The Devil's Bride: War Of Endless Love

Chapter 46 - Beheaded?

Caspian took the both girls with him… He carried Lana in his hands and asked Misty to walk behind him…

" Miss Clark.. Just walk beside me" He said while smiling at her and she quickly started walking while holding onto the hem of his shirt…

"Yes.. You are doing great.." He said and started walking…

When they were out of the club he kept Lana on the couch placed there and asked Misty " Miss Clark… Can you please hand me your car keys?"

He asked and She quickly pointed at the pocket of her pants and said " Look… they are here take it out" She said and Caspian shook his head "Take it out now Misty" He said while intimidating her so she quickly took it out and handed it to him…

He went to the guard and gave him the key to take their car out of the Parking lot…

Soon the guy came with her car and he quickly placed Lana in the car...

Lana was sleeping back in the car and he then helped Misty on the front seat and settled her….

When he was about to leave her, she hugged him and said "Baby.. My cutie pie don\'t leave me ever ok"

She said and Caspian chuckled...

\'She would do the same when she is drunk\' He placed her in the car and freed himself from her and went to the other side…

She kept murmuring not to leave him and just smiled at her..

Soon they reached home...

He helped both of them to sleep anset an alarm for 6 AM as he knew Lana and the kids had to be on time in the morning...

He went to his room, did some of his work and went to sleep...


At the Royal Palace…

"Your highness"

The president of the Country M and the other leaders were present there in the courtroom…

The King entered the courtroom and everyone stood up from their places…

And everyone stood up bowed their heads while saying "Your highness"

"My Lord"

The King went to his throne and sat proudly..

One of the ministers from the Royal\'s stood up and said " This meeting has been called urgently to talk about Monarchy and democracy"

The meeting had been called so sudden and no one knew the purpose of the meeting. All the political leaders and leaders on higher posts were full of anxiety.

They knew if it was the call from the King himself then they are done for and they can\'t do anything at all...

They hold such a heavenly power that a simple man like them could never defeat them and that what was the reason they were still in reign even in the age of science and democracy…

Half of the people only thought that the heavenly power and all were all the myths made by their ancestors and there was no such thing in the world… They were still in the reign all because of their good strategies and mindset… There was no such thing like power or magic and all….

The Minister said and continued " The King has seen many of the people defying his orders and the relation of Country Avalon with Country Costaguana is not going well?"

[ Author\'s Note: Here Country M is referred to as Avalon and Costaguana as another country… These are fictional country names and they have nothing to do with reality so just enjoy it as it is without thinking about what names are these and all… Thank You…]

As soon as the minister was done saying a man from the ruling party stood up and said "We are in power right now and we clearly chosen by the people of Country M… The people from Palace don\'t need to tell us how to rule the country, we know it very well"

Everyone was stunned when they heard his remark.. Even the President himself was shaking after hearing this… No one would ever dare to defy or go against the King and the Monarchy...

An erre silent could be seen in the courtroom and Victor who was sitting on his seat as the Prince was looking at the man in anger…

But the man didn\'t stop there and kept on with his words…

"This is the 21st century and the era of Democracy, the Palace really doesn\'t need to tell us about our foriegn policies… You guys are already enjoying the treatment of King and royals..Just do it and stop interfering in it..."

He said and was about to sit but before he could even take his seat he was beheaded…

His head was lying on the floor and his body was still moving, feeling the pain…

The smell of fresh blood filled the whole courtroom and his blood itself was splashed on the ground…

The guy who beheaded the man was the Army General.. He was shaking with anger and was looking at the King with red eyes. The King gave him a slight nod and the man was beheaded in a millisecond…

As soon as it was done around 4 to 5 people soldiers entered the courtroom and took his body, a few of them quickly cleaned the floor full of blood…

Everyone was shaking with fear, they did come here with the same intention of that person who had just died but it was all thanks to his sacrifice that they were still alive and breathing...

The King stood up from his throne and the other people quickly did the same and bowed their heads…

"I see… There was a man who really thought that just because I allowed the democracy system 22 years ago, you guys have started thinking of yourself as the real ruler and now I don\'t even have the right to interfere?"

He said in cold and chilly but in a calm voice making everyone almost collapse on the ground...

Victor was looking at all these and agreed with his grandfather as he had seen all the things they have done after coming into power and how the normal people were suffering...


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