The Devil does not need to be defeated

Chapter 171

For a long time, only the sound of water was left in the baths, and there was no other sound.

Sean and Tieer are sitting opposite each other in the bath. One is staring at each other, constantly strengthening his brain memory. The other is indifferent, as if he is not in front of a heterosexual, and their performance is completely different.

There was silence between the two.


Sean began to feel dizzy.

Such a scene, such a situation, let sheen is incomparably uncomfortable.

If it went on like this, sheen felt that he was almost able to wake up.

Fortunately, as sheen was about to wake up, Tieer finally spoke.

"You will follow me. Do you know anything from whom?"

Tieer asked such a question.

"Ha?" Sheen didn't react for a moment, and then faltered and stammered, "well, it is."

In principle, sheen should have denied it.

If it's on another occasion, sheen will surely muddle through.

Unfortunately, in this situation, Sheen's own will is violently shaken, and his consciousness has been drifting in the wrong direction, which makes his attention and reaction much slower than usual, and his thinking is also somewhat slow.

As a result, sheen found that he had subconsciously answered from the heart before he thought about his gains and losses.

(isn't that what Tieer was after

Sheen suddenly woke up.

This girl, is to know will be like this, just play so a, plan to set their own words?

Sheen is very serious about that.

However, Tieer didn't give him time to doubt.

"Who told you that?" Thier remained calm and said, "Vivian is still your highness?"

"... are you so sure it's one of them?" Sheen, more or less regained his composure, said, "maybe someone told me that?"

Thiel vetoed Sheehan's remarks.

"I know a lot of people who know about me, even though all the nobles of almost all the royal families know about it. But when you come here for only one day, you can only talk about this kind of thing with you, only two people, Vivian and your royal highness." "What did they say to you?" Tieer said quietly

Now, sheen was sure.

Tier, it's all about questioning yourself.

"Do you care?"

Sheen was silent for a while and then said so.

"I think so." "It's my business, and I don't want anyone else to get involved," tier said, as if she were drooping her eyes

There is no doubt about this.

Obviously, Tieer is a little disgusted with the intervention of sheen and others.

No, it can't be said that it is disgust, it should be said that it is persistent.

"in the past, I had too much help from Vivian, Reilly and her royal highness." "I don't like the feeling that you can only rely on others and rely on others to protect them," tier whispered

Therefore, Tieer decided to leave Wangdu and embark on the road of becoming an adventurer.

"I want to be strong, strong enough to resist anyone's harm without the help of others." "If it were not for this, I would not have chosen to go to lamigion," said tier

When Vivian and Riley were still in the Wangdu, Tieer was taken care of by them. Naturally, she hoped that after Vivian and Riley left the Wangdu and went to lamigion, she would be able to take charge of it on her own and not trouble them any more.

Under such circumstances, Tieer also accepted the invitation of Vivian and Riley to go to lamigion, and the only reason was to become stronger.

Of course, Tieer will choose to leave Wangdu, but also to escape the evil and good intentions here.

Malice, needless to say, is someone who hates tier like that noble young master.

not to mention goodwill, after Vivian and Reilly left the royal capital, the only person who would help thierre was the princess.

but thier did not want to accept the feelings of others any more, and he did not want to accept the royal highness of the princess.

reason, just because the princess's highness recognized a teacher.

"... it seems to be alidia?"

The name comes from the silence.

"> Tieer didn't answer.

Seeing this, Sheehan went on speaking for himself.

"When she came to Wangdu, Vivian said that the most famous Knight family in the kingdom was the leader of the cavalry order. It seems that the name of the family was elbain's family?"

Sheen mentioned the family name that was famous in the royal capital and even in the whole kingdom."The guy named alidia is the owner of the elbaines, isn't he?"

Sheen asked the question, but his voice was full of affirmation.

Because, it's obvious.

Vivian also said that, as a modern brave, the gifted Roxie was taught by a legendary knight.

The knight's rank was as high as 98. He was the strongest in Mithra Kingdom and the strongest among the Terrans. In fact, he was only powerful under the three goddesses and the six demons.

And Roxie called alidia a teacher.

So, isn't the answer obvious?

"Alidia elbein, is that the knight's full name?"

Sheen was so sure.

Tieer still didn't answer.

It's just, I don't know if it's Sean's delusion. He always feels that Tieer's mood has changed since alidia was mentioned.

I don't know how long it took for Tieer to say it.

"The elbaines and the razahads are very similar in nature."

Tieer didn't answer the question and threw up such a topic.


Sean was stunned.

Tier's tone was cool.

"The owner of the razahad family has been the president of the adventurers' Guild for generations, leading all the adventurers' associations and standing on the human world."

"The same is true of the elbain family, who has been the head of the cavalry order for generations, and has always been very strong."

"Do you know why?"

Tiel looks at Sean.

"Because the ancestors of the elbaines were the strongest companions of the brave thousands of years ago."

In other words, the elbaines are actually descendants of the brave.

"I have heard that the reason why the ancestors were so strong, strong enough to be valued by Mithra the brave, became the strongest partner of Mithra, because the ancestors were also descendants of the brave."

Tieer said this secret.

"The ancestor elbain inherited the blood of a brave man who appeared before Mithra. Therefore, the lineage of the elbain family has been able to show great talent for generations, and even some people have reached the limit of life - level 100."

In this way, the elbaines couldn't even think hard.

In this way, they can become the leader of the guard order for generations, and their strength is so strong.

And Tieer...

"are you

Sheen looks at tier with a complicated look.

At last there was an emotion on tyer's face.

That kind of emotion is called self mockery.

"Tier elbein, that's my full name."

The young girl in front of her was one of the heirs of the elbein family.

She, like Roxie, is a descendant of the brave. , the fastest update of the webnovel!