The Doctor Who Loves Me

Chapter 454 - Maximum Of One Week

At Life Hospital

Cali got her tests done and then after two days went back to the hospital for the result of her CT scan and followed up with a check-up with Dion. She forgot about it but Dion kept on calling her to go and see him.

"How come you're such a nagger doctor." Cali mumbled as soon as she entered Dion's clinic. Dione heaved a long sigh seeing her. He had a long face and looked very worried while looking at Cali.

"Did you keep a log of how frequent you are having a headache and rate the intensity and how long it lasted? And how often do you forget things in a day?" Dion started and Cali grabbed the pad Dion gave her.

"Here doc." Dion looked at it with a serious face. He rarely accepted patients since he was more focused in running the business but Cali was a special case. He forwarded her result to her sister as well to hear her comment.

Cali pouted her lips and mumbled, "You're making me nervous with that serious face of yours. Is it that bad?"

Dion paused for some time and looked at Cali.

"Cali, I'm sorry but we saw a clot in the CT scan." Dion started and showed her the picture while he explained everything to her.

Cali was stunned when she heard the details and felt really sad for the strange turn of events. She had barely started living her life. Imagining the sad faces of her grandfather, nanny Shine and specially Rui made her feel depressed.

"Are you saying that there's also no assurance of being normal once you operate and remove that clot?" Cali whispered.

"It's a fifty fifty chance, Cali." Dion replied. His eyes were full of sympathy for the sad result he had to relay to a good friend.

Cali glanced at the ceiling trying to hold back the tears that were filling in from her eyes. She could imagine the worried face of Rui in front of her eyes and that broke her heart. She felt her whole world crumble at that moment.

"So if I don't get the operation done I will die? Basically, if I want to have another chance to live… I need that operation, but still there's a fifty percent possibility that I might have extreme side effects like memory problems impaired speech, coordination, balance or worst won't live, die as well along the run?" Cali murmured, stuttering.

"Cali, please don't lose hope. My sister will do the operation on you and I'm sure

Everything will be fine Cali," Dion comforted.

"Can you keep this up to you please Dion? I mean from Rui? Please don't tell him about this… I beg you." Cali hysterically pleaded.

Dion did not answer and kept staring at her, so Cali grabbed his hands and gently pressed it while she kept on begging him to keep it a secret from everyone, especially Rui.

"Please Dion… Let me be the one to tell it to Rui?" Cali repeated.

"Alright I will not say a word to Rui but your grandpa should at least know about it today itself." Dion insisted.

"Alright you can tell my grandpa about it but not to Rui. I will also talk to grandpa not to tell Rui. Promise me Dion!"

"Calm down Cali okay. I promise I will not tell Rui." Dion assured her and helped Cali to calm down.

"Dion… Is it possible for me to spend more time with my grandpa, nanny Shine and Rui? How long do I have, I mean how many more days can I wait for the surgery?" Cali asked with a weary tone.

"Cali, you need an operation as soon as possible."

"Dion, please give me a few days. At least let me live one day for each of my family members!" Cali pleaded.

Dion exhaled loudly and said, "I can give you only a maximum of one week before I want you in my OT, Cali."

"Thank you. My grandpa is in his office, right?" Cali then asked, staring in a particular direction.

"Yes." Dion answered. Mr. Lua had been assisting him well in handling the group. The old man was too happy with his current life, content with how Cali surpassed death and was living well and happy with him.Find authorized novels in , faster updates, better experience, Please click #%!d(string=14191303206660205)/maximum-of-one-week_%!d(string=46497328110036607) for visiting.

Dion nodded when Cali bid him her farewell. He heaved a long frustrated sigh watching Cali's back, but she almost tripped nearing the door so Dion immediately rushed towards her.

"I'm okay Dion. Just that I feel my knees are suddenly weak," Cali whispered with a faint smile. How she hoped that she was only dreaming and having a nightmare which would end when Rui would wake her up and greet her good morning with his bright smile complaining how lazy headed she was.

Cali walked with heavy footsteps towards her grandfather's office but those footsteps were still light compared how heavy laden her heart was at that moment. She sat on the nearest bench and tried to compose herself first. She grabbed her mobile phone and dialed Rui's number.

Rui excitedly answered. "Are you done? I'm on my way to pick you up."

"Uhm, yeah. I'm on my way to grandpa. I would like to have dinner with him and nanny Shine. Tonight, I will sleep at our house and call you tomorrow. See you tomorrow." Cali murmured before ending the call because her voice was starting to grumble.

Then she dialed nanny Shine's number so she could get ready and head to the restaurant she would book.

Once again, she looked up, hoping tears would not fall from her eyes. She took out the mirror from her purse and checked her swollen eyes. She stayed on the seat for quite some time and then quickly retouched her eye makeup to hide the swelling under her eyes due to crying.

After sometime, Cali stood up and headed into her grandfather's cabin.

She paused for a long time outside the door of his cabin and tried to lessen the pain in her heart and smile as she reached her grandfather's office. Cali gulped, inhaled and exhaled loudly before curving up her lips in her most lovable and sweetest smile as she opened the door.

"Grandpa!" she enthusiastically burst. Mr. Lua was startled with the sudden appearance of his granddaughter.

"Cali, what are you doing here?" He asked.

Cali wrinkled her nose and with pouted lips muttered, "How come you don't look happy to see me? Stop working and let's eat together with nanny Shine. Come let's go and I will treat you both with a super nice dinner."