The domineering president loves his wife like loving his life

Chapter 208

Cheng Suqin directly raised his hand and slapped lengshanshan in the face.

Leng Haotian still tightened his eyebrows and stared angrily at Lengshan.

"Enough, stop talking." Cheng Suqin screamed hysterically at lengshanshan.

Leng Shanshan was stunned by Cheng Suqin's slap.

From childhood to childhood, Cheng Suqin spoiled her in the palm of his hand. Today, he beat her and beat her in front of so many people?

Leng Shanshan can't accept it. She knows that all this is because of Yi Ruyan. If it wasn't for Yi Ruyan, how could she be beaten and how could her living expenses be reduced?

All this development is easy as smoke.

"Yi Ruyan... You cheap woman, it's all you, it's all you. I was beaten. You see, now you're satisfied, aren't you?" Leng Shanshan rushed to Yi Ruyan's face with red eyes and roared loudly. When she raised her hand to hit her, Leng Haotian blocked Yi Ruyan's face coldly. Leng Shanshan held her hand and pushed it hard. Leng Shanshan was pushed down heavily on the ground.

"My woman, I can't bear to move her finger? You dare to beat her and bully her. I think you are impatient. " Leng Haotian was angry all over.

"Don't hurry to kneel down and apologize." Cheng Suqin knew that the situation was very bad. He quickly asked lengshanshan to kneel down and apologize.

"I don't kneel. Why should I kneel? I'm not wrong. The wrong person is easy as smoke. She said some bad things about me in front of my brother and asked him not to give me living expenses. It's all her. Why me. The person who should kneel down and apologize is as easy as smoke. " Lengshanshan angrily pointed to Yi Ruyan and roared, and her bloody eyes stared at her with malice.

"What the hell? I didn't. I can't understand what you're talking about. " Yi Ruyan tightened her eyebrows and was confused.

"You still pretend that only brother will believe you, and we don't believe you." Lengshanshan stared at her angrily.

Yi Ruyan smiled and really felt funny: "I really don't know. I think you really have too much imagination. Will you be too self righteous?"

"Don't pretend again. Last time you sent supper to my brother, you wanted to surprise him. I knew it. I secretly called Yu Yiling. Yu Yiling sent supper to my brother in advance. As a result, you were jealous. You were angry and ran away and quarreled with my brother. You have a grudge against me, so you spoke ill of me in front of my brother and asked my brother not to give me living expenses. Dare you say you don't? Besides, you didn't do it. Who would it be? I don't care about tens of thousands of dollars. " Leng Shanshan roared angrily, "how about you? Now you have nothing to say?"

Yi Ruyan understood that it was such a thing.

"Is that so? Last time Yu Yiling sent you supper on purpose? Deliberately trying to make me misunderstand you? She tipped off the news, and Yu Yiling sent you supper? " Yi Ruyan tightened her eyebrows and looked at lenghaotian.

"Well, I didn't know until later." Leng Haotian answered.

"Then why didn't you tell me?" Yi Ruyan was curious, and he was vaguely unhappy.

"I don't want to affect your mood because of this." Leng Haotian looks at Yi Ruyan and speaks softly.

"It turned out to be so. It turned out to be a misunderstanding. It was designed by someone. I foolishly believed it." Yi Ruyan felt guilty: "I wronged you that time."