The Doctor And The CEO

Chapter 166 - Long Time...

Few minutes ago when Jimmy and his co-stars were still rehearsing backstage, Amanda entered the theater with Jack and Diana. When Jack entered the auditorium the crew went all crazy, they were all excited and when they saw Diana who still looked gorgeous they all had the urge to click photographs with her but Amanda warned everyone in advance to behave themselves and not to embarrass her.

Backstage the four actors had no idea when these two stars came and they were busy with their rehearsals and Amanda too instructed the crew to not disturb them.

Jack Nolan, just like Amanda is a famous writer and director and he is a brand name himself in the entertainment world. He is a celebrity director and it was a dream of many actors to work with him. He is six feet tall with attractive looks and a soft spoken voice. He had all the qualities to be a good actor but he was never interested in being in front of the camera, he rather preferred working from behind the camera.

Two of the crew people couldn\'t control themselves and managed to gossip that Amanda and Jack have been dating for five years. They apparently even planned to direct a series but till date it didn\'t happen but it was speculated they might do something big together in the future and they may work together if everything falls in place.

The other senior crew member heard them and scolded the two people and asked them to focus on work and stop gossiping.

Although Jack and Diana entered the theater together, they two just met.

Jack greeted Diana with a smile "Hello Ma\'am, how are you?"

"I am good Jack"

"What is your secret ma\'am, how do you manage to look so young?"

Diana laughed at his words, "I am looking young? You flatter me Jack."

"I am just being honest, you should really give some tips to Amanda."

Amanda too laughed hearing his words, she really liked how nice Jack is to everyone.

"Come on Jack, this young lady is already so beautiful, what tips she needs from me?"

The three smiled and Diana added, "You two look so perfect with each other, you two should really consider acting in a film together."

"Oh please no, I am the worst actress." Amanda told her.

"What nonsense, Diana, don\'t believe her, she is an amazing actress." Jack didn\'t agree with Amanda and instead praised her acting.

"Really?" Diana asked Jack.

"Yes, she recently pranked me and I totally believed her."

"Amanda, you and your pranks didn\'t stop did they?" Diana lovingly scolded her.

The three then settled in the auditorium.

Amanda then thanked her two guests "Diana, Jack, a big thanks for coming here today. Please give me your honest feedback and also frankly tell me if any improvement is needed in the script."

"Don\'t worry as you know I am the best critic, I will give you my genuine feedback" Jack replied.

Diana too promised the same.

"Also, I invited some other people too, they are my leads\' family and friends, because I wanted to know every perspective of every type of person so I invited them. Only five other people would be here, let us wait for them." Amanda informed the two.

"It is a great idea dear, no worries we can wait." Diana liked Amanda\'s way of thinking and Jack too nodded his head, he can never oppose his woman\'s decision.

After five minutes, Leo\'s friend and Zoey\'s two friends arrived there and they were informed him in advance about Diana and Jack\'s presence and they have been warned by Leo and Zoey to not get all excited and to behave themselves so when they came they just slightly bowed to Amanda, Jack and Diana as a way to show their respect and took their seats.

After a minute or two Daniel and Rachel too entered, Jim told them to come on time or it won\'t look good so they agreed and came on time.

Jack was surprised when he saw Daniel there and he called him, Daniel was startled as to who would call him and turned to the source only to see his old friend there.

Daniel couldn\'t believe Jack too was here, the two men then met and hugged each other as they were meeting after a very long time.

Daniel was very happy to see him, "How are you Jack? Long time and what a surprise?"

"Hey, I am the one who should say so, you don\'t like plays or movies so what are you doing here?" Jack was really surprised to see Daniel here.

"My brother is one of the actors in this play so I had to come." Danny explained as he knew how shocking it would be for Jack to see him.

"Wow! May I know which character he is playing?" Jack was really happy to know Daniel\'s brother was an actor in this play.

"Umm that" Daniel wondered and tried to recollect Jim\'s on-screen character name and just then Rachel chimed in the conversation, "Sorry to interrupt you two, Jim is playing the role of Rick" She informed them.

"Wow, how do you know that?" Daniel was surprised that she knew this information and he didn\'t.

"Well, unlike you, I take an interest in your brother\'s life." Rachel taunted him and Daniel couldn\'t help but smile at her words.

She and Jim once rehearsed the play when they were at Daniel\'s house, although Daniel too was with them he didn\'t pay any attention but she was immersed with him in it.

"Who is this young lady with you Dan?" Jack was interested in his friend\'s love life and he could predict the relationship between the two.

But since Dan and Rachel decided to not reveal their relationship yet, Daniel introduced her as his friend.

Then Jack introduced Amanda and Daniel to each other.

"Amanda, I met Daniel when I was studying medicine in Cambridge."

"Oh, nice to meet you Daniel, I heard a lot of your stories although Jack spent very less time there."

"Yeah, your Jack left medicine mid-way."

"Hey you were the one who motivated me to follow my passion, you forgot?"

"I am surprised you remember" Daniel commented.

"Of course I do"

Then Jack introduced Diana, Daniel and Rachel to each other.

"Oh my god, ma\'am I am a huge fan of you." Rachel got very excited when she met Diana, initially she didn\'t see Diana there and now she couldn\'t contain her excitement.

"Thank you dear"

"Ma\'am I watched every film of yours at least twice, me, my grandpa and his friends are a huge fan of you and your movies, they are so good that even now the younger generation enjoys it. My friend too is a huge fan of you."

Rachel got way too excited when she met Diana and Daniel smiled at her all the time as she was behaving like a crazy fan.

Diana was very happy as she was being appreciated by the younger generation too.

Then on Rachel\'s request, Diana agreed to get clicked with her and Daniel took a photograph of them which Rachel sent to the three old men and posted it on her friends group.

Since everyone was there, Amanda asked one of the crew people to ask the four actors to start the play.

Daniel and Rachel too took their seats and Rachel whispered to him, "Why did you never tell me you know Jack Nolan?"

"The topic never came up so…"

"I am a huge fan of his work too but I already went crazy seeing Diana so I controlled myself."

"Thank you so much, if you would have gone crazy over my friend then I would have been very pissed." Daniel jokingly informed her.

"I would love to see jealous Daniel some day" She teased him back.

"Believe me it is better if you never see him." Daniel whispered back to her and just then the play started so they decided to keep quiet and focus on the show.

By the time the play was over Rachel, Diana, Zoey\'s two friends and Leo\'s friend had tears in their eyes.

Only Daniel, Jack and Amanda didn\'t cry.

Rachel was impressed with Jimmy\'s performance and still couldn\'t stop crying.

Amanda noted all their reactions and she was satisfied.

Daniel tried to console Rachel as she was crying non-stop, he wiped her tears with his handkerchief and hugged her and stroked her back, "Rach this is just a play, Jim is alive and he didn\'t die." Daniel tried his best to calm her down.

"Yeah but Rick died" Saying this Rachel continued even more.

Daniel was not sure to laugh or to cry. He turned to the other side to see Jack and Amanda laughing at his situation, especially Jack who was teasingly smiling at him.

Jack was enjoying Daniel\'s current state right now and he was very happy his friend who used to reject everyone in their college finally fell in love with someone.