The Demon King's Cowardly Vessel

Chapter 325 - The sword will devour weaklings who try to wield it

A few hours later, when Juin woke up, he noticed that Wolfe, Cyrus, and Luca were gone from their beds. When he left their assigned quarters, he found Wolfe and Luca at the front of the ship, staring in a distance at something far away.

"What are you guys doing?"

"Oh, afternoon!" Wolfe said with a smile as he pointed, "Look! That\'s the Purple Flower Mountain!"

Juin stared in the direction that Wolfe was pointing in, and he saw a small purplish mound that was still quite far away from them.

"Crown Prince Warrick said that we would have to move separately in another two hours or so, so you better get your things ready," Luca said, turning over to look at him. "He has prepared a small ship for us, so we can use that."

Juin nodded. "With your ability, how long would it take for us to reach?"

Luca took a brief glance at the Purple Flower Mountain, and after some thinking, he said, "We will be there by nightfall, latest. Could be earlier too, since Crown Prince Warrick also said that there weren\'t that many sea monsters in this area."

"I see…" Juin then said, He then looked around before asking, "Where\'s Cyrus?"

Luca pointed towards the sea and said, "See for yourself…"

Juin walked over to the railing and peered down, upon which he saw Cyrus swimming on his back leisurely. "Hey!" Juin yelled. "Come back here! It might be dangerous!"

He nervously looked at the shark like dolphins that were swimming near Cyrus.

"Pfft…" Cyrus ignored him, turned over, and continued to swim next to the ship.

"Cyrus!" Juin yelled out in worry.

"Let him be… The guards mentioned that they did not detect any dangerous sea monsters nearby, so he would be fine…" Wolfe said as he patted Juin on the back. "Those sharks… err, dolphins… Anyway, those things won\'t be able to hurt him. See, they are just swimming with him."

Juin looked over, and sure enough, those shark-dolphins kept a distance from Cyrus as they swam in the same direction. With that, he managed to relax a bit. Looking over at the Purple Flower Mountain that was getting bigger and bigger in his view, he touched his left hand, where his Dimensional Pouch was located, and thought about the book.

And knowing his own temper, he let Juin keep the sword, but not before warning him from using it before he was ready.

"The sword will devour weaklings who try to wield it… If even I have a tough time controlling it," Lucifer warned before they left the Soul Dimension, "I doubt you will have better luck. So, keep it, and only use it as a last resort."

Juin had no intention of using the sword at the moment. After all, he had seen what it did to Lucifer.

\'Lucifer…\' Juin thought and looked around, but Lucifer was nowhere to be seen. \'Is he still in the Soul Dimension?\'

For some reason, Juin had a feeling that Lucifer wasn\'t feeling too well, but when he asked about it, the man just denied it and told Juin to mind his own business.

"I hope he won\'t pick a fight with Hades…" Juin mumbled as he stretched out his body. He then leaned over the railing and looked out at the sea as he said to no one in particular, "I can\'t wait till we get back… I hope those guys back home are doing fine."

"Do you think you would have time to visit them?" Luca scoffed when he heard Juin\'s remark. When Juin glared at him in annoyance, he continued, "By the time we get back, and this is assuming that we are able to get back, we would barely have enough time to make preparations, much less send you back for a visit."

"I would tell you not to fight with him, but… He\'s right…" Wolfe said with an apologetic look when Juin looked at him. He shrugged and sighed, "This year\'s Battle is our last chance. If we can get back home in time, I\'d advise you to either train or try to get as many resources as possible. You have seen the capabilities of those who are qualified to enter. Do you think they would just sit by idly while you continue to be stronger than them? While we are here, I\'m sure their families are feeding them medicines and tonics or looking for equipment that could make them stronger."

When Juin sighed, Wolfe added, "And I\'m just talking about those from the Order. Don\'t forget. We don\'t know much about the capabilities of those from the Dark Night Clan or The Nakamura Family, or even the creature that killed off all the intelligent creatures in the other dimension.

"Juin, with the rewards that one could win this time, I\'m sure there will be more people who will be joining than before. And some of them would do whatever they could to win…"

Juin thought of the people who attacked him and Wesley back home and sighed reluctantly. "You\'re right…"

Wolfe placed a hand on Juin\'s shoulder and said with a caring tone, "I know you care for your friends back home, but you need to start putting a distance between you guys, or you would never be able to grow; you will always be held back."

He knew that Wolfe was right… that they were all right, so he could not say anything back to them. When he made the decision to leave home, it was to protect them… So he should keep a distance from them, at least until he was strong enough.

"Juin, look at this…" Maxine laughed as she showed Juin a fake c.o.c.kroach.

"Juin, you scaredy cat… Come, I\'ll go with you," Wesley smirked as he pulled Juin.

"Juin, you can always come home if you\'re scared…" Mrs. Martin said with a gentle smile as she bent down slightly to pat his head.

Memories of the time he spent at the orphanage, and those happy times he spent with Maxine, Wesley, and Mrs. Martin… All of them appeared in his mind at the same time, as if warning him of what he would lose in just one wrong step.

His hands that were on the railing tightened while a few frown lines appeared on his forehead.

At the moment, he could only pray that Warlock would keep them safe until he could protect them with his own ability.

It was of the boy he missed the most. The platinum blonde hair, the bright blue eyes…

It was so vivid that he felt as if he could see him in front of him.

"Juin… We will meet again… for sure."

As if brought by the winds, Juin heard the familiar voice calling his name.

"Ashton…" he muttered under his breath as he looked toward the purple mountain.
