The domineering president loves his wife like loving his life

Chapter 210

Cheng Suqin knew that Leng Haotian was really angry.

"Haotian, you, give her a chance, okay? She's been used. Her mind is very simple." Hearing Leng Haotian's words, Cheng Suxuan fell on his knees with a plop.

Yi Ruyan didn't expect Cheng Suqin to kneel down.

Although it's not a real mother, it's also an elder.

Looking at such a scene, Yi Ruyan's heart is still very uncomfortable.

Yi Ruyan thinks that Cheng Suqin is an elder. How can he kneel on lenghaotian's knees.

"Mom, what are you doing? Why are you kneeling at him?" Lengshanshan looked at her and felt uncomfortable.

"Shut up and kneel down. If you talk hard, you'll get out. " Cheng Suqin shouted at her with a cold face.

Leng Shanshan watched Cheng Suqin kneel down, and she could only kneel down with her. However, her hatred for Yi Ruyan was even stronger.

Leng Shanshan stares at Yi Ruyan with hatred. Yi Ruyan knows that Leng Haotian hates her even more.

Yi Ruyan is not afraid of cold Shanshan, but feels that there is no need to make enemies with them.

"Don't you admit your mistake quickly?" Cheng Suqin still snapped.

"I'm sorry, brother. I know I'm wrong. I won't dare again." Leng Shanshan bowed her head, sincerely apologized and admitted her mistake.

Because Leng Shanshan was very, very afraid of cold Haotian since she was a child.

"Hehe, I think you really have a bad brain. You don't know who you're wrong with." Lenghao said coldly.

"Don't hurry to admit your mistake with your sister-in-law." Cheng Suqin shouted sternly at Leng Shanshan again.

Leng Shanshan pursed her lips and bit her lower lip. She looked stubborn and unwilling at all.

"Forget it, don't worry. What's the use of apologizing to her? I don't care. After all, I don't care. I just hope you don't come to trouble me in the future. What's the matter, lenghaotian. I really can't afford such a person. " Easy as smoke, cold voice.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, Ruyan. I'll discipline her well in the future. I won't let her annoy you again." Cheng Suqin quickly apologized, and then begged Yi Ruyan: "Ruyan, she is still young and not sensible. Forgive her this time, okay?"

"Why don't you apologize quickly? Do you want to stay at this home or in Imperial City? " Cheng Suqin continued to roar at Leng Shanshan with a look of hating iron but not steel.

Lengshanshan reluctantly, really unwilling: "I... woo, i... yes, I'm sorry."

This apology is really insincere.

Yi Ruyan doesn't care. It doesn't matter. Anyway, he is the one he doesn't care about.

"Oh, that's the attitude." Leng Haotian tightened his eyebrows and was very dissatisfied.

"Leng Shanshan, think about what you should do. Otherwise, no one can help you." Cheng Suqin really has a headache and can't help her at all.

"Forget it. Don't force her. " Yi Ruyan said faintly, "forget it."

"Forget it. After all, home and everything prosper. " Yi Ruyan looked at Leng Haotian and advised, "give her a chance."

"Leng Shanshan, I don't care about you for my aunt's sake today. If you go to my company next time and talk nonsense about me being kept and robbing the husband of another man, I don't need Leng Haotian's hand. I will tear your mouth." Yi Ruyan looked at Lengshan coldly and said.