The Devil King of fast wear was a little sweet

Chapter 1506: This little brother will slice

Chapter 1506: This Little Brother Will Slice

Xia Ling thought about meeting the Demon King, but never thought that when she was unguarded, they ran out!

"Oh no matter what I look like, I\'m your demon king." Silence is poked by Xia Ling. The pure white light and shadow are like swaying little flowers, and the slightly confused eyes in her black eyes Light, like beautiful light and shadow, makes him unlovable.

The natural past held Xia Ling in his arms.

There is no body in consciousness, and no body temperature or heartbeat can be felt.

However, in Xia Ling\'s conscious world, they are two spiritual bodies with different frequencies.

With so many worlds and so many times meeting and loving each other, they are entangled deeper than everyone else, so deep ... So hug, Xia Ling seems to have regained the feeling that each world is getting along with him.

Stiff, then slowly relax.

Love ... I knew I was in love.

Now this rigidity to relax is Xia Ling\'s voluntary defense.

How deep can a person\'s fate be in his life, so that Xia Ling can be entangled with a person like this, almost equal to life?

Gently stroked Xia Ling\'s long hair.

This action is also engraved in the bones of the silence.

His love robbery has always proved that Xia Ling has been the most suitable for his existence since hundreds of millions of years.

Xuanming helped him leave primers in countless dimensions.

However, his degree of fit is too high, and ordinary people can find a disaster that can be broken by casually finding someone. It is like incurable disease to him.

Without crossing the gang, he and the abyss will fall together, and all his powers will dissipate when the next gang arrives.


He couldn\'t wait for the woman she wanted.

What does it feel like to her, that is, the first look at her, and now she is sure that she is the person he is looking for.

From soul to body, she is eager to be close to her.

Even if she cut off his detached heart, she did not hesitate to leave the continent after having strength.

Even so, Jiu Yuan is still willing to start love robberies.

Because that person is her, because if there is no reason for this, he is not sure if ‘the ancestor of the abyss of reason’ would just watch her leave him without making any retention.

Ji Yuan\'s eyes grew softer and he kissed Xia Ling\'s hair.

"Oh, wait for all my consciousness to come back, and I\'ll take you back to my palace."

"Why ..." Xia Ling\'s body trembled a little, and she was touched by the kiss, and the whole body trembled. "You will appear in the Blue Star World? You are clearly a person from another world, you are not good Go back to your world and rise, what do you do with me? "

Although it is a strategy, the mission becomes different.

All tasks will not start around him, but he exists on a certain branch of the plot. If Xia Ling wants to ignore him, she can complete the task even if she does not attack him.

His power ... Xia Ling felt vaguely.

After all, it is another demon king in a parallel world, who has ruled so many people. This level of power is similar to that of Blue Star\'s law enforcement?

"You don\'t know anything?" Ji Yuan was stiffened, but did not expect what Xia Ling saw.

At the beginning, he was transformed into the heavens.

He is not the devil, the ancestor of the abyss.

The demon king is just one of his avatars. What Xia Ling initially attacked and recovered was the shards of his avatars that he gradually matched with her and recovered from the small thousand worlds.

(End of this chapter)