The domineering president loves his wife like loving his life

Chapter 198

"You went to the bathroom and heard one or two female colleagues in the company talking about me. After listening, you left jealous." Leng Haotian simply said this.

Yi Ruyan didn't expect that Leng Haotian found out all these things.

"You... Aren't you busy? Why do you check these trivial things? " Yi Ruyan looked at him in surprise. I didn't expect it.

"As I said, no matter how busy you are, your affairs are not important. Moreover, for you, your affairs are not trivial at all." Leng Hao's dark eyes looked at her seriously.

Yi Ruyan's heart is soft, and suddenly feels that he is too chicken belly.

Maybe she should believe him. Maybe she shouldn't care so much.

"I......" Yi Ruyan saw that she was exposed, and she no longer concealed it.

However, when Yi Ruyan was stared at by Leng Haotian, she was still a little nervous and swallowed her saliva: "well, I, I didn't eat at noon. I'm hungry."

"Yes. OK, let's go to dinner. " Leng Haotian was embarrassed when he saw Yi Ruyan, so he didn't go to the bottom, and took her hand: "listen, no matter what happens in the future, don't think about leaving. You can go to the first day of junior high school, but not the fifteenth day of junior high school, okay?"

Yi Ruyan sipped his lips, a little embarrassed, nodded: "OK, I see."

"I was very angry at that time, I......" Yi Ruyan whispered.

Although he whispered, Leng Haotian heard him.

"Well, I don't blame you. You're jealous. I'm happy. It proves that I'm so important in your heart, isn't it?" Leng Haotian's deep black eyes are proud.

"I..." Yi Ruyan bit her lower lip. What should she say: "I'm not jealous. I'm angry. I'm angry."

"My husband took another woman... To the company and was so kind to that woman. Can I not be angry? I must be angry, don't I? " Yi Ruyan thought he had found a good excuse to block Leng Haotian's mouth. However, Leng Haotian didn't seem to understand her. He smiled at her and spoiled her: "well, I know, I understand. I won't take her to the company next time."

"You said." Yi Ruyan was pleasantly surprised. He looked at him with bright eyes and asked seriously, "really? Don't take her to your company? "

"Well, no more." Leng Haotian answered seriously.

"Yes. You do what you say, or if I get angry and leave, I won't come back. You can't find it. " Yi Ruyan said very seriously.

"You dare." Leng Haotian's eyes were cold and his tone was cold.

"Hum... I dare. You dare to do it. Why don't I dare to do it? " Yi Ruyan was a little proud to see him angry.

"No matter where you go, I can always find you. It's a big deal. I spend a lot of money and directly hang the screen all over the country. I believe someone will send you to me for money." Leng Haotian's mouth is rising. He is a little proud.

"Shameless." Yi Ruyan stared at him and shouted angrily.

As a result, Yi Ruyan showed a row of white and neat teeth and said to Yi Ruyan, "I have teeth."

"Poof... Uncle, when were you so childish? When were you so funny? " Yi Ruyan was really amused by Leng Haotian's action.