The Devil does not need to be defeated

Chapter 52

At the same time, in the top room of the adventurers' guild, Riley was complained by Vivian.

"All right, all right, it's my fault." Lily surrenders: "I also want to help you, how did it become like this?"

The president of lamigion's adventurers' Association was helpless. She must have been worried by Vivian.

But Vivian still has that attitude.

"Anyway, it's a matter of our own team. It's not good for you to step in like that, isn't it?"

Vivian is still holding a grudge.

But Vivian was not wrong.

"If you, as the president, casually intervene in the affairs of the adventurers' team, and the rumors of such a sensitive matter as reward are deliberately spread out by those who have the intention, then other adventurers' teams will be estranged from you. Is that ok?"

Vivian is worried.

This is not alarmism.

Lily knows that if what she does today is really not good, it will be taken advantage of by the people who have the intention. Finally, she will have some trouble.

However, Riley is not too worried.

"Do you think my three years as president of lamigion have been false?" Lily laughed and said, "a situation like this will be strangled by me before it may appear. Others don't know. Don't you know?"

After hearing that, Vivian finally put down a snack.

Just as Leili knows Vivian, Vivian also knows her very well. She knows how careful the only daughter of this noble family is, and won't allow this possibility to happen.

Other superior people may show their ability after the event, perfectly solve the incident, show their intelligence and superb means to the world, and win the praise of the world. But unlike those people, Riley doesn't want to wait for things to happen and then try their best to solve them. Instead, she is very persistent in taking measures before the events happen Danger is nipped in the cradle.

Thanks to this, most of the people in lamiguionne's impression of Riley is noble and kind-hearted. They regard her funding and special care for new people as a kind of show of kindness, but I don't know that the reason why Riley did this is also because of her way of doing things to kill danger in her cradle.

New people are often in danger?

Then help them, upgrade their equipment and supplies, and ensure their safety to the greatest extent.

Good adventurers are hard to come by?

Pay enough attention to them when they are still in the new stage and cultivate them.

In fact, these policies are because Riley is good at preparing for the rainy day, or in other words, she is persistent in taking precautions.

Following this style of doing things, Riley has strangled several major events that almost happened in the past three years, making her stay in office in peace and quiet.

Therefore, the world only knows the kindness and generosity of the president, but does not know that her mind is meticulous enough to discover the signs of many incidents and kill them all.

It's also because of this that new people like sheen will be noticed by Riley, and then be arranged into Vivian's team. Riley will go to the hall directly to see Sean in the first time when Vivian's team returns.

If you are someone else, I'm afraid that you will not take the initiative to meet the people you want to see. Instead, you will hold the position of president and let the staff of the guild go to the hall and invite people to meet in their own rooms?

To tell you the truth, Vivian is so concerned about the new people, and she has no turning back on the cultivation of new people. In fact, all of them are influenced by Riley.

Otherwise, gentle return to gentle, Wei Wei An still can't treat anyone equally to give care.

This affects Vivian's Lily, naturally will not allow any restless rumors to appear.

"All right." Vivian sighed, "I know I don't think as much as you do, and I'm not as smart as you."

Vivian has to admit it.

"Don't say that." Riley chuckled, picked up the quill pen, knocked on the table, and said, "I'm very lucky to have run down this trip, otherwise, how could I meet such a new person?"

"What?" Wei Wei An surprised way: "you have seen the extraordinary Sean?"

"No, I didn't see that." Riley was very direct: "but looking at the way you and Tieer treat the new man, I can probably guess that there should be something about him that you can look up to."

Obviously, Riley is keen to see the delicate attitude of Vivian's team to sheen.

"Originally I thought, because of the past, if you don't care, tiele, they should have rejected the new man." Riley said with a smile: "as a result, today, in addition to little lumia, or that way, you three of the new attitude are not very unusual ah."In particular, tyer's performance surprised Riley most.

Because Riley has never seen a male adventurer so close to Tieer.

Don't say it's a male adventurer, it's a female adventurer. It's too strange for Tieer to dump each other.

It's the pride of genius, and Riley is used to it.

And how used to it, Riley was surprised today.

"Even Tieer, who once dared to break the limbs of a frivolous heir to the aristocratic family, is such a performance. I can only think that there is something special about that new man." Lily looked at Vivian and said, "what's up? Do you see anything in him? "

This is also the task Riley gave Vivian, let Vivian carry out a certain degree of inquiry on Sean, to see if the new man really has no skills, or what is abnormal.


"... Sorry, I don't really want to say that."

Vivian was silent for a moment, and then gave such an answer.

"Don't want to say it?"

Lily did not expect Vivian would give such a word, and was stunned for a moment.

"There is a secret in Sean." Wei Wei settled down and said with a bitter smile: "but, as far as I'm concerned, I can only say that this secret may be bigger than we imagined. I'm afraid we can't afford it."

The words made Lily lose her words.

"... is it troublesome?"

Riley straightened her back a little and looked straight at Vivian.

"Well, it should be troublesome." Vivian met the sight of Riley and said very seriously: "I hope it's not what I think. Otherwise, the existence of sheen is likely to lead to the complete collapse of the balance among the three ethnic groups who are struggling to maintain peace."

At this moment, even Lily couldn't help changing her face.

"To such an extent?"

Riley frowned and began to tap the table faster.

Vivian knows that this is Riley's habit of thinking.

Now Riley's brain must be weighing the pros and cons at a speed that ordinary people can't imagine?

And it didn't last long.

"Now that you've said that, you have to believe it if you don't believe it."

Riley came to this conclusion.

"What are you going to do?"

Vivian asked.

"What else can I do?" "Help that new man clean up the aftermath," Riley said

"Clean up the aftermath?" Vivian suddenly understood and said, "have you investigated Sean?"

"Let's call it a day." Lily turned her lips and said, "you know my character. I like to take precautions. Since I have taken special care of the new man, I have to investigate it first in case of any problems."

But as a result, Riley did not investigate anything, as if sheen had jumped out of a crack in the stone.

"Originally, I thought that the time was too short to investigate anything useful. Now it seems that this investigation can not be carried out any more, and we have to find ways to help him conceal information and even forge his identity."

That's what Riley meant.

"Will it work?"

Vivian asked.

"It's not a big problem. Just pretend that he's a person who came out of the orphanage that I funded."

Riley was thoughtful without much trouble.

Because many of the established adventurers met with danger and died in their adventures, Riley once set up an orphanage for the children left by the adventurers.

From those orphanages, there are often children who have embarked on the same path as their parents, or to thank lily for being independent and thus become adventurers.

In view of this, as long as Riley hands, to help sheen forge an identity, is completely easy.

"If he can trust him enough?" "I don't want to help a spy or even a demon spy in disguise. Can you guarantee that?" Riley warned

Riley stares at Vivian.

Vivian an can't help hesitating for a moment, and then also heavily ordered under the head.

"Although the contact time is still very short, and his existence is also a very unstable factor, I can guarantee that he is not a spy of other countries or a spy of demon clan."

Vivian recalled Sheen's reaction to the war thousands of years ago and made up her mind.

"If anything happens, I'll take it all."

On hearing this, Riley immediately laughed.

"If you can do this, the new man is lucky." Lily spread out her hand and said, "OK, I'll get on your boat."

Vivie's heart warmed when she settled down.She also knows that Riley's decision to do so is absolutely at great risk.

This is definitely not an easy decision for Riley, who wants to nip any risk in her cradle.

Vivian can only say one word.

"Thank you."

Everything, all in this short words.

"I've helped the new man anyway. In that case, let's go to the end."

Lily smiles.

, but I'm more and more curious to have a drink with the newcomer , the fastest update of the webnovel!