The domineering president loves his wife like loving his life

Chapter 1381

"A good start." Yao Yuxin also smiled and said, "your studio has opened smoothly. I don't know how my vacation village is. Alas, I don't know when I'll see the results."

"Your vacation village can only take its time. It can't be compared with us. We're fast." Yi Ruyan comforted, "but I'm sure you can."

"Well, after the new year, I'm ready to buy land. All have been contacted. " Yao Yuxin is always busy and has no rest for a moment.

"Well, you can start the project soon." Yi Ruyan said with a smile.

"Next, you have to help." Yu Chumo looked at Xi Chengfeng and Leng Haotian, and they said.

"Well, don't worry. We will help." Leng Haotian said with a smile.

"That's necessary. We have our wife's shares." Ning lingxuan said with a smile.

"Just know. In the future, we must have a meeting once a week. We will take some problems out, and then we will have a meeting once a week." Yu Chumo looked at Leng Haotian and Ning lingxuan seriously.

"OK, no problem." Ning lingxuan agreed.

"Yes, no problem." Leng Haotian also promised.

Next, eat and drink, not to mention how happy.

After dinner, everyone drank a little wine.

Yi Ruyan also drank a little wine, but Yi Ruyan's drinking capacity is not good. After drinking a little wine, he is a little drunk.

"I'm really happy today. We'll get together more in the future." Ye Ke Ning smiled at everyone and said.

"No problem, get together more." LV Qiufeng smiled.

"OK, I'll take her home first. Look at her. She's drunk." Leng Haotian looked helplessly at Yi Ruyan in his arms, but his eyes were full of spoil.

"Hahaha... It's rare that everyone is happy today. Unexpectedly, everyone is drunk like smoke." Ye Ke Ning has never seen the appearance of being drunk. Today, she really opened her eyes.

"Let's go." Leng Haotian said that, holding Yi Ruyan, he was ready to leave.

"Bye everyone... See you tomorrow. We'll drink next time. It's so happy. It's really happy." Yi Ruyan waved to everyone and was very happy.

"OK, drink it next time." LV Qiufeng waved to Yi Ruyan.

So everyone dispersed.

Yi Ruyan leaned against lenghaotian's arms and was very happy: "so happy, today is really happy, very happy."

"Just be happy." Leng Haotian looked at Yi Ruyan and asked, "is it uncomfortable?"

Yi Ruyan blushed and shook his head at lenghaotian like a child: "it's not uncomfortable, not at all."

"Not bad. I'm happy, happy. Vomit... "As a result, Yi Ruyan wanted to vomit. It's not uncomfortable here, but there he wanted to vomit.

Leng Haotian shook his head again and sighed: "you, you."

Leng Haotian helped her to vomit next to her. She was very distressed. She patted her back gently. It was really distressed.

"I won't let you drink so much wine in the future. Look at you. It's hard. You're hard. I'm distressed. Do you know? " Leng Haotian looked at Yi Ruyan with a distressed look.

As a result, Yi Ruyan shook his head: "no, it's not uncomfortable. It's not uncomfortable at all. I'm not uncomfortable at all."

"Is that all right?" Leng Haotian looked at Yi Ruyan gently.

Yi Ruyan nodded, "OK."

"Then go home, go home and have a rest." Leng Haotian said that, directly picked Yi Ruyan up and walked to the parking place. The car had been parked waiting for them.

Leng Haotian hugged Yi Ruyan all the way, hoping she could be more comfortable.

Yi Ruyan leaned against lenghaotian's arms and slowly fell asleep.

When he got home, Leng Haotian came out with Yi Ruyan in his arms.

When the moonlight gently sprinkled on them and tilted on lenghaotian's face, Yi Ruyan looked at him very handsome.

Originally, Leng Haotian was very handsome and heroic, but today, Yi Ruyan looked more handsome.

"Husband, you are so handsome. Hei hei...... "when Yi Ruyan made a Hei hei sound, Leng Hao found that she woke up.

At this time, Yi Ruyan's hand swam back and forth on lenghaotian's face.

Leng Haotian stretched out his hand and held Yi Ruyan's hand tightly. His voice was hoarse: "good..."

"Husband... You are so beautiful." Yi Ruyan smiled like a child and said to Leng Haotian.

The look in Leng Haotian's eyes seemed to eat Leng Haotian.

"You look good, too." Leng Haotian looked at her gently with hot eyes.

"Hey, hey, that's a kiss." Yi Ruyan said drunk, with a touch of blush on his face. It's very cute.

Leng Haotian sees Yi Ruyan's request and kisses Yi Ruyan's red lips.

However, just a gentle kiss and let her go.

When Leng Haotian held her into the room, there was no one in the living room. Everyone had gone to have a rest.

Leng Haotian quickly hugged Yi Ruyan back to the room. As a result, Yi Ruyan cried uneasily along the way: "I want you to kiss me, I want you to kiss me, not a kiss, but a lot."

"Keep your voice down." Leng Haotian was helpless.

Because it was late, everyone went to rest, so the home was quiet. When Yi Ruyan shouted so loudly, Leng Haotian was afraid that he would wake others up.

"Don't you want to..." Yi Ruyan is like a child. She pours and must let Leng Haotian kiss her.

Leng Haotian was helpless and sighed. When he wanted to kiss Yi Ruyan, Yi Ruyan pushed Leng Haotian away: "don't let you kiss. You're so helpless and sigh. Do you dislike me now? I'm old and yellow? Do you dislike me and don't even want to kiss me? Do you say yes, do you say yes? "

"I didn't." Leng Haotian didn't expect Yi Ruyan to go crazy now.

Just now, I was still very clever. Why did I go crazy.

"Woo... You must dislike me. I know. You must dislike me." Yi Ruyan shouted discontentedly, looking very angry.

"No, I really don't. don't shout again. If you shout again, you'll wake up the family." Leng Haotian was helpless and lowered his voice.

Because Leng Haotian knows that if he wakes up his family, EMMAN Bing will come out and scold him again.

I'm sure I'll start scolding him without asking why.

"You're scared, aren't you? I can't cheat... Mom, mom, mom... Dad, Leng Haotian bullies me and bullies me." Yi Ruyan shouted loudly, looking crazy.