The Doctor And The CEO

Chapter 285 - CCTV Footage

After reading the whole document, Noah put his digital signature on it and after Jessica ensured he didn\'t put a fake signature on it, she too signed the document and shook hands with him, as if they just closed a business deal.

Noah laughed at her actions, as he genuinely never met anyone like her.

"You made a big mistake," Jessica proudly smiled at him.

"Well, I think it is you, who made a mistake" Noah countered her and asked, "Now tell me, how will we prove each other\'s point?"

"That guy who was sober that night, he is present at this party. Now, you are done for real" Jessica revealed her master card to him and Noah laughed, surprising her.

"What is so funny?" Jessica questioned him.

"This guy is your friend, so he would just lie, how is it fair to me?" He questioned her.

"No, he will be honest, he won\'t lie," Jessica proudly said.


"Do you have a better way?" Jessica asked him.

"Of course, I do" Noah too hid his master card just like her.

These two were amazing business people and dealt with many crooks, so they are smart while getting involved in such bets.

"What is it?" Jessica doubtfully asked him, as she didn\'t expect he too had something up his sleeve.

"That night, we met in front of my hypermarket, remember?" Noah asked her.

Jessica nodded her head as she was told the same by Daniel.

"There is CCTV footage which points at the road in that hypermarket. When we encounter each other, it is clearly captured in it, although it doesn\'t have audio in it, the video is enough to prove I am being honest" Noah informed her, surprising Jessica as he had more concrete information with him.

"But it has been quite some time now, will the CCTV footage still be available?" Jessica asked him as after a year, most unnecessary footage is deleted.

"That footage is still there, as I requested my team to share that footage with me that night, so I saved it and took a back-up of that footage" Noah\'s information surprised Jessica as she didn\'t understand why he would ask for that footage and store it.

Understanding her unasked question, Noah honestly answered her, "I don\'t know about you but I totally enjoyed that encounter of ours, which  is one of the best memories of my life. You called me a celebrity and praised me, making me feel so good and you entertained me, so the very next day I got that footage as one of the memories I would cherish. I even intended to show that footage to my future children and grandchildren" Noah explained himself.

He added, "I have such other funny videos and photos too so don\'t worry and even showed your footage to my family and friends, they had a lot of fun too." Noah laughed while informing her this, embarrassing Jessica even more as she never expected other people knew of this incident.

She was a popular name in Italy and in the business world and she didn\'t like other people knowing of something she is so ashamed of.

Again, understanding her thoughts, Noah assured her, "I only showed it to people absolutely closer to me. They are not going to misuse it and it has already been many years to this incident but did it affect you or your image in any way?" Noah asked her to which Jessica shook her head, saying \'No\' as indeed this incident never ruined her image.

"So, rest assured" Noah brightly smiled at her, flashing a friendly vibe.

"You need to delete that footage if I am proven to be right," Jessica added.

If she had known about this footage before, then she would have added deleting it too in her bet and in the legal document but he hid it from her, which pissed Jessica off as he was sneaky, just like her.

"I am not legally bound to delete that footage" Noah hit her sour point, angering the beautiful woman.

"You are an asshole," Jessica angrily spouted.

Instead of being offended, Noah laughed as he found this side of her very cute.

Jessica glared at him, unaffected by his smile.

"Fine, if you are proven to be right, I will delete the footage too."

Jessica took her phone to prepare another legal document but Noah stopped her, "Trust me, I will delete it, you don\'t need to create another document.

"I don\'t trust you" Jessica didn\'t hesitate in sharing her mind.

"Trust me for once" He seriously looked at her and for once Jessica decided to give him a chance.

"Fine" She agreed, making Noah happy and the next minute, he asked his office assistant to send him this footage as a back-up of this footage was saved in the system.

In ten minutes, Noah received that footage.

"Ready to go on a date with him?" Noah happily questioned her only to get glared at by Jessica.

He then opened the footage and when Jessica saw it, the embarrassment she had been running away from, came back to her as she could clearly see how she got out of the car and approached this man, who was minding his own business.

\'Why did I do this? Why did I approach him?\' Jessica questioned herself, cursing herself again as she hated what she did that night after getting drunk.

While she was scolding herself for this incident, Noah was having a complete opposite reaction.

He was enjoying every bit of this incident as he was indeed in a very bad mood that night and Jessica completely turned his mood around, making him forget his sorrow for a while.

Even after she left, the smile on his lips which was formed due to her didn\'t leave as he reminisced her actions and kept smiling.

Jessica saw how Daniel clicked their picture while Jessica hugged this guy\'s waist and his arm to create another pose.

Right now, Jessica wanted to dig a hole for herself.


Important Note:

Dear all, I am participating in the recent wpc contest - Revenge, with a new novel: Sister, Back-off from \'My Man\' (you can find this book in my profile). It is a revenge drama.

I\'ll be really grateful, if you guys can add this book in your library and give it a trial read. If you like it, please leave your comments, reviews and vote with power stones to support me in this event.

I\'ll be very grateful if you can do it. Thanks for reading my note.