The Demon King's Cowardly Vessel

Chapter 333 - The Mystery of Purple Flower Mountain (7)

"W-who…" Lucifer gulped as the memories of the man who raised him appeared in his mind.

Juin slowly turned around and walked towards Lucifer. He raised a hand and touched Lucifer\'s face, and for a split second, Lucifer felt that he could feel the familiar warmth.  ​​

"F-Father… Is… Is that you?"

He was confused. How could his father, who passed away in Alercane, appeared in front of him. Lucifer was sure that he was not under any illusion, yet he saw his father in Juin. That did not make any sense to him. Even if Juin was the vessel of him and Hades, there was no way he could even bring out a trace of his father.

So… How?

"You must be Lucifer…" Juin smiled. His smile and the look in his eyes were gentle and warm, which were nothing like how he used to look at Lucifer. "I\'m glad… You have grown up well…"


Juin looked at the dagger, which was glowing in blue, briefly before looking at Lucifer. He smiled, and for a second, Lucifer saw his father\'s image again.

"Father!" Lucifer understood now. The dagger. It must have kept a part of his father\'s soul. Lucifer made it a point to confront Warlock about this someday, but for now, he was just glad that he was able to see his father again, even if it was in a different way.

"You must be a great king…" Juin smiled. "I hope I am a good father… to you."

Lucifer gulped and nodded slowly. His father "lost" this dagger when he was just a baby, which meant that was the last memory of this part of his soul. "But…"

"To your brother, this is all I can do for him…" Juin suddenly said as a sorrowful expression appeared on his face. "What I did was unpardonable…"

Juin suddenly fell on his knees. At the same moment, the glow on the dagger disappeared.

"Father!" Lucifer yelled. He knelt down on one knee and looked at Juin, but all he could see was the tears on Juin\'s face.

Juin looked up at him with uncertainty. He touched his wet cheeks and looked at his tear-stained fingers. When he looked up at Lucifer, he asked in a soft voice, "What does he mean by \'to your brother\'?"

He remembered what Hades showed him before, and he asked in a cold tone, "Was he the one who tried to kill Hades? Is Hades your brother?!"

At the same time, inside Juin\'s Soul Dimension, the little fairy sensed something wrong with Hades\' shackled soul and went forward to take a look. It was surprised when it saw the sad expression on the soul\'s face.


A voice came from a distance away, but Juin and Lucifer failed to hear it.

Juin stared at Lucifer with his eyes narrowed.

He wanted to know what happened earlier and what did the person who took over his body mean. "Lucifer!"

Lucifer stared back at Juin. "How did you summon him? Do it again! Do it now!"

"I don\'t know!" Juin snapped. "Answer me, what did he mean? Is Hades your brother? Is that the secret that you have been keeping from me?"

"Do not question me!"


They had no time to fight further because something was thrown towards them. Juin was about to dodge when he realized what was thrown at them.

"Cyrus!" Juin immediately jumped up and caught the injured boy in his arms. "What happened? Who hurt you?"

One of Cyrus\' arms was dangling off his side, and his clothes were covered in a mixture of blood, dust, and dirt, but instead of crying from pain, the little boy quickly got up. He wiped the blood off his cracked lips and growled in the cave.

"DIE!!!" he roared and wanted to charge forward but Juin grabbed onto his good shoulder and pulled him back. "Let go!"

"Stop it!" Juin said. He suddenly smelled something in the air, something sweet and light. At the same time, he could feel a dangerous person coming towards them, and he was right.

Someone was walking towards them with three things shrouded in mist, floating in midair. This was a person who was shrouded in some sort of thick white mist, and Juin could not see the person\'s face regardless of how he tried. The closer the person got to Juin, the stronger the scent, and when Juin glanced down, he saw that Cyrus was pinching his nose with his good hand.

"Wolfe! Luca! Cecile!" Juin gasped when the three "things" that were floating behind the person were unrevealed. Wolfe and Luca both sported light injuries and were unconscious, whereas Cecile was still in her original state. "Who are you?" he hissed as he gripped the dagger tightly while covering his nose with the back of his head, even though he did not know the reason. Unlike earlier, the dagger did not release any aura and seemed like a normal dagger.

However, when the unknown person noticed the dagger, they stopped a few steps away from Juin. With a scoff, they then threw Wolfe, Luca, and Cecile towards Juin.

"Sh*t!" Juin cursed and quickly jumped up towards them.



"Oof…" Juin landed on the ground as he caught Cecile. He then looked behind him and saw that Cyrus had moved aside, letting the two teenagers land on the hard ground instead.

"Err…" Juin looked at the two teenagers, who were still unconscious but breathing, and sighed in relief. He then looked back at the stranger. "Who are you? Are you the one who has been going in and out of this cave?"

There was a long silence before the person said in a deep voice, "Me?"

The person walked up in midair, with every step seemingly landed on concrete instead of air. Looking down at Juin from above, they then said, "I\'m god."


The thick white mist surrounding the person thinned out slightly, yet it still constantly revolved around them, moving around like a snake. Even though Juin still failed to see that person\'s face, he could somewhat make out the person\'s features. That person was slightly shorter than him, probably around 175 cm, and had long black hair.

And he saw something else.


Hundreds of different types of colorful flowers were floating in midair, appearing and moving with every move the person made. Yet hundreds of flowers were dying with every move as well.

"I\'m the god of this world," the person said with a proud tone as they twirled a thin trail of tiny daisies around their hand before blowing it towards Juin.

Juin moved and dodged the daisies, which disappeared the moment they floated past him.

"Really?" Juin raised a brow as he asked in a skeptical voice while activating his soul shield.

The person sent a mist fist towards Juin, who quickly dodged it while carrying Cecile in his arms, princess style.

"Fine. I\'m the guardian of this world… Or a part of the original guardian anyway. Who are you, human? You and the boys do not belong here. I would have let all of you guys come and go as you please if they hadn\'t been adamant about taking that girl with them."

Juin glanced at Cecile briefly before saying, "Cecile\'s not safe here. We are going to take her away."

"That girl will be safe as long as she remains on this island," the figure said indifferently.

"Like how her ancestors were before her?" Juin pointed out in a cold voice. "If you are a guardian, then you have done a really terrific job at getting her ancestors murdered."