The domineering president loves his wife like loving his life

Chapter 179

"Isn't this the dumpling my wife made for you? It was made by my wife herself, from mixing noodles to mixing stuffing, then making dumplings, boiling water and boiling dumplings. My wife made them all by herself. Why didn't she eat them without my help? " Mother Wu asked curiously.

Leng Haotian's heart softened when Wu Ma said this. Some of her cold eyes became gentle, and her voice was a little hoarse: "she's been doing it for a long time?"

"At least more than an hour. The wife is very attentive to Mr. Leng. " Mother Wu said with a smile.

"Yes." Leng Haotian nodded.

"Then I'll heat you up." After Wu Ma finished, she put the dumplings in the steamer and steamed them again.

"Mr. Leng, the dumplings are still delicious when they are hot, and then steamed. The taste must not be so good." Mother Wu warned.

"Her dumplings, even if they are cold, are the best in the world." Leng Haotian looked at the steamed dumplings in the pot, and the corners of his mouth rose slightly.

After hearing this, Wu Ma smiled.

Leng Haotian talked about it. How could Wu Ma not understand it.

Understand, understand.

"Yes, yes." Wu Ma said with a smile.

"By the way, Mrs. Wu, she sent me dumplings. Who knows?" Leng Haotian tightened his eyebrows, and his face was cold again. He asked Wu Ma.

Wu Ma tightened her eyebrows: "no one should know. What's the matter?"

"Just, driver Ding knows." Wu Ma continued, "my wife said she wanted to surprise you, so she didn't let me tell you. I understand and didn't tell you."

"Oh, by the way, Miss Leng, she went downstairs to pour water, and then asked what we were doing. I told her that she would make dumplings for you. She knew." Wu Ma remembered that Leng Shanshan came to pour water at that time.

Leng Haotian immediately understood when Wu Ma said, "I see."

"What's the matter? What's wrong? " Wu Ma looked at Leng Haotian curiously and asked.

Leng Haotian didn't speak. His eyes became cold and gloomy. He seemed to be angry.

Wu Maduo knew little about Leng Haotian's temper. Seeing that Leng Haotian stopped talking, she stopped asking.

Soon, the dumplings are steamed and served.

Leng Haotian still eats dumplings with the sauce that is easy as smoke.

Maybe the dumplings are really good, maybe he's really hungry, maybe it's because his little wife made them himself. He thinks it's particularly delicious and really delicious.

"I didn't expect that she would make dumplings." Leng Haotian really didn't expect it.

"My wife said that she used to do housework at home, not to mention making dumplings. She said she could also make noodles, steamed buns, steamed buns and so on. She could also cook at home." Wu Ma said with a smile.

When Yi Ruyan made dumplings, Wu Ma talked with Yi Ruyan all the time and learned a lot about Yi Ruyan before.

"Well, I see." Leng Haotian's eyes are tight again. They are distressed. They are as easy as smoke before.

This girl won't come to him in the future.

When Leng Haotian ate with relish, Yi Ruyan came out after taking a bath and didn't see Leng Haotian. He tightened his eyebrows and was dissatisfied.

"Where have you been?" Yi Ruyan felt that even if he was going out again, he should tell her.

Yi Ruyan came out and saw the light on downstairs, so he went downstairs to have a look.

When Yi Ruyan went to the restaurant, he found lenghaotian eating dumplings.