Haotian was relieved after making a decision on this matter.

When Leng Haotian enters the room, Yi Ruyan is not in the room. When she hears the sound of running water in the bathroom, Leng Haotian knows she is taking a bath.

Listening to the sound of running water in the bathroom, Leng Haotian was ready to move. He was very uncomfortable.

The fragrant picture of Yi Ruyan taking a bath in his mind again and again.

The whole person began to be irritable and hot. Finally, he went downstairs, drank some water and continued to go upstairs.