The Doctor And The CEO

Chapter 275 - It Is Your Day...

"Nervous about tomorrow?" Daniel asked him.

"Hmm, mom, dad are going to be there, I am scared I might fuck up"

"Jim, look at me" Daniel placed his hand on his brother\'s shoulders.


"Tomorrow is your day, the day you worked  hard for so many months, and dreamed for  many years. All these years you struggled for an opportunity  to prove yourself and now after getting an opportunity, you can\'t let anything come on  your way. Tomorrow, you are not going to give a shit about anything else Jim. Tomorrow is all about you and that is what you are going to care about. Let everyone else go to hell, you are the star Jim, and you will prove that to everyone who questioned you and doubted you. Tomorrow is the day everyone who doesn\'t believe in you is going to be proven wrong. Is that clear?"

Jimmy tightly hugged Daniel, "What would I have done if I didn\'t have you?"

Daniel laughed and stroked his head, "You still would have been fine, don\'t worry"

Jimmy smiled as he felt much better and pumped up after talking to Daniel.

"Are you feeling better now?" Daniel asked him.

"Much better"

Next day

This week Rachel already convinced everyone that she has to go and attend Jimmy\'s play. Will too was excited about this play, so after a lot of assurance and pleading everyone agreed to Will and Rachel attending Jimmy\'s play.

But there were a few conditions, Rachel had to be with Daniel all the while and Will had to be with Harry and Catherine, he would disguise himself as someone else, that is what they decided as they don\'t want anyone to recognize William.

The three grandpas decided to stay at home to look after Elizabeth and they will attend the play, next day as it is going to take place for a few days.

The five people dressed up well and were ready to go for the play.

"Wow Will, you are handsome as always" Catherine praised Will who was dressed in a suit.

"Stop it, I look like an old man due to this stupid attire." Will checked his disguise which made him look much older.

"You insisted on stepping out, so you have to at least follow this much. See, you are not recognizable at all" Harry commented.

The three people stepped down to meet Rachel and Daniel. Rachel was dressed in a casual white floral dress while Daniel was wearing a t-shirt, jeans and a jacket over it.

"Why are you two dressed so casually?" Will questioned them as in front of those two he felt overdressed.

"I should rather ask you, why are you so overly dressed?" Rachel asked her dad.

William glared at Harry and Catherine, his face clearly implying what they have done to him.

"They are kids, they don\'t know what to wear. We are looking great" Harry assured his friend who had no choice so he kept quiet.

Daniel handed the three VIP tickets to his mom.

"Meet you at the theater" Saying this, Daniel and Rachel left together while Catherine, Harry and William left in Harry\'s car.

The three old men sat in Elizabeth\'s room as they didn\'t wish for her to be alone.

Matt knocked on Lisa\'s door as they were heading to the play together.

Patrick and Emily were busy that night as they decided to go for the show the next day,  as they both are huge fans of Amanda so they didn\'t want to miss it.

Lisa opened the door, she was wearing a casual top and jeans and wore a shrug over it.

"Give me a minute, I\'ll get the VIP passes" Lisa rushed inside and got the tickets.

Matt kept looking at her, as she looked very pretty.

He wanted to let her know how beautiful she was looking right now, but he was not sure why but the words were stuck in his throat.

"Wow, Matt you look good" Lisa casually praised him when she properly looked at him after getting the tickets, "Let\'s go" She exclaimed excitedly and locked the door.

Unknown to her, the man she just praised was standing there frozen as his heart was beating faster.

Her compliment \'you look good\' made him feel as if he was on cloud nine.

Till date many people praised Matt, as he was one handsome, tall guy who can attract any woman. But he never felt like this when he was  praised by others the way he was feeling special now.

"Why are you standing there? Let\'s go" Lisa called Matt who was still at the door while their elevator arrived.

"Yeah" Matt came out of his daze and the two people headed to the theater.

Jimmy and his team were nervous, the four actors hurdled and said words of motivation to each other.

Amanda too gave them the pep talk, she was equally nervous about this play but she didn\'t let it show on her face as she is supposed to motivate her actors, not scare them.

"Guys, don\'t worry, nothing can go wrong, if anything does even if it makes you feel nervous or something, you can just improvise the scene and walk around as if you are in some deep thoughts. Remember one thing, the audience doesn\'t know the story yet and the people who already watched our play will just think we made some changes to the script. So, just be comfortable on stage and don\'t worry about anything else. It is your day and have fun"

Amanda\'s words motivated the four people and they thanked her.

Amanda left backstage and she went to the lobby behind to calm herself down.

"Hey, nervous?" Jack came over to her and she tightly hugged him.

"I am dying of nervousness, what if everything falls apart and there is some big mishap or…"

"Shh" Jack kept his finger on her lips, "Calm down, you did everything that you were supposed to do..."