The domineering president loves his wife like loving his life

Chapter 193

Leng Haotian always felt something was wrong, so he found assistant Wu.

At this time, assistant Wu was ready to go out for dinner. He received a call from Leng Haotian and hurried back.

When assistant Wu entered the office, he found that Yi Ruyan was gone. Leng Haotian's whole body exuded a cold breath, which made his heart tremble. He carefully looked at Leng Haotian and asked, "lengshao, what's the matter?"

In fact, assistant Wu wants to ask, where is Yi Ruyan.

But he still didn't dare to ask.

"Go and adjust the monitoring to see if the girl has contacted anyone in the company, or if anyone has trampled on what she said. Check it right away. " Leng Haotian's fierce eyes are angry.

Assistant Wu understood as soon as he heard it. He must have made trouble or contradiction with Mrs. Leng again.

"Yes. I'll check it right away. " Assistant Wu finished and hurried to check.

First I checked the monitoring, and then I found that Yi Ruyan went to the bathroom. From the monitoring, when I went to the bathroom, my face was still full of joy and smile, but when I came out, it seemed... Something was wrong.

Assistant Wu also saw that two female colleagues went in when Yi Ruyan went to the bathroom. He thought, maybe these two female colleagues said something.

Hurriedly called the two female colleagues to their office.

Because assistant Wu saw Yi Ruyan go in first, but the two female colleagues in the back came out first. Yi Ruyan came out with a cold face and an unhappy look.

Then he went back.

Therefore, these two people must be key figures.

Assistant Wu frowned and looked at them coldly: "at more than ten o'clock, you two went into the bathroom together. What did you say in it? Did you see anyone? "

"I... we, what's the matter? Assistant Wu, what happened? You, you scared us so much. " One of the female colleagues trembled, especially when she looked at assistant Wu's cold look, she was even more afraid.

"Just answer me." Assistant Wu is also a fire in his heart.

If it's really because the two female colleagues said something that made Yi Ruyan angry, let alone Leng Haotian, even assistant Wu will not let them go.

After all, Leng Haotian is at odds with Yi Ruyan. The worst person is assistant Wu.


The two female colleagues looked at each other. After they looked at each other, assistant Wu knew that they must have said something.

"Don't you hurry?" Assistant Wu, with a cold face, shouted angrily in a cold voice.

Assistant Wu shouted coldly, and both of them trembled.

Assistant Wu youleng stared at them tightly.

Finally, they can tell the truth.

After hearing this, assistant Wu raised a cold smile, like a ghost.

"Are we... We are always cold when we say these words, he, he is angry?" One of the female colleagues asked tremblingly.

"Hehe... You're in big trouble. Go back first." Assistant Wu held back his anger, closed his eyes, sighed, and then got up to report it to Leng Haotian.

Leng Haotian understood and sighed: "no wonder."

"This girl is jealous." Yi Ruyan raised his mouth and smiled happily.