The Doctor Who Loves Me

Chapter 464 - Clear All The Remaining Doubts

Lana watched Liam, who was sitting there very quietly and not raising even a single objection to her any claim. She, at that very point, could sense Liam was intentionally playing dumb and finding no points for objection, making her win easier in the court!

Lana, who was both surprised and elated with her thought then continued with her accusations on Yun and started opening up about the incidents that happened with Xander.

"Your honour, I would now like to bring the attention of the court to how Yun had been trying to take away the life of my client Mr. Xander Yang. He had been living under the continuous threat of his and his family's life.

Yun had smartly been trying to stage accidents one after the other, to harm him and it was all by sheer luck that my client was able to escape death every time and Yun failed in his efforts several times." Lana continued further.

"The irony of most of the situations is that the attention of most of the investigators were every time inclined towards Ms. Yera Han, We all thought it was Yera Han those accidents were after, but then later discovered it was not."

"Here I am going to present the incidents one by one and how scheming Mr. Yun had been that he not only wanted to kill Xander's Yang but also wanted to put the blame of few of his activities on Quan clan by using a fake tattoo of a cyclone representing each member of the Quan clan, and that your honor is the big accusation as Quan clan's Prince is also standing up for elections this year.

The mindset to sabotage everyone in your vicinity is an indicator of a psychologically disturbed mind, and such twisted people must not be allowed to live in mainstream life.

My next evidence is about the accident on the beach where Xander lost control of his jet-ski and it hit a yacht causing an explosion. This looks quite like an example of an uncontrolled machine, but the machine was tampered with.

The people sent by Mr. Yun were even spotted around the hotel where Xander Yang stayed. And here is the evidence with forensic analysis. The people tailing Mr. Yang were the men sent by Mr. Yun, who had other motives but could not succeed further."

"Over to you, my capable friend, if you want to ask any questions regarding this evidence, please go ahead." Lana looked at Liam and gave him the opportunity to defend his client, but Liam stood up and only said, "No questions, Your Honour!"

This act of his put Lana in high surprise and Him was getting more and more furious by each passing minute.

Then Lana brought out the evidence showing the involvement of Yun's people in the truck incident, in which Xander and Yera almost got killed, if not because of the motorcycle rider who chased them away from the spot they were standing at.

Lana kept putting various evidence in front of the court and topped it all with proper forensic reports from a very trustworthy lab, and all the while Liam only had a few words to say and didn't even object to her directly calling Mr. Yun as the culprit.

Yun was gnashing his teeth while he looked at Liam and hissed, "What are you doing? Defend me you rascal!"

Liam sighed and smirked, then looked at Yun with dropped shoulders, "How do you want me to defend you? Did you give me any details about your deeds so that I could find out some ways to defend you? I told you I won't be able to do a thing if you won't tell me everything.

How will I defend you? I can't utter a word in your defence Mr. Yun, because I'm afraid that if I try to defend you without proper knowledge of whatever happened and have no evidence to support my words, I might deliver nothing but weak words to the point that will make the situation worse and suspicious."

Yun's nostrils were flaring in anger while Xander's lawyer continued triumphantly in pulling him down with all her compiled witnesses and their interviews and evidence.

"You honor, now I am going to present the most important and most unexpected witness to the crimes that Yun has committed. We have submitted evidence to his gruesome acts and crimes, but this witness will be able to give an exact view of the schemes Mr. Yun had been playing to get the power in his hands."

Lana then showed all the evidence that Xander and Zach had gathered about the man Yun instructed to kill Yera when she was abducted.Find authorized novels in , faster updates, better experience, Please click #%!d(string=14191303206660205)/clear-all-the-remaining-doubts_%!d(string=46824067763854256) for visiting.

She arranged a projector in the courtroom and played a video on it. At first it showed a man on a hospital bed with many machines attached to him. He was alive and when the camera was focussed on him he started narrating his story.

"My name is Jack Wilson. I want to confess my crimes today that I committed in greed of money. I was a member of the scary gang which was attached with the Yue clan in secret, and when Dr. Yera Han was abducted, I was still a newly appointed member in the gang.

After we took the job of abducting Dr. Han, Mr. Yun approached me and asked me to kill Dr. Han, who would be in our custody and then to plant evidence in such a way that Dr. Xander Yang could be implicated for her murder. He further had in his mind that Dr. Yang would be sent to jail where he would get him murdered and would be highly inconspicuous in the entire scheme."

Seeing the man whom Yun thought got killed years ago was still alive, Yun felt weak in his knees because the punishment he would receive for crimes like the ones he committed by the court will be only death.

He stood up from his seat and shouted, "who will believe the words of any random man? He is simply a staged stooge that you all have planted to slander me and give wrong evidence."

Lana smirked at the panicked state of Yun's and drawled, "Are you perhaps afraid for your own life now, Mr. Yun?"

"Even death fears me and I am just pointing out the way you are trying to frame me. I have done nothing to be sentenced for." Yun muttered when Lana confronted him.

She then chuckled lightly and said, "Don't worry Mr. Yun, I will fulfill this wish of yours for sure, you want me to prove that man is your goon and not a stooge planted by us. So be it. Your honour, may I again get your permission to play another video here that will clear all the remaining doubts from the minds of everyone?"

"Permission granted!" Said the Judge.

"The young man took this video himself by using a hidden mobile phone when Yun arrived." Lana said as she played a video.

Yun clenched his teeth as he watched the video of him entering and sitting in front of the man. In the video, Yun even looked around, and the man chuckled saying, what are you looking at? Yun answered and said, "Are you alone?" and the man nodded.

Yun gritted his teeth. He never thought the boy was clever enough to hide something like that. He knew the gang, but he wanted to have a discreet negotiation with the new member who was easy to deal with shutting up after.


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