The domineering president loves his wife like loving his life

Chapter 182

"Wife, tell me, what does this mean?" Leng Haotian tightened his eyebrows and asked Yi Ruyan.

"Are you not paying attention to the gift I gave you, or can't you really guess? Really stupid? " Yi Ruyan said discontentedly, "I won't tell you, you think."

"Fifty cents, fifty cents." Leng Haotian tightened his eyebrows and said, "fifty cents."

"Two fifty cents?" Leng Haotian still didn't think of it.

Yi Ruyan was worried to death when he listened: "how can there be such a stupid person as you."

"Ignore you." Yi Ruyan is unhappy.

Leng Haotian smiled: "it's all right, I think slowly."

After Leng Haotian finished, he took the key from Yi Ruyan's bag.

"What are you doing? Check what I do?" Yi Ruyan looked at lenghao Tian and asked.

"Another one is yours. Hang it on your key." Leng Haotian personally hung this fifty cents ornament for Yi Ruyan.

Yi Ruyan looked at Leng Haotian's serious look when he hung the fifty cents coin with the key. Her heart was also warm. At this moment, she seemed a little unwilling to be angry with him.

However, Yi Ruyan told himself: don't let him go so easily.

"Well, you must take good care of it, you know? Don't lose it, or I'll be angry. " Leng Haotian put Yi Ruyan's key back into her bag, looked at her seriously and said.

After hearing this, Yi Ruyan smiled: "shouldn't I say this to you?"

"I don't need you to say these words to me. Naturally, I will take care of it very seriously. If my life is here, my life is not there, and my life must be there." Leng Hao looked at her with dark eyes.

"Poof... Don't exaggerate, worthless gadget." Yi Ruyan smiled.

"For me, this is more precious than anything of value in the world." Leng Haotian was still very serious.

Yi Ruyan's heart can always be moved by him.

That kind of heart feeling, very good.

Yi Ruyan's heart is sweet, but the more so, Yi Ruyan is greedy. He wants Leng Haotian's all love for her and doesn't allow him to give a little love to other women.

Especially Yu Yiling.

Yi Ruyan looked at Leng Haotian's serious black eyes and his heart beat faster.

"By the way, I heard assistant Wu say that you seem to have an important meeting this evening? So I'm gone and you're gone? What about your meeting? " Yi Ruyan suddenly thought of this problem.

"You are more important than the meeting. My wife ran away angrily. What meeting is there?" Leng Haotian smiled at her and said softly.

"That work is also very important. My wife can coax later. That's important..." before Yi Ruyan finished his words, Leng Haotian directly interrupted: "my wife can't coax later. The meeting can be held later. Besides, even if you don't want that project, it's not important to coax your wife. "

"Why?" Yi Ruyan looked at him with a smile and asked.

Leng Haotian looked at her and smiled: "I know why I ask."

"You little girl..." Leng Haotian smiled again and sighed softly: "I make money for my wife. My wife is angry. Why do I make so much money, isn't it?"

"Uncle, how can I find your mouth getting worse and worse?" Yi Ruyan blinked his lovely eyes and looked at him with clear eyes: "I didn't know you would say these sweet words before."