The Devil King of fast wear was a little sweet ( Machine Translation )

Chapter 1810 - 1899 had taken down the Tsundere network manager

Chapter 1810: 1899 had taken down the Tsundere network manager

Author: Thirteen pure ones Machine Translation

Xia Ling stopped there. She watched as the fragments merged into the network, and then looked at the vague black mass of chaotic air.

She was the main consciousness. This forgotten area was a restricted area. Looking from afar, her memory was like a garbage station filled with fragments, with several tornadoes swirling around.

From the edge, it slowly devoured her position... ...

Ji Yuan was at the innermost position, but it was also not safe.

As long as he could not leave, one day, the tornado would devour him, and Xia Ling would "erase" him from her memory.

He would be crushed to pieces, and she would forget everything that had happened between them.

"Hai Hai, has the Lord returned? " Xia Ling reached out to touch the barrier of the forgotten zone.

As soon as her hand touched it, it melted away from her finger, as if it had been devoured.

Hai Hai did not respond.

It followed beside Xia Ling in the form of a small Lotus.

The Small Lotus flickered in black and white, looking like a frequency disorder.

When Xia Ling saw it, she immediately knew that this was the symbol of the Lord's return!

When the main God appeared, Hai Hai would turn into a white lotus flower.

Xia Ling could vaguely feel a warm yet cold aura. She looked at Hai Hai Hai and frowned slightly.

This aura was indeed very similar to Luo Yannan's. The moment it appeared, it made her feel extremely conflicted.

After experiencing a world, Xia Ling had also found a way to resist the main God.

"Hai Hai, send me into the new world! "

"Yes, master. " The cold voice was the main God who had not completely recovered, but had followed the system's instinct to fulfill the host's request.


A white light flashed before Xia Ling's eyes once again.

This time, after Xia Ling settled down in the new world, she confirmed that the environment she was in was safe. The first thing she did was not to receive the plot and memories, but to check on Hai Hai Hai in her consciousness.

Hai Hai was white, as if it was still, motionless in her consciousness.

After a while, a white light disappeared from Hai Hai Hai's body.

"Hai Hai? " Xia Ling called out.

"Yes, master. " Hai Hai Hai replied.

Judging from her tone, she had returned to normal, but Xia Ling was also a little disappointed.

Previously, Ji Yuan had been able to use Hai Hai to talk to her, but this time, it seemed that Ji Yuan had not appeared.

Letting out a gentle breath, Xia Ling calmed herself down.

Previously, she had already seen Ji Yuan in the space of consciousness. The main God had come prepared, taking advantage of JI yuan's weakness to seal him into the forgotten land.

As for her, she could not guarantee that she and JI yuan would be able to deal with the main God, nor could she resist the main God directly.

While Xia Ling was thinking, Hai Hai suddenly opened her mouth.

"Master, back in that world, the way you dealt with Luo Yannan and left him with nothing, it was useful! "

Xia Ling could hear the desire in its tone, as if the main God was some mouthwatering delicacy that made Hai Hai so eager to take a bite.

Hai Hai: "I can feel that after the main God returned from the small thousand world, its power has weakened a little. "

"How much is a little? Can I deal with it? " Xia Ling asked.

Hai Hai:"... Stop Dreaming. If the demon king had returned in its previous state, it would have been able to push it down. But now, it is recuperating, and your power is of the same origin as the main God. With a thought from it, your power will become its tonic."

After a pause, it comforted Xia Ling. "But host, don't be discouraged. The direction is right. You can suppress the main God while attacking the demon king. When the Demon King's soul recovers a little more, it will be able to break out of the forgotten land on its own. "

"okay, I understand. "