The Doctor And The CEO

Chapter 153 - Your Dead Body Is More Worthy Than Money

"Whatever? Is it okay if I bully her?"

"You can try but I don\'t think she will be bullied by you."

"Wow so much confidence in your woman"

Daniel just laughed.

"So, tell me more about her, how did you meet her and etc."

"Okay before that, I and Rachel already are dating each other."

"Wait what?" Jessica was shocked.

"Yeah, didn\'t expect things to progress so fast but it has not yet been a week since we dated each other, it is very recent."

"Wow and you are telling me now." Jessica got angry.

"We didn\'t tell anyone about our relationship yet, Jimmy was the first one to know and now you are the second one I am telling this to."

"Oh then it is alright"

"Yeah, Rachel still didn\'t tell her friends yet and I already did, so…"

"So, Danny 1 Rachel 0"

"It is not a competition Jessica."

"Sorry sorry"

"Also, I didn\'t even consult Rachel before telling you"

"Will she be angry?"

"Hmm not sure"

"I am sure you will handle her"

"Let\'s see"

"How did you meet her?"

"It is a very interesting and long story, and will tell you in more detail when we meet."

"Uhh okay"

Just then Daniel got a call from Rachel, "Jessy, Rachel is calling me now, give me two minutes I\'ll call you back."

"I am offended, you are choosing her over me."

"She has an early morning journey, give me two minutes, please." He requested her.

"I am kidding Danny"


Then Daniel again called her after a few minutes.

"Wow, I thought you two love birds would talk for hours and you might forget to call me back."

"Haha as I told you she is travelling early tomorrow morning to meet you so I couldn\'t keep her on the phone for long."

"Aww how considerate you are."

"I know, I am amazing"

Jessical laughed at his narcissism.

"I am very excited to meet Rachel now"

"Don\'t create trouble for her"

"Oh god, stop being so protective of her"

"How can I not be?"

"Chill, I am not going to eat up your girlfriend."

Daniel too laughed at her words, "But Jessica, you are free to take whatever decision you would like to take, please do not make it an obligation to give this project to Rachel only because of my relationship with her. Even Rachel won\'t like it if she bags this project because of our relationship."

"She seems to have a very impressive personality"

"Yeah this was also the reason why I told you about our relationship after you gave her the contract, I did not want to influence your decision and neither did I want Rachel to feel she reached till here because of me as that is not true. But since you will be meeting her in person tomorrow, I had to tell you."

"Don\'t worry Danny, you know me well, I never mix my personal and professional lives, I\'ll only do what is right."

"That\'s like my girl"

"Haha hope your girlfriend won\'t be jealous of our relationship."

"She won\'t be, I cleared the air and told her what we mean to each other."

"Good you did"

"Of course, how couldn\'t I, by the way when will you be visiting us in London?"

"If luck would have it I might shift there permanently."

"What?" Daniel was happily surprised.

"Yeah, if I choose London-based business personnel for this project then I\'ll shift there or I\'ll continue working from Milan."

"That would be amazing, if you shift here you have to live near my house."

"Yeah, if I shift there, you are the one who needs to find a house for me."

"I will"

Jessica then yawned.

"It seems you are feeling sleepy."

"Yeah, I was about to sleep when you called me."

"Sorry for keeping you awake, go and sleep now."

"Yeah you too, please take care of yourself."

"Don\'t worry I am fine."

"Right since you have a girlfriend I am sure she must be taking good care of you."

"No, I am taking care of her instead."

Jessica laughed at his reply, "Good for her"

"Haha yeah, good night Jess"

"Good night Danny"

Jessica decided to call him the next day and tell him how much she loved Rachel and with that thought she slept.

Next day morning Rachel woke up at 8 am. They decided to return to London as early as possible.

After having breakfast, she and Sam with Frank in one car headed towards the airport.

Just like before there was one car ahead of them with other security guards and one car following them with Rachel\'s car being in the middle.

Frank was sitting next to the driver, Sam and Rachel were sitting in the back seat.

Rachel played music on her phone and relaxed, closing her eyes, enjoying the music.

They were heading towards the airport and were travelling for around half an hour when they saw traffic police diverting the traffic as there was an accident and the road further was jammed.

"What should we do?" Frank asked Sam and Rachel.

"Luckily we have time, so take the other route." Sam instructed the driver as Rachel was busy enjoying the music and the driver changed the way.

This was communicated on the phone to the other two cars so they too acted accordingly and they changed the path.

But then suddenly the driver who was driving the car injected something on Frank\'s neck and diverted the car and headed in the other direction.

Sam got startled with this action and shouted at the driver, "Why the hell did you divert the car?"

Sam then looked at Frank for help but he seemed to be sleeping with his head down.

When the driver injected Frank, Sam was checking his phone so he didn\'t see it but now looking at Frank\'s state, he understood the driver did something to him, so he panicked and asked, "What did you do to Frank?"

The driver suddenly turned back and tried to inject Sam too with the same injection.

Sam fought back and since the driver was also driving the car it became difficult for him to inject Sam.

Sam quickly shook Rachel\'s shoulder to alert her what was happening, Rachel annoyedly opened her eyes only to see Sam struggling and just then the driver injected the shot on Sam\'s neck as Sam was distracted in waking up Rachel.

"Ahhhh" Rachel shouted in panic and tried to call Frank but he too was sleeping and Sam too was sleeping right now with his neck bent.

"What the hell is happening?" Rachel shouted at the driver.

"Just shut up" The driver shouted back at Rachel.

She tried to unlock the car door and tried to move down the windows but they were all jammed.

"I jammed everything, you can\'t do anything." The driver informed her with a tone of warning.

The other two cars that were with Rachel quickly followed her car as it suddenly diverted and there was no response from Frank, they understood the situation was bad.

But the man driving the car with Rachel on it was speeding it and he was so fast that the two other cars didn\'t manage to keep up with it, then suddenly the two cars ran out of diesel.

The guards were shocked as they refilled the tank last night and then they saw a small pipe leak after checking.

They understood they were tricked, now these people only pinned their hopes on Frank and prayed for Frank to save Rachel as they were unaware that Frank was already lying unconscious.

Just then they saw a speeding bike pass from there. The bike drove away so fast past them that they did not even have time to ask for lift or help.

In the car, Rachel looked behind, only to see the two cars slowing down and eventually they were out of her sight, she understood there was no one here to save her and she had to take care of herself, she first decided to keep her calm as there was no way out if she panics.

"Listen, if you want money I can give you as much as you want, we can deal with this maturely." Rachel tried to negotiate with the driver.

The driver chuckled at her words, "Your life is more worthy than money, sorry I meant your dead body is more worthy than the money you can offer me."

"Did anyone hire you to kill me?"

"Isn\'t that obvious?" The driver answered her back.

Rachel really regretted not listening to her grandpa, she cursed herself, \'I always do this, I don\'t listen to the old man, then I encounter trouble and I regret, I never learn from my mistakes.\'

"Listen, please tell me how much money you want? I\'ll give you five times that amount and I also promise you, I won\'t report you to the police." She calmly requested the driver.