The Doctor And The CEO

Chapter 191 - Two Crazy Men

"Wait what?" Matt shouted in excitement and stood up from his seat.

"Jack is a college friend of mine, so I invited him to the housewarming"

"Fuck, I didn\'t know you are friends with Jack Nolan and college friend? He was studying medicine?" Nick was a huge fan of Jack\'s work and he excitedly asked Daniel.

"Yeah" Daniel confirmed it.

"Oh yeah, I was told that Jack is a senior of mine who dropped medicine, initially I thought they were rumors and I never bothered about it later" Emily too studied from the same place as Daniel so she shared what she knew.

"Man, Jack is so smart, he got into Cambridge and rejected it. He is my man" Nick lifted his beer bottle.

"Guys, just a small request, don\'t make them feel uncomfortable, please" Daniel requested all the excited kids as he already saw how Rachel acted when she met them. So, Daniel was worried about his poor friends.

"Danny, please, don\'t make such rules" Jessica begged him as she is a huge fan of Jack and Amanda and earlier today she didn\'t get a chance to interact much with Amanda as she was very busy and now she didn\'t wish to let go of this opportunity.

"Jess, I am just saying don\'t make them uncomfortable, treat them like normal people"

"How can we treat legendary awesome people, as normal people?" Nick questioned Daniel.

"I agree with Nick" Matt supported him.

Daniel helplessly shook his head and again felt sorry for his friend.

Jimmy who freshened up too joined everyone.

"Woah, the future superstar is here" Matt cheered loudly when Jim joined them.

Jim blushed as all eyes were on him, "Guys don\'t make me so anxious, please"

"Wow, you want to be an actor and you are now blushing because of the attention you are receiving" Daniel taunted his brother.

"Yeah, receiving attention behind my back is better than on my face" Jim joked and everyone there laughed.

The doorbell rang, before Daniel could get up, Matt and Nick ran towards the door to open it.

They were in the hopes of meeting Jack and Amanda but were disappointed when they saw Lisa there.

Lisa was planning to skip this party but Daniel was her boss and he invited her so she couldn\'t avoid it as it would be equivalent to insulting him.

Also, Daniel was a good boss to Lisa so she thought to come over, stay for an hour for the sake of formality and then leave as he had good intentions for inviting her.

"Hey Lisssss" Nick tightly hugged her as he was meeting her after a long time.

"Why are you here?" she asked him as she was confused to see Nick here, also she was seeing this guy after many years.

After high school they all lost touch and they were anyway Emily\'s friends so Lisa did not stay in touch with them.

"Oh, I will explain, there are more surprises, come in" Nick put his arm around her shoulders and took her inside to meet everyone else.

Matt was looking at them with a look of worry, after how he behaved with Lisa that day at the parking lot, he never dared to talk to her again as he was ashamed of his behavior towards her.

Lisa was surprised to see Kate and Rachel there and happily hugged the two women. Then they explained how they all know Daniel

"When did you come back from the States?" Lisa asked Rachel.

"Two years ago"

"Whattt? Why the hell did you not meet any one of us?" Lisa got upset with her.

"I am so sorry, was busy with work and stuff"

"I\'ll forgive you, if you promise to spend more time with me" Lisa cutely made a request and Rachel agreed to it.

"Kateee, you look so lovely" Lisa then hugged her and Kate then showed the ring on her finger and Lisa happily shouted and congratulated her.

"Are you marrying Nick or found someone else?" Lisa joked.

"You think she can find anyone better than me?" Nick sarcastically asked her.

"I am sure, if my sister wants she can find anyone, even someone better than you" Jimmy teased Nick.

Kate happily hugged Jimmy and Nick rolled his eyes.

Lisa laughed seeing them all.

Unknowingly Matt was smiling when he saw Lisa happy.

Emily too felt better seeing Lisa happy and Daniel was glad with his decision to invite her over.

Daniel then got snacks and drinks for everyone just like the perfect host.

The doorbell rang again, Matt and Nick again ran to open the door. Everyone laughed seeing the guys who were acting like enthusiastic kids.

"What is up with them?" Lisa asked seeing the two crazy men run excitedly to open the door.

"You will find out soon" Jessica answered her.

The two men again got disappointed when they opened the door.

"I have asked this question multiple times today, now I am going to ask it again, why the hell are you here?" Nick asked Patrick.

"I am Daniel\'s friend" Patrick ignored the two men and entered the house, he then gave the bottle of wine he brought for Daniel with another gift.

"I am glad you made it" Daniel was happy to see Patrick here.

"How couldn\'t I?" Patrick then turned to look at Rachel who glared at him in anger.

After that fight, Patrick didn\'t dare to call Rachel again as he was scared of her, Daniel informed him that everything was fine but he still didn\'t properly apologize to Rachel yet for hiding so many things from her.

"Are we living in a small world? Why does everyone know everyone here?" Kate surprisingly asked as Patrick too was here.

"It was through Rachel that I met Daniel" Patrick shared the partial truth.

"Thank goodness, one person met Daniel normally" Nick joked.

"Dan, when is Jack Nolan coming?" Matt impatiently asked him.

"Soon" Daniel assured him as he too was not sure when exactly they will arrive.