The domineering president loves his wife like loving his life

Chapter 186

"How much is fifty cents plus fifty cents? Together, that girl wants to be with that boy. I don't know such a simple question. I'm still the right-hand man of the general manager. " Secretary Liu thought of it at once.

"Fifty cents plus fifty cents, one piece, one piece, is together, together?" Assistant Wu seems to have a point after listening to Secretary Liu.

Yes, maybe that's the truth.

One, one, one.

in harness.

So, does the wife want to be with lengshao?

Yes, it must be.

"Is that what you girls think? So, are you sure this girl wants to be with this boy? " Assistant Wu is a cautious person, so you must ask clearly to answer Leng Haotian.

"I'm sure. Otherwise, what you say is your mind, that's confession." Secretary Liu said.

"Confess. Oh, I see. I see. Thanks. Invite you to dinner another day. " Assistant Wu turned and left.

"But I'm not interested in you. I'm buying you lunch." Assistant Wu said happily.

"Oh, assistant Wu, I think you're going to invite us to a wedding wine." Secretary Liu guessed that a girl must have confessed to assistant Wu. She looked at assistant Wu happily.

Assistant Wu excitedly ran to Leng Haotian's office: "lengshao, I know what that means."

"Huh? What do you mean? " Leng Haotian tightened his eyebrows and looked at assistant Wu seriously.

"Is fifty cents plus fifty cents a piece? The wife means to be with you, with you, with you. " Assistant Wu said with some pride.

Leng Haotian listened, and his heart softened.

Is that true?

Does this girl want to be with herself?

Although they are married, they are together, but the two hearts are not together.


"This is a confession. My wife is with you. She wants to be with you. " Assistant Wu continued.

Leng Haotian was very happy after hearing this, and his eyes could not hide their joy. His originally cold eyes became warm.

"Yes. I want you to say. " Leng Haotian pretends to be cold.

I'm already excited.

"Go and do your job. Today's meeting is cancelled. I have something. " Leng Haotian said that and left.

"Ah... Again, again? What, what's the matter? " Assistant Wu whispered.

Leng Haotian picked up the car key and left.

Looking at the fifty cent coin hanging in the car key, his heart was warm, as if a warm current had been flowing in all the time, filling his heart.

Leng Haotian, it's only 8:30. Should the little girl be sleeping at this point?

Leng Haotian thought that since the little girl likes to make some gadgets, she must be different from other women.

Famous brand bags and other things can't move her so much. For Yi Ruyan, it can't be solved with money. Therefore, Leng Haotian also wants to take a little care to please her. For example, send some gadgets with special significance to move her.

After Leng Haotian received this gadget and knew the meaning behind it, he was really moved. It made him happy to make tens of millions in a big project.

However, Leng Haotian just couldn't think of what to do.

Finally, Leng Haotian called Xi Chengfeng.