The Doctor And The CEO

Chapter 159 - Avoid Her Anger

"Are you all going to be silent or would bother yourself to explain what is happening?" Rachel questioned all the five men who were standing there guiltily.

No one knew what to say so they all kept quiet and finally James decided to answer her as it was for his sake that everyone shut their mouths.

"Rachel, can we go somewhere and talk? This is not the appropriate place." James suggested as they were still at the police station.

"Fine but I want to know the entire truth."

"I promise, this time I won\'t hide anything" James promised, now the situation was out of his control, Rachel seemed very angry and she already figured out that something is wrong, if he continues lying then it won\'t work as she was smart enough to find information on her own if she wants.

"I\'ll stay back." Patrick announced as he got a bit scared of Rachel and wanted to avoid her anger.

"No, you are coming with me." Rachel sounded serious and her tone clearly indicated there is no scope for negotiation.

"I am on duty, I can\'t" Patrick now desperately wanted to avoid her.

"Really?" She stood right in front of him and questioned him, her eyes looked cold and scary.

Patrick genuinely got scared, "No, not really, I can come wherever you want."

Daniel: "..."

Three old men: "..."

If Patrick, the tough guy, was scared they couldn\'t imagine what would happen to them.


Then Patrick went with them. The case was closed and he was really not required there so he could go out for a few hours and it was not a problem.

They all then went to James\' house.

Rachel joined the three old men in the same car, Daniel and Patrick used their own cars.

After reaching home, Rachel ordered her grandpa to tell her everything.

She looked cold and scary, it horrified everyone, so James quickly started explaining everything

Then he informed her how her parents\' death was not an accident and was a planned murder, she was not shaken or reacted in shock about the news and looked indifferent, it implied she was waiting for James to complete without any pauses.

They all were stupefied by her indifference, they thought she would be shocked to the core after knowing what happened to her parents but she looked like she already knew about it.

James didn\'t have the courage to question her for her indifference and he just continued the story. He shared the almost attack that happened on her during her childhood and how four of her friends managed to protect her.

This time she showed some reaction of shock and looked at Patrick. He nodded his head.

"Except for you and Kate we all knew of it. That was why in Robert\'s case Emily personally put extra efforts to catch the culprit as she is aware of what happened in the past. For the sake of the promise we all four made to grandpa James, we never told you the truth."

"Why is Emily involved in Robert\'s case?"

"Coincidentally, she was the autopsy doctor."

"Was that really a coincidence?" Currently Rachel was not able to believe everything she heard.

"Yes Rachel, St Christian City Hospital was the nearest hospital from the crime location and she works there, I promise you this is really a coincidence. It involves my job and I obviously wouldn\'t mix it with my personal life." He explained everything that happened.

He was telling the truth, it was indeed a coincidence that Emily was the autopsy doctor.

Daniel was surprised at the mention of Emily. He understood she is Rachel\'s friend and then he remembered the story that Rachel told him last week of Patrick and his girlfriend. Then he recollected how Matt keeps bringing up Emily\'s ex upsetting her, he joined all the dots and understood they are all friends and Patrick is the ex Emily gets sad about.

He shook his head, he couldn\'t believe the coincidences.

"Fine, please continue" She ordered her grandpa.

Then James told her how he got worried about her well being as he felt threatened about her life and therefore he sent her to the States for further studies and never let her come back.

After he thought she was safe he brought her back but again that attack on the way from Peebles to London scared him.

"So, you were the one who told my grandpa about that attack?" She questioned Patrick who nodded his head confirming the truth to her.

"I can\'t believe you all were hiding so many things from him." She helplessly exclaimed feeling betrayed by her own people.

"Dear, I didn\'t want to scare you so…"

"You didn\'t want to scare me or you thought I am not deserving to learn the truth?"

"No Rachel, I was worried you will always live in fear if you knew all of it. Please Rachel try to understand my situation."

"But yet you decided where I should go, when I should come back, the security that should always be around me. You think all of these things are any different from living in fear?"

"Rachel, I am sorry but I had to hide the truth, I am sorry" James only apologized as he couldn\'t explain in words the reason behind his actions.

"Stop apologizing grandpa and continue the truth."

"Then we found out that the threatening message that was sent to you during your reunion, it was sent from the same location as you, which meant the person who threatened you was around you at that time."

Rachel indeed got a bit scared when she heard it, "Are you serious?" James nodded his head and Patrick informed her that he was the one who got this information.

"Then because of Anthony\'s advice, we invited Daniel over and told him the truth and involved him with us and that was when he and Patrick met each other."

Rachel had the urge to look at Daniel and question him too for hiding the truth from her just like she questioned James and Patrick.

Daniel too prepared himself to answer her as he expected it would be his turn next but surprisingly Rachel didn\'t say anything and asked her grandpa to continue.

Daniel was shocked when she ignored him, he felt a pain in his heart. He understood what she was going through right now was more serious than he anticipated.

If she confronted him just like she confronted Patrick and James then it meant everything was fine and she was angry but when she didn\'t he understood she was hurt.

Being angry was always better than being hurt.

One can get rid of their anger by shouting at the person they are angry with or by fighting with them but being hurt is more dangerous as it would be difficult to get over it.

Rachel had many questions but she couldn\'t bring herself to look into Daniel\'s eyes and question him, she wanted to ask her grandpa why suddenly he decided to involve Daniel, she had many more questions but she kept them to herself.

She knows the moment she will look at Daniel or question him, she might break down, so she continued looking at her grandpa and asked him to continue.

"Nothing much after that, I guess the same week Robert died and those two bastards got caught." James concluded.

Patrick already told her about Robert\'s murder and provided her with all the details, now Rachel knew everything they hid from her.

Then Rachel asked them to be calm as she too has something important to share with them.

Daniel knew what she was going to say but he too pretended to be curious like others.

Rachel then told them in detail about the attack that happened on her in Italy.

They were all surprised but she ordered them to let her finish, she informed them that this time the culprit was not able to die and had been successfully captured by them and was taken somewhere by the bodyguards.

"Why did you not inform me immediately?" James questioned her angrily.

"Do you have the right to question me?" She coldly questioned him back and James didn\'t say anything and sat down calmly.

"I told you, you are not safe." James still muttered.

"I know I was attacked but on the bright side the culprit is caught."

Patrick agreed with her, "Yes, now we can actually reach somewhere, also those people will now be very careful before attacking her as this time their plan failed."

"Any idea who that man in black clothes was who saved me?" Rachel questioned James.

"Maybe he is one of the bodyguards I hired." James just answered as he didn\'t read too much into it.

"Fine" Rachel didn\'t question him further.

Patrick told them he would arrest the guy who has been captured, to which the three old men agreed as they promised him that they wouldn\'t do anything illegal and would let Patrick handle everything legally.