The domineering president loves his wife like loving his life

Chapter 220

"This afternoon tea is very expensive, and you can't buy it in line. It's like smoke. You're going to surprise us."

"Er... I, not me, I haven't started yet. Besides, you said, I can't buy it in the queue. How can I buy so much? You overestimate my ability? "

When the last batch of food came in, assistant Wu followed.

As soon as we saw assistant Wu coming in, we completely understood that it was Leng Haotian.

"Madam, these are the afternoon tea that Leng always asked me to bring for your colleagues. And these fruits are all for your colleagues. " Two more people came behind assistant Wu and carried several large boxes of fruit in.

The office is full of food, fruit and afternoon tea.

Yi Ruyan feels like a dream. When did lenghao day waste so much and surprise her.

Everyone looked at Yi Ruyan with envious eyes.

"This is always cold specially prepared for you." Assistant Wu handed over the personal things and put them on Yi Ruyan's desk.

"Uh... Thank you." Yi Ruyan is still a little confused.

"Madam, don't thank me. These are what I should do. You should thank lengshao. Don't dislike me for being talkative. I've been with lengshao for so long. I've never seen him so interested in a person, let alone a woman. He doesn't even care about himself, so you must cherish it." Assistant Wu Baba said.

Yi Ruyan didn't expect that assistant Wu would say such a thing to her. She was a little embarrassed and said, "thank you for telling me this, thank you."

Yi Ruyan is really grateful.

For Yi Ruyan, this information is really important.

"You're welcome. As long as you have a good relationship with lengshao, I'll be satisfied." When assistant Wu said this, Yi Ruyan sounded strange.

However, Yi Ruyan understands that assistant Wu is also good for them.

"Well, I still have something to do. I'll go back first. If there's anything, please contact lengshao." Assistant Wu said that and left.

After assistant Wu left, Yi Ruyan was distracted for a moment, thinking about lenghaotian.

"Mrs. Leng... Thank your president husband for us." Su Rumeng ran over with food in his hand: "do you want to give you some."

"No, No." Yi Ruyan smiled and said, "you eat."

"Her grade is not the same as ours. Lengshao chose her food for her, and our assistant must choose our food for us." A colleague came over with a smile.

"A lot. We can't finish it."

"If you can't finish eating, you can take it home if you don't mind." Yi Ruyan can't finish eating when he looks at so much.

"Thank you, Mrs. Leng."

"You're welcome. Everyone is a colleague. You're welcome. Ha ha... You eat." Yi Ruyan smiled awkwardly.

Everyone began to eat.

Although the office is very busy, everyone dare not say more, and the leaders dare not say. After all, this is the afternoon tea that lenghaotian invited them to eat. Who dares to say anything.

After everyone finished eating, there was still a lot left. It seemed that less than one fifth of them were eaten, and there were a lot of fruits.

Yi Ruyan looked at everyone happy. In fact, she was also very happy. She was happy that Leng Haotian paid attention to her and gave her enough face in front of her colleagues.