The Doctor Who Loves Me

Chapter 478 - More Than Special

Jam felt so happy as Yera had given her a new life, a new beginning to start afresh with her baby. After five days in the hospital, she got discharged with her baby and went directly to the house Yera had provided her.

Yera also gave her enough money, insisting she should not decline her friendly offer because it was the money for the time her parents worked at the company during Yera's absence. Yera also said that her baby who was innocent deserved all this for her future.

Who was she to reject such generosity? Though she knew she did not deserve such kindness after everything she did and the ill thoughts she harboured against Yera. But she was more than grateful for everything that she felt so lucky for having such an unexpected blessing.

Good things happen when someone truly repents for their wrongdoings. So Jam vowed to herself that she would live her life to always follow the right path not only for her but most especially for her baby.

She smiled and looked at the crib where baby Hope was still sleeping. After a few days of recuperating, Jam scheduled her surprise visit to Lyndon with her baby. Find authorized novels in , faster updates, better experience, Please click #%!d(string=14191303206660205)/more-than-special_%!d(string=47149859018439853) for visiting.

"Baby Hope… We will visit daddy today. How come you're still sleeping? Are you saving your energy to be awake when you meet your daddy?" Jam whispered. She heard knocking on the door and the nanny came in to tell her that she had already prepared baby Hope's things for their visit.

"Let's go, baby Hope," she whispered as she gently picked up and carried her baby in her arms.

The jail where Lyndon was imprisoned was almost two hours ride from the Capital City, and her baby was still asleep when they arrived at the prison.

At the prison where Lyndon was detained, the guard knocked on the cell and shouted, "Prisoner 2256. You have a visitor…" before opening the door.

Lyndon immediately brushed his hair with his hand and grabbed his perfume. His cellmate teased him and said, "Is that your wife now?"

The other one interrupted, "Who else could it be? Only his wife visits him so often. I bet she has brought their baby with her this time, since the last time he heard his wife had already given birth to a baby girl."

Lyndon blushed and only answered his cellmates with a bashful smile as he excitedly waited for the guard to pick him up from inside. He wondered how Jam would react if she came to hear those people calling her his wife, since whenever he would be asked who his visitor was, he would refer to Jam as his wife.

How nice it would be if Jam was truly his wife. He wanted to propose to her as soon as he got released from prison. But then he could no longer wait and asked Shan to help him buy a simple ring for Jam. He quickly grabbed the small box as soon as his cell opened and the guards escorted him out towards one of the rooms for visitors.

Jam waited at the private room where Lyndon could see his visitors. She smiled as soon as the door opened. Lyndon wore his prisoner's outfit with a number. His hands were handcuffed as well. He smiled at her and his eyes quickly looked at baby Hope she was holding in her arms carefully.

"She looks more like you." Jam commented and looked at the guard at the door and asked, "Can you take his handcuffs off for a while so he can hold his baby?"

The guard granted their request and removed Lyndon's handcuffs. Jam stood up and let Lyndon carry their baby.

"She's sleeping deeply," Lyndon murmured as tears rolled down his cheek. He could not believe that he was now a father to this beautiful baby.

"Hope," he whispered, and the baby's eyes slowly opened, followed by a cute yawn and smile. Lyndon's heart melted at such a wonderful scene.

"So adorable… Can you see daddy already? Do you recognise me, my little doll? Will you remember me when you come the next time?" he whispered and gently raised the baby to kiss her on her cheeks.

Jam chuckled and answered, "She can't recognise anyone yet at this age. I think after two months she will…"

"She's so adorable," Lyndon whispered lovingly and Jam leaned forward to take a look.

"Very pretty…" Lyndon added, and Jam turned and met Lyndon's gaze directed at her. She suddenly blushed and Lyndon gave her a roguish smile.

Jam could not contain the fluttering of her heart at that moment. It was like the surroundings froze and Lyndon's face moved closer to Jam to kiss her, but they heard a little cough from the guard and Jam immediately picked her baby up from Lyndon.

"I will bring her often to meet you, once I get the approval of her pediatrician. Right now, it's not advisable to travel with her frequently…" Jam mentioned easing the tension and her embarrassment. Lyndon nodded. He waited for Jam to sit on her chair first with her baby before he went to her side and bent on his knees.

"What are you doing?" Jam asked, blinking her eyes in awe.

Lyndon grabbed the box in his pocket and opened it.

"Jam, will you please marry me? I want you to be my lifetime partner. I want to spend the rest of my life with you as soon as I get released and be a good husband and a great father to her. Please give me the opportunity to love you for the rest of my life, Jam." Lyndon sincerely said, almost begging in front of Jam with all his heart.

Jam's tears welled inside her eyes and fell down her cheeks like a rapid river. She started crying out loud that Lyndon suddenly felt so worried.

"Jam?" he whispered.

Jam controlled her sobbing, realizing her baby was staring at her and was about to cry as well. She wiped the tears and muttered, "I'm just so overwhelmed and feeling really blissful. I don't know if I deserve everything. All that's happening to me feels too good to be true."

Lyndon slightly rose up to help her wipe the tears on her cheek while he asked, "That means you agree to marry me, right?"

Jam nodded.

"I'm sorry that I can't prepare something special to propose to you. I tried to ask the management here, but for the prisoners here the rules are very strict." Lyndon explained and kissed Jam's forehead.

"That's okay, Lyndon. Hearing these words from your mouth is more than special for me." Jam lovingly responded.


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