The Demon King's Cowardly Vessel

Chapter 323 - A Grand Demon

Looking up, Juin saw Lucifer cast a red diagram, upon which the wings on his back suddenly turned into burning ashes and fell off him, disappearing before they could even touch the ground.

"Reel back your Phoenix bow…"

Juin hesitated for a moment before doing as he was told.

Lucifer then floated nearer to Juin, and with a curious tone, he said, "And you were right, you have indeed gotten stronger, and by leaps and bounds at that. I definitely won\'t have expected this from you if you were to ask me this when we first met."

"But am I doing ok?" Juin asked.

"While your control over them is still terrible, the conditions of your Soul Fireballs have gone past what I expected of you. I definitely didn\'t expect your Soul Fireballs to reach the final stage."

"Final stage?"

"It\'s red now, isn\'t it? When you first started to learn it, you can only use yellow Soul Fireballs, but you saw the state of your fireballs. They were red, right? Yellow is the weakest, red is the strongest. While colors aren\'t always the best indication, but from what I felt, you have definitely reached the final stage of Soul Fireballs. In fact, I think you can start learning Daemon Flames," Lucifer explained.

"But before that…" He then floated around Juin with a thoughtful expression. After a while, he stopped and looked at Juin and said, "The burst in your strength affected your Soul Fire, but you have to train and learn how to control the strength of your Soul Fire. Otherwise, if that red Soul Fireball of yours hit someone during sparring, it might completely obliterate their soul. Try to train in that aspect for the next few days..."

Juin nodded. "Got it."

"All in all, I would say you are growing 10x faster than what I would expect from a human," Lucifer said as he lay down on his back in midair and crossed his legs. "As to why…"

Lucifer really couldn\'t think of why. From what he understood, the pill that Eranos gave Juin shouldn\'t have the effect of boosting his strength. Otherwise, there was no way that anyone would give such a valuable pill away without asking for anything in return.

There had to be something within Juin… Something that the pill might have awoken or activated.

"But I still can\'t beat you," Juin said with a deep sigh as he scratched the back of his neck dejectedly.

Using one of his knuckles, Lucifer knocked him hard on the head and scoffed, "Of course you can\'t. If you really want to beat me, find a way to send me back to Alercane, and we will have a fight with my real body. After all, even if you can beat me, you are only beating a weakened version of me."

"Ouch…" Juin rubbed the top of his head. "Do you have to do that?"

"We have to make you smarter, so yes," Lucifer replied nonchalantly. He then thought for a while before saying, "All you need to do now is to learn more spells… Who knows, maybe one day, you would be able to at least make me use 70% of my soul power."

"70%?" Juin sighed as he lay down on the ground. "I thought that was already 70% earlier…"

"Don\'t be stupid. That\'s not even 50%..." Lucifer smirked in an annoying manner.

Juin rolled his eyes. He then snapped his fingers, upon which a small flame appeared above his index finger. Looking at the fairy that was still trapped in the orb, he then shot the flame towards the orb and used it to push the fairy towards him.

Once the orb was right in front of him, he dismissed the flame while Lucifer released the fairy from the protection of the orb.

"Hey there, little fella… How have you been doing?" Juin asked as he rubbed the little fairy\'s head fondly. "Did you like what you see?"

The fairy nodded before flying around him excitedly, blabbering loudly in its own language. It then thought of something and tried to tell Juin about what had happened when all the souls fell unconscious earlier.

But perhaps due to its excitement, it forgot that Juin could not understand him verbally, and it just blabbed on non-stop.

To Juin, the little fairy was like a puppy who got overly excited from viewing the fight earlier. He merely nodded while pretending to be interested and understand what the little fairy was saying.

While watching their interactions, Lucifer suddenly thought of something and asked, "Do you want to read the Book of the Daemon King?"

Hearing the name of the book that started all these, Juin quickly sat up, nearly throwing off the little fairy that had just sat down on his c.h.e.s.t. Luckily, his hand moved fast enough and he caught the little fairy before it tumbled off to the ground.

"Sorry…" he apologized to the fairy quickly before looking at Lucifer. "Can I?"

"I guess so… We will have to be careful with it, but you should be able to read it," Lucifer said with a stern expression.

Juin nodded slowly. The Book of the Daemon King… So far, almost everyone who knew that he was present when the book and the sword disappeared had asked him about them… While Juin had seen the sword a couple of times, he never really had any contact with the book before. "Why now?"

A bright light appeared on his c.h.e.s.t as Lucifer reached over to pull out a book. "Because you need to get stronger. Keep this in your Soul Dimension, and when you are free, read through it."

"You are just handing it to me like that?" Juin raised a brow with a skeptical expression. It was very unlike Lucifer to be so generous.

And he was right. Lucifer wouldn\'t be this generous normally. However, Lucifer also knew that Hades was gaining power, and he had a feeling that Hades might be stronger than him in this world. After all, compared to him who was summoned over and was a "guest" of this vessel, Hades was basically the host.

Therefore, it was important that he made Juin stronger as the latter might be the only one who could control Hades. As a soul that split apart from Hades, Juin should have similar abilities.

"This book…" Before releasing the book, Lucifer warned, "It has an effect on people."


"Sure, you can learn a lot of new spells from it, and each and every spell will be extremely powerful. However, never forget that this is a book created from the carcass of the Grand Demon."

"What exactly is a Grand Demon?"

"Remember when we were in Eranos\' world, and we both felt someone was watching us. Do you remember what I told you then, about the Deus?"

Juin nodded.

"A Grand Demon is a Deus that has fallen from the Celestial World. Angered by the fact that they were cast out, they would absorb all the hatred in the world that they fell in. The more destructive the world they were in, the more hatred there would be, and the stronger the Grand Demon would become. In fact, a Grand Demon may sometimes be stronger than when it was a Deus."

"Wait wait wait wait…" Juin thought about it for a moment before asking, "So, basically, the Grand Demons are fallen gods?!"