The Doctor Who Loves Me

Chapter 438 - Indeed So Lucky***

[Warning: Explicit love scene ahead. Skip, if you're uncomfortable.]

It was almost midnight when Xander arrived at Plumeria Island. No one was aware of his arrival at that time of night except for Regan and Ryu.

After landing, he went directly to Yera's room and gently opened the door. He walked to the bed where his wife was peacefully sleeping. He squatted near her and stared at her charming and glowing, lovely face for a while, making sure not to make a sound.

He smiled while looking at his wife who was in deep sleep and looked more beautiful than he left her. He wanted to cuddle her instantly, but he stood up and first went into the bathroom to have a quick shower and changed into his nightwear.

"Look at her sleeping like a baby…" he whispered as he gently joined his wife on their bed.

Yera was in deep sleep when she felt a hand tightly embracing her and then a row of gentle kisses on her face. She was awakened and could immediately tell it was Xander with his touch and the unique fragrance that came from her husband's body, such a familiar scent.

"Xander," she sluggishly murmured.

Yera instantly opened her eyes and turned her face towards him and blinked several times while staring at her husband's handsome, smiling face.

"Missed me darling?" She heard Xander roguishly uttered with his endearing grin while his hand lovingly caressed her cheeks.

Yera abruptly sat up and cupped Xander's face in her palms.

"You're here. I thought…" Yera murmured but was cut off by Xander's lips sealing hers. Yera's heart was leaping with glee, feeling the warmth of her husband, so close to her.

She circled her arms on his neck and answered his kiss with intense passion. She couldn't help her tears from falling. She was sobbing while kissing him, so Xander released her lips and gently pushed her to see her face.

"Darling? Why are you sobbing? What's wrong? See, I am already here with you, and I came a little early to be able to spend more time with you. Please don't cry." Xander pleaded, and he suddenly got worried. He wiped Yera's tears that were continuously flowing like a dam had been broken.

Yera tried to suppress her emotions, but it was so difficult for her to control herself. Maybe because she was pregnant, that was why she was being too dramatic in his presence. She knew that pregnant women tend to behave too emotionally and irrationally at times.

"Nothing's wrong. I'm too overwhelmed and happy… Tears of extreme joy, I think. I missed you so much, darling. I love you." Yera sniveled and then she showered Xander's face with kisses.

Xander too was on cloud nine with the remarkable warmth from his adorable wife that he wanted to sweep her in his arms all throughout his stay if possible.

The couple stayed like that, smooching for too long, satisfying their hunger for each other.

Both were panting when Xander let Yera's lips go. Then he gently caressed Yera's cheeks and muttered, "Darling, I missed you too much, your kisses, your touches and your smell." he whispered while sniffing her on her neck.

His hands trailed down on Yera's neck then to her collarbone, removing the straps of her loose nightgown, letting it drop.

Yera bit her lower lip while she did not leave her husband's flaring eyes with desire. He was sensually touching every pore of her skin, making her shiver all over with marvellous sensations that only her husband could make her feel.

"Did you miss my touch like this?" Xander whispered while his fingers ran through her chest. Yera nodded and gasped when her husband caressed her mounds.

She moved her hand to lift Xander's shirt up and feel his muscular chest too. Like him, she ran her fingers to his body, touching his every part on his upper body. She then slid her hands on his boxers, but Xander stopped her and gently pushed her to lie down on the bed.

He removed the rest of his clothes himself, and Yera rose up to hug him tightly.

Xander chuckled and murmured, "I love it so much darling… Your clinginess to me every time I am with you."

Yera released him and tilted her head to give him a kiss

"I love you," Xander hummed between the kisses and gently lay Yera on the bed while he continued to satisfy himself by plunging his tongue in her mouth. It felt like forever being away with her.

He traced her every curve with his hands, caressing every sensitive spot of hers, making her groan and whimper in pleasure.

His mouth followed every place he touched on her body. "You're so beautiful, darling," Xander whispered in his every kiss. Yera m.o.a.ned whenever Xander would slightly bite down on her skin, nipping and kissing, making her squirm.

She could feel herself getting wet in arousal with every kiss and touch.

Xander took his time in arousing his wife, seeing the great pleasure in her m.o.a.ns. He cupped one of her mounds, gently squeezing while he sucked on the other. Then he moved downwards, kissing her belly button playfully, making Yera bent in half before he went further south.

Yera's body tingled in response as her husband showered her inner thighs with kisses and licking before he went to her flower. She was panting as Xander's tongue licking her folds made her go insane.

"Darling, you taste so sweet…" She heard Xander hummed. Yera hastily grabbed his hair as her body trembled. Xander's tongue played on her clit, making a circular motion before sucking it.

Her walls tightened, feeling his tongue inside her walls, making her shiver in pleasure and trembled in orgasm.

Yera m.o.a.ned. Still shaking, she rose and leaned forward to kiss Xander on his lips while she wrapped her hand on his erect shaft and stroked it gently. She squeezed his shaft while she kissed him downwards, to his chest and bent more to reach the tip of her c.o.c.k.

Xander groaned when he felt his wife's tongue teased his c.o.c.k with her tongue.

He was dripping wet already.

"Oh, darling," he growled when his c.o.c.k gently and swiftly slid inside his wife's mouth. He bit his lip… he would soon reach his climax, and he did not want to waste her so he gently pulled his wife and guided her to sit on his lap.

"Darling, I will reach my peak soon… My seeds are too precious to release in your mouth," he said in a jest that made Yera released a meaningful and seductive smile.

As Yera mounted on him, Xander slid his shaft slowly into her warm wet opening.

Yera m.o.a.ned with pleasure as her husband slid in deeper and deeper. She sat up straight and began to ride her husband at first, then a little faster.

Xander gently massaged her mounds and her simultaneously as Yera continued to gyrate on top of him. He moved his hands to her h.i.p.s and rocked Yera back and forth as she continued to ride him faster.

Both were m.o.a.ning louder with every movement. Yera's body began to tremble as she built up for her second orgasm. She let out a m.o.a.ning scream in pleasure as her body wildly jolted in orgasm, collapsing in Xander's embrace who continued to rock Yera faster for his climax and soon he exploded all his precious seeds inside his wife.

They stayed frozen in their position for long and both hugged each other tightly while Xander's shaft was still inside Yera.

"Darling, this is our lucky day. You know why?" Xander murmured in his hoarse stuttering voice.

"Why?" Yera asked, still panting.

"It's your ovulation day so I will keep you awake till morning." Xander enthusiastically cheered.

Yera laughed and answered, "Yes darling. We're indeed so lucky…"

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