The Doctor And The CEO

Chapter 306 - Can't Let You Go

Jessica, enjoyed the second half as much as she loved the first one but now Noah, was a bit lost in some deep thoughts.

\'What\'s next?\'

\'This is it?\'

\'I have to leave tomorrow, but I want to be near her\'

\'Am I already attracted to her?\'

Noah then looked at Jessica, who was looking happy and excited.

Unknown to him, a smile was painted on his lips too when he saw her happy.

\'I want this to last longer, I don\'t want this for only one day\'

He concluded.

The match got over and Jessica was very happy as her favourite team won.

"Thanks for putting all these efforts in spite of it being a weird date. I had a lot of fun." Jessica brightly smiled at him.

"Weird date?" Noah raised his eyebrows.

"I mean, you asked me for date just to trouble me and yet you did so much" Jessica believed he asked her on a date to tease her for what she did in the past.

"I didn\'t ask you out on this date to get back at you. You rather didn\'t do anything bad. That night you made my day, I was in a very bad mood and you brightened it. I like you, Jessica and therefore I wished to spend more time with you."

Jessica was taken aback and had no idea how to react to what he just said.

\'Fuck, did he just say he likes me? How can he like me, we hardly met four times? Ahhhh, this date is the biggest mistake of my life\' Jessica started freaking out.

"You fine?" Noah could see her discomfort.

"Noah, I… umm… I appreciate all the efforts you have put in for today. But how can you like me? You barely know me" Jessica voiced her awkward thoughts.

Noah chuckled at her reaction, instead of getting all flustered and shy, she was logically questioning him.

"You don\'t need to know someone for a long time to like them. At times, you might know a person for years and yet you are not able to develop any romantic liking for them but you might just meet a person for one hour, and you start liking them. The matter of hearts, are very unpredictable."

Noah\'s words affected Jessica more than she thought it would.

"I\'ll take my leave" Jessica preferred running away from situations like these than facing them.

"Jessica, am I making you uncomfortable?" Noah directly asked her.

"Yes. I am not a romantic person, Noah and neither am I looking forward to anything romantic between us" Jessica was clear of what she doesn\'t want and frankly voiced it.

"Hmm, I understand" Noah tried to hide his disappointment.

"So, when are you going back to Milan?" Jessica tried to change the topic.

"I am leaving tomorrow evening" Noah sadly exclaimed, she clearly rejected him and doesn\'t want to talk about it.

"Great, have a safe flight" Jessica was about to step away and looked at the mess they created.

Understanding her dilemma, Noah said, "Room service people will take care of it, don\'t bother"

"Cool, thanks again for today, I loved it" Jessica was honest.

"Hmm, if fate has it in store, I am sure we will meet again" Noah forwarded his hand for a handshake.

Jessica shook hands with him, "I don\'t believe in fate and all" she declared.

Noah just laughed it out and the two people entered the elevator.

"Why are you tagging along?" Jessica asked him.

"It is courteous, to send off your date" Noah responded only to make Jessica roll her eyes at him.

"If you don\'t mind, why were you upset that night?" Jessica casually asked him to change the topic.

"My girlfriend of eight years cheated on me. It was that night, I found out the truth" Noah didn\'t look sad or upset, he was indifferent now.

"Oh, I am so sorry. It must have sucked to get cheated on after eight years of relationship" Jessica exclaimed.

"Yeah, especially by the woman you see a future with"

"It is her loss" Jessica couldn\'t believe a handsome man like Noah, who owns an amazing chocolate brand, could get cheated on.

Jessica totally judged that woman.

"Do you want it make it your gain?" Noah questioned her.

Jessica couldn\'t help but laugh, "You are damn good at flirting" she declared.

"That doesn\'t answer my question" Noah looked at her seriously.

"Noah, you are amazing but with you being in Italy and me shifting to London, I don\'t think…"

"So, our geography is your problem?" Noah asked her.

"Umm, yeah and also I don\'t see myself being committed in a relationship" Jessica added another point to ensure he doesn\'t shift here for her.

"Got it" Noah didn\'t prolong it.

After reaching her car, Jessica turned around and gave Noah a formal hug, "I hope you find someone better" She truly wished for him.

"Hmm, I would want to say the same thing about you, but I can\'t. I want to be the someone you find" Noah said.

"You are really good with words" Jessica smiled at him and bid adieu not being affected by his flirting.

That is why Jessica had always been single, as it is difficult to move this tough woman\'s heart.

Just before she could open her car door, Noah held her arm and pulled her towards him, "This could be the last time, we are meeting each other" Noah said.

"Hmm, so?" Jessica looked confused.

"I can\'t let you go like this" Noah declared before cupping one side of her face in his palm and placing a soft kiss on her lips.

Noah gently nibbled on her lips.

It was Jessica\'s first kiss; she didn\'t wish to push him away as she could see the sincerity in his eyes when he said he likes her.

Jessica didn\'t mind him kissing her, so she let him be and even responded to his kiss.

After a few seconds, Noah let her go.

This kiss lasted not more than for ten seconds but yet it felt beautiful.

"Goodnight, Noah" Jessica smiled and bid him adieu before driving away. She took this kiss casually.

She never kissed or let anyone kiss her before, but Noah looked decent and in that moment she didn\'t think much about it.

Noah kept looking at her car, until it was out of his sight.

Taking a long deep breath, he only wished for fate to do some magic and give him a chance to meet her again.

Jessica had a faint smile on her face while driving towards Daniel\'s home.

\'I am glad I went on this date. Mr Ricci, you are a good host and also a good kisser\' She thought to herself.