The Doctor And The CEO

Chapter 312 - Trying To Process

"If you keep talking about all good things, and motivating her then she might actually wake up sooner." Daniel explained himself.

He then asked them, "I hope you all have been spending some quality time with her"

"Yes, every time one or the other person amongst us is always present with her. We only talk about good things and none of us mentioned about the attacks on Rachel" James informed him.

"Rachel, what do you talk to your mom about?" Daniel suddenly asked her.

Rachel was startled when he questioned her, out of blue.

"Ummm, I just talk about general stuff like everyone else" Rachel hesitatingly said.

"When? In my presence, I never saw you talk to Liz." Catherine asked her as she never recollected Rachel say anything to her mother.

Whenever Catherine is with Elizabeth, Rachel too accompanies her but she doesn\'t say a word, she just sits with them smiling at Catherine\'s words.

"Yeah, me neither" William too now recollected that whenever he and Rachel are with Liz, he is the one, who keeps sharing some old stories of him and Liz, to which Rachel smiles and enjoys them but she never spoke with Liz.

The same happened to others too as everyone realized Rachel never really talked to her mother like they all do.

"Rachel, do you ever talk to Liz?" William asked her as he just realized it.

Rachel glared at Daniel in anger, as if he just threw her under the bus by pointing this out. She was embarrassed.

Although, she never really discussed this problem with Daniel, he saw through her as every time they meet, Rachel talks about everyone except for her mother.

Even when he mentions Liz, Rachel prefers avoiding this topic.

He tried to talk to her many times, but she keeps diverting his attention by seducing him and he ends up forgetting about it.

Rachel didn\'t intentionally avoid her mother\'s topic, she did all of this subconsciously but now that he pointed it out, she was realizing all of this by joining the dots.

Daniel realized there was something going on with Rachel.

So, this time he decided to discuss it out in the open, to at least make others realize that Rachel is going through some issues, which she is not sharing with anyone.

He doesn\'t wish to discuss her problem in the open but he at least wants others to realize there is some problem around them, and they need to pay attention to it.

He needs their help too to help Rachel deal with her issues.

"Rachel, do you ever talk to Liz?" William asked her.

"Yes dad… I do" Rachel hesitatingly said, avoiding looking at William and glared at her boyfriend, who instead of protecting her was exposing her.

\'How the fuck did Daniel notice this in spite of not being here whereas others who are always around me, never noticed it\' Rachel wondered as she never discussed this problem with anyone else.

Rather she didn\'t even discuss this problem with herself by thinking about it. She thought it is not something to be bothered about.

"Rachel, are you lying to your father?" Catherine scolded Rachel for the first time as they could all see she is lying.

"And stop glaring at Daniel" James added, scolding his granddaughter, who was looking at Daniel as if she would kill him now.

"Will you two, calm down?" Will scolded Catherine and his dad, as they started confronting his daughter, not trying to understand what she must be going through.

"Rachel, dear, it\'s okay, don\'t bother with them, do what you feel comfortable with." Will lovingly stroked his daughter\'s hair.

He and Liz suddenly showed up in Rachel\'s life, so it was normal for her to have some different reactions and awkwardness around them, he was understanding of it.

Rachel felt guilty when her dad reacted calmly to it and didn\'t confront her like others.

"I want to be alone for some time" Rachel requested and went to her room.

Will saw Rachel leaving and got worried, after pondering for a moment, he decided to talk to his daughter in alone, and followed her.

"I\'ll take my leave" Lisa was feeling awkward as it was a personal matter and knew it is their family time, so she decided to leave.

"I\'ll drop you" Daniel volunteered as Lisa came with him.

"No need Dr Daniel, my friend is waiting outside, he has come here to pick me up, I would be leaving with him" Lisa bid adieu to others and left from there as her friend already messaged her, he was waiting for her outside Rachel\'s house.

After Lisa left, James asked Daniel, "Danny, what is up with Rachel? Why is she not talking to Liz like all of us?"

"Honestly grandpa, I too have no idea. That\'s why I asked her if she spends time with her mother" Daniel honestly told them, as he didn\'t have a definite answer to their question.

"Does Rachel not love Liz?" Catherine confusingly asked her son.

"Cat, what kind of a question is that?" Harry scolded his wife for being so childish.

Daniel chuckled, "Mom, she loves her mother a lot. Only because she is not expressing her love towards Mrs Richardson doesn\'t mean she doesn\'t love her. Her parents suddenly showed up and she is very happy but she might still lack that connection."

"You all knew Mrs. Richardson well so you were able to connect with her. Rachel didn\'t remember her parents much. Her father is here, so she is able to connect with him but she still feels distant with her mom. This is a common trait among people, not to feel attached to people you are blood-related to in certain circumstances." He patiently explained.

Everyone was calm trying to process what Daniel just told them.

"If Rachel talks to her mom, there is a higher chance of she coming out of her coma earlier" Daniel said, to break the silence