The Demonic King Chases His Wife The Rebellious Good-for-Nothing Miss

Chapter 11568

Because they were thrown out again and again, Su Luo's injuries became more and more serious. In the end, Su Luo almost couldn't get up.

She was covered in blood, on her face and hands

If it was not for her strong willpower, other people would have fainted.

The strength of little black dragon and little white dragon is not as good as Su Luo, so they have been completely knocked out at the moment.


White fog once again hurls Su Luo out. After she flies backwards, she struggles to get up. However, no matter how hard she tries, her body finally just shakes slightly, but she can't get up

And the white fog, which was constantly disturbed by Su Luo, finally condensed into a group.

This is the left smile!

His real body can not enter, he actually uses the precious prism to project his soul.

He is a ten Star strong, even if the soul projected in, the strength is far stronger than Su Luo, so Su Luo is defeated again and again in front of him.

Left smile that pair of ferocious eyes light shoots to the front, there, there is a girl who collapsed in the corner of the wall.

She was black and blue, her breath weak, and she had no resistance.

It's her who made herself suffer.

Left smile also don't understand, is not a strength of six or seven star girl, how can you force yourself to this point?

How can she be promoted to her present level?

If he didn't choose the spontaneous combustion breakthrough finally, promoted to the Ten Star strength, now he and the girl, really hard to win or lose!

The left smile looks at the other side again.

There, there is a shadow sitting cross legged, frowning practice.

That deep and beautiful outline, beautiful face Left smile does not recognize who this person is, but there is a feeling that the other party is very dangerous.

So, which one to kill first?

Left smile without any hesitation, went straight to the direction of Nangong Liuyun.

A stiff heart!

Absolutely not!

"Left smile!" Su Luo could not stand up, she sat on the ground, her back against the snow wall, smiling at him: "are you not curious?"

Left smile on this girl too much when, so now simply ignore what she is saying, the pace does not stop.

Su Luohu's smile: "don't you all wonder, why you are a ten Star strong person, but can only follow me behind the butt butt butt run?"

"Don't you wonder why I know every lane in the restricted area?"

"Don't you wonder why my body came into the main hall unharmed, but you can only put your soul into it, and your body remains outside?"

"Is it Don't you wonder what I really am? "

Left smile finally stopped, he turned back, with contemptuous eyes glanced at Su Luo one eye: "not curious."

"Because it will soon be your turn to die."

Say, left smile directly toward south palace flow cloud throat place to catch!

He felt the fatal danger of Nangong Liuyun, so the first thing he wanted to kill was Nangong Liuyun.

But now Nangong Liuyun is at the most important juncture, when he was only four years old.

Su Luo is going to talk to Jiang housekeeper and let him do it.

However, since entering the restricted area, Jiang housekeeper seems to have lost his track, and Su Luo can no longer get in touch with him.

So now she can only delay as much as possible.

"Do you know who I am?" Su Luo fiercely stood up and suddenly lifted it towards his face. , the fastest update of the webnovel!