The Devil does not need to be defeated

Chapter 57

Leaving the scene of the crime... Correction is that after leaving the scene of the incident, sheen thought he would be questioned by Tieer.

After all, no matter how you look at it, the person who can use the magic sword with such power can't be a novice adventurer.

No, it should be said that, as far as Tieer knows, there is no one who can make the magic sword reach this level of power.

If you want to compare people who can match Sheen's magic sword, you can only find the brave one who left the legend of splitting the sea?

But even the brave man, who was able to practice the magic sword in such a field, had to spend a lot of time trying to raise the level to a very high level.

And Sean?

I don't know if it takes a minute to learn the magic sword to display its power.

Coupled with the fact that Sheen's level is still very low, it is impossible to make such earth shaking achievements without being questioned.

So, after leaving the wilderness, sheen is ready to be questioned by tier.

But who ever thought, Tieer did not even make a trace of investigation, just gave a sentence.

"Now that you have learned the magic sword, do you want to learn other skills?"

In this way, Tieer not only did not investigate Sheen's problem, but also made light of it as if he had forgotten the pain.

This made sheen a little uncertain about tyer's ideas.

But since there is such a good thing, sheen doesn't want to refuse.

So, after the magic sword, sheen asked Tieer for three skills: penetration, acceleration and melee avoidance.

In Sheen's opinion, these three skills are also very useful. One can ignore a certain degree of defense, one can improve his own speed, and the other can not only make the user avoid the enemy's attack smoothly, but also use all conditions to get close to the opponent at the fastest speed in the process. For people in the close combat system, these are undoubtedly magic skills.

So, sheen still wants to learn these three skills.

And Tieer did not hide his clumsiness. He taught Sean the skills of penetration, acceleration and close avoidance unconditionally, so that he could learn them.

As a result, in the process of learning these skills, there are accidents.

It's just that this time it's not an earth shaking accident.

"Acquiring skills - [penetration] - learning? "

" acquire skills - [armor damage] - whether to learn? "

" acquiring skills - [accelerating] - learning? "

" acquiring skills - [free movement] - learning? "

" acquiring skills - [close avoidance] - learning? "

" acquiring skills - [instant move] - do you want to learn? "

as mentioned above, in the process of learning skills, sheen not only acquired the skills he wanted to learn, but also acquired the skills out of plan just as he did when he acquired" magic perception "and" magic operation ".

[armor damage] is obtained in the process of learning [penetration], and its function is to destroy the opponent's armor and disintegrate the opponent's defense.

[free movement] is obtained in the process of learning [acceleration]. Its function is as literal as it is. It can move in spite of external obstacles in any case. Therefore, it can run on the wall, move on the water and cross various obstacles like Parkour in dangerous terrain, without external factors affecting the movement.

As for "instant move", it is naturally a skill acquired in the process of learning "close avoidance".

This is the second active skill Sean has acquired since extreme change.

Its effect is very simple, that is, when they are about to be attacked, they ignore the laws of physics and instantly move the user to another location.

Sean was more excited when he acquired this skill than when he learned the magic sword.

Because, this is the instant movement of the limited edition.

However, this ability is still limited because it is a momentary move rather than a momentary move.

It has three limitations.

1: It must be under attack.

2: After use, the position of moving is uncontrollable, that is, random moving. It is not the user who decides which position to move to.

3: The range is limited, and the maximum moving distance is only about 10 meters. When the skill level is only one level, this skill can only be moved within a radius of one meter at most.

But even so, this skill seems to be no lower than the advanced skill of magic sword. It is said that no one in Mithra Kingdom has mastered this skill.

In view of this, sheen did not mean to upgrade it to full level.

Of course, the rest of the skills, Sean has also been upgraded to full level.The same is true of the previously acquired "magic sense" skill.

In other words, this time, under Tieer's guidance, sheen acquired nine skills, all of which reached the full level.

Under such circumstances, sheen was surprised to find that his own level had also been promoted.

After learning about it, Tieer was silent for a long time before he finally opened his mouth.

"Upgrading is not only limited to fighting, even ordinary exercise is OK. As long as you make yourself grow up, your level may suddenly rise."

In other words, this is the situation.

Having acquired a lot of skills, sheen undoubtedly grew up, and his rank went up.

"However, it may also be due to the influence of the previous magic sword." Tieer added, muttering, "it's not surprising that a large number of unlucky demons are involved in that situation."

This sentence makes Sean smile at the same time and pray in his heart at the same time.

Otherwise, the crime will be really serious.

With this in mind, Sean glanced at his current level, Lv. 18.

"... eight levels in one breath?"

I feel more and more likely to upgrade not only because I have grown up.

Anyway, one thing is certain.

That is, after the day, sheen is much stronger.

It has been proved that hanging force doesn't need to be a sword God.

However, the stimulation of hanging force on the people around is also terrible.

At least, Tieer was silent for a long time after seeing sheen acquire all the skills that he had planned to learn from the beginning of his grade in less than a day.


"go back today."

Tier threw a word to sheen.

"And you?"

Immersed in emotion, Sean asked subconsciously.

"For a long time, go and fight with a demon higher than yourself."

The light leaves such words, Tieer turns to leave.

Sheen wanted to follow, but was turned down.

In desperation, sheen could only turn his eyes and look in the direction of lamigion.

"The next thing is magic."

Who should we learn from?

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