The domineering president loves his wife like loving his life

Chapter 155

I hope I can live a safe and secure life like this.

As for the thought of giving him a baby before, she doesn't think it's necessary now.

Their personal feelings are unstable. Even if they have a child, the child will not be happy. The child needs a stable family and loving parents, and Yi Ruyan thinks it can't be given to her child, so don't hurt the child.


When he got home, Yi Ruyan didn't make any noise or make any noise. It seemed that he was more clever and sensible than before. Then he went to take a bath. After taking a bath, he lay in bed and prepared to sleep. He didn't want to talk to lenghaotian.

Such easy as smoke makes Leng Haotian feel uncomfortable.

Leng Hao Tianning wants Yi Ruyan to make a big noise at himself and ask why he wants to protect Yu Yiling.

If Yi Ruyan asked, Leng Haotian would certainly say.

In fact, Leng Haotian has been waiting for Yi Ruyan to ask why he should protect Yu Yiling, but Yi Ruyan just doesn't ask.

Since he didn't ask, maybe he didn't care, so Leng Haotian didn't say.

Since she doesn't care, what can he explain?

They have their own worries in their hearts. It can be said that they have a strange dream in the same bed!

Leng Haotian sighed: explain when she asks.

Leng Haotian is still selfish. Leng Haotian doesn't want to take the initiative to explain. In fact, she wants to see Yi Ruyan's thoughts and see if she cares about herself and whether she will eat Yu Yiling's vinegar. However, Yi Ruyan's expression seems to disappoint Leng Haotian.

Even more frustrated.

However, Leng Haotian doesn't give up, let alone let go of Yi Ruyan. In this life, he can't let go of Yi Ruyan.

When Leng Haotian got into bed after taking a bath, Yi Ruyan turned away.

In the past, Yi Ruyan would take the initiative to stick up and tightly stick his soft body to lenghaotian's, but today he turned to guard his body.

Yi Ruyan's behavior made Leng Haotian feel cold.

Leng Haotian stretched out his hand, took her in his arms and whispered in her ear, "girl, I don't want to wait any longer."

Leng Haotian thought about it. Anyway, he won't let go of Yi Ruyan in his life. Why wait? Why wait until she is willing.

Anyway, whether she is willing or not, Leng Haotian will get her all his life and can't let go again.

So he didn't wait and didn't want to wait any longer.

It's time for the little girl to give birth to a baby for him. Maybe after giving birth to a baby, their relationship will improve.

At that time, the little girl won't think about leaving him.

These days, Leng Haotian's heart is always worried and afraid. He is afraid that Yi Ruyan will divorce him and leave her one day.

So he doesn't want to wait any longer.

"I'm sleepy." Yi Ruyan didn't understand Leng Haotian's meaning and directly said that he was sleepy.

Yi Ruyan doesn't seduce Leng Haotian anymore. He thinks he's dirty.

Yi Ruyan also knows that some things can't come reluctantly, and the melons that are forced to twist are not sweet.

"It's all right. You sleep. I'll come." Leng Haotian's low voice sounded in Yi Ruyan's ear. Yi Ruyan tightened his eyebrows: "huh? What do you mean? "

Yi Ruyan stared at lenghao Tian with round eyes blinking.

Leng Haotian raised his mouth and kissed her red lips.