The domineering president loves his wife like loving his life

Chapter 218

"Er..." Yi Ruyan was embarrassed.

What's going crazy in this cold day.

Why did you suddenly adjust so high.

With Yi Ruyan's understanding of him, Leng Haotian shouldn't be such a high-profile person. He openly showed his love and exposed his marriage certificate.


It's OK to sun out the marriage certificate. I even sun out the gifts she gave him.

No wonder last night, Leng Haotian asked Yi Ruyan to take out the five corners. The two five corners were placed together and took several photos. At that time, she wondered what Leng Haotian wanted to do. It turned out to be used to show love.

When Yi Ruyan thought of here, his heart was warm and moved.

"How envious." Su Ruo Meng also approached Yi Ruyan and said.

Yi Ruyan smiled awkwardly: "I really didn't know he would come here. He didn't tell me at all."

"I must want to surprise you." Su Rumeng said with a smile, "you have made us envy Leng Haotian crazy. As a result, he still cares about you so much that he openly shows his love. I really didn't expect it."

"Cough... Hehe, he is not such a person. It must be someone else's idea." Yi Ruyan thinks so.

"A person can be changed. He was not such a person before. It can be seen that he changed after being with you. He didn't say it. He chased you for three years." Su Rumeng continued to say with envy, and other colleagues nodded.

Three years?


Yi Ruyan knows that Leng Haotian is talking nonsense in order to give her face.

In the past three years, they have hardly contacted and haven't met much. Why have they been chasing for three years?

Besides, Yi Ruyan's dedication was rejected three years ago.

Of course, it's impossible to say these things. Since Leng Haotian said so, everyone believed it, that's it.

"Cough..." Yi Ruyan smiled awkwardly.

"Hahaha, she has a thin skin." Su Rumeng smiled.

Yi Ruyan glared at her: "shut your mouth and go to work quickly."

"Ruyan, you said you married so well. Do you want a treat? You're married and you don't have any happy candy. You said, would you like to invite us to have afternoon tea or something?" Another colleague smiled at Yi Ruyan and said.

"Yes, you have to treat, you have to."

"Otherwise, you let your husband invite you." Su Rumeng said with a smile. Of course, Su Rumeng was joking. She didn't dare.

Just at this time, Yi Ruyan's mobile phone rang. Yi Ruyan took out his mobile phone and saw that it was lenghaotian. He answered the phone: "hello... Uncle."

"What are you doing?" In fact, Leng Haotian has been waiting for Yi Ruyan's response. He has been waiting. Yi Ruyan just didn't call him. There's no way. He can only call.

"I hate your official propaganda." Yi Ruyan's tone was naughty and could not hide her joy.

"Oh? Are you satisfied? Mrs. Leng! " Leng Haotian leaned leisurely on the sofa and asked with a smile.

"Satisfied, satisfied. I didn't expect you to be so romantic suddenly, uncle. It's not like your style." Yi Ruyan teased.

"Little girls always rely on coaxing." Leng Haotian spoiled and smiled: "otherwise, what if his wife runs away."