The Doctor And The CEO

Chapter 268 - Two Monsters

"Firstly, I am not answerable to you and what we are doing is none of your business and secondly, you are a doctor, you should know there are a few things that are common for all the doctors regardless of their specialty." Matt scoffed at him.

Steve tightly clenched his fists as he was furious at Matt but he had no idea how to retort back.

"When will you be done?" Matt questioned Lisa ignoring Steve.

"It would take a while. I\'ll come with Emily, she too is still working" Lisa informed Matt, but she avoided looking into his eyes as she felt weird looking at him right now.

Matt already knew about it as Emily informed him but before he could control himself, his legs automatically stepped towards where Lisa was working.

"Hmm, okay. What would you like to have for dinner tonight? As I am going early, I\'ll cook tonight" Matt said.

"Cook anything you want. I am not choosy" Lisa avoided looking at him.

Matt held her chin and made her look at him, "Why are you avoiding looking at me?" He directly questioned her.

Steve was even more annoyed seeing Matt\'s actions but he had no right to say anything so he kept quiet.

On the other hand, Lisa was surprised at Matt\'s actions too, "Nothing like that" She said.

"Then don\'t avoid looking at me, I don\'t like it" Matt instructed her and left from there, leaving the two people in the room shocked.

Steve was annoyed with what Matt just did and Lisa was surprised as Matt never behaved like this before.

He was always fun and jolly, not serious and cold, she too wondered what was wrong with him.

Daniel called Rachel as they didn\'t even message each other since morning.

Rachel was sitting with Catherine in Liz\'s room when Daniel called, she excused herself and left from there.

Catherine didn\'t notice the call was from Daniel as she was busy conversing with Liz.

Rachel headed upstairs to her room as one or the other person was roaming around her home and it was not safe.

After closing her room door, she answered the call, "Hello"

"Why did it take you so long to answer my call? Have you forgotten me? You didn\'t even drop one message, Rachel" Daniel complained to her.

"Dan, calm down. Why are you overreacting?"

"Overreacting? Are you sure?" Daniel tried to keep his voice low as he was still at the hospital.

"Yes, calm down. Where are you right now?"

"Heading home" He sounded very sad.

"Hey, why do you sound upset?" Rachel got worried.

"I don\'t want to go home, I want to come over to your place. The last few weeks you stayed with me at my penthouse and now I don\'t wanna go back and be alone there" Daniel sounded pitiful.

"You are not alone. Jimmy and Jessica are staying with you, right?" Rachel tried to pacify him.

Daniel rolled his eyes when he heard their names, "I don\'t care, you come here and stay with me, that\'s it"

Rachel was surprised as this was her first time seeing Daniel act so childish.

"You were the one who suggested I should not leave my home until you catch that guy, now you want me to come to your penthouse?" Rachel countered him.

"Right, I\'ll come to your home then."

"I don\'t think my dad will let you in." Rachel teased the guy.

"My parents are still there?" Daniel asked her.

"Yes, and they are going to stay here longer, I don\'t think they are going back anytime soon"

"Then I\'ll come there to meet my parents, after all I can\'t live without them" Daniel found the perfect excuse for him to visit Rachel.

"Yeah,  do you think they will all believe you?  after all when we were at your penthouse, you didn\'t even call them once" Rachel reminded him why his excuse won\'t work.

"Rachel, are you my enemy, why are you being so difficult?"

"Dan, I feel we should not meet now. That\'s it"

"Wow, you just wanted to sleep with me and once you did you are ignoring me" Daniel complained as he felt wronged by her

"Are you kidding me?" Rachel couldn\'t believe this guy.

"No, I am not"

"Hey, just yesterday we both got caught by our fathers after we did the deed. Do you realize how embarrassing it was?"

"Seriously? You are asking me? You left me alone with those two monsters" Daniel recollected what happened a day before and again complained.

Rachel felt guilty for her actions but she had no choice.

"Sorry Daniel. But it was really embarrassing and don\'t you dare call my dad a monster" She was sweet at first and then she warned him.

"Yeah right, do you even know after you left how those two men troubled me? The worst part was my own dad, my biological dad too tortured me" Daniel informed her in detail about what happened.

"Oh, so uncle Harry knows about us?"


"Cool, I am feeling bad for aunt Catherine, when  the day she will know the truth she will be happy for us at the same minute she might get hurt that we informed Jimmy and uncle Harry but not her" Rachel shared her concern with Daniel.

"Yeah, but we can\'t help it. Once mom knows about our relationship, she will keep teasing and torturing us, insisting that we get married where I want to enjoy this phase of our life with sweet memories. Let it be for now, when that day comes, let\'s bother then"

"You are the limit"

"Okay, how is your mom doing?"

"She is fine"

"Does she need her doctor? Should I come?"

Rachel rolled her eyes at him, "Daniel, stop finding excuses. I don\'t think dad is going to let you in" She clearly warned him.

"Rachel doesn\'t love me anymore" Daniel declared and he cut the call.

Rachel laughed at his antics and didn\'t bother herself with him, she again went to Liz\'s room and joined Catherine.

Daniel helplessly shook his head and thought, \'I am not going to let these two men make me stay away from my woman. I am going to Rachel by hook or by crook\'