The Demon King's Cowardly Vessel

Chapter 315 - Someone's Watching Me

"Really?" Juin gasped. "There\'s such a thing?"

He knew that he had to train his physical body in order to wield more power, and he knew that the condition of his physical body would, in a way, affect his Soul Dimension. However, it seemed that he had only touched the tip of the iceberg so far, and there were more things that he had to learn regarding the relationship between his physical body and his soul power.

Eranos nodded. "I haven\'t had such a good and satisfying fight for thousands of years, so take this as my thanks, for making me feel alive again. And trust me, I have never appreciated my life more."

Having face death just a few hours ago, he appreciated his life more now. At least he wouldn\'t have the d.e.s.i.r.e to kill himself in the next few hundred years.

Using a vine hand, Eranos then signaled Juin to open his mouth before sending the pill right in front of him. "It\'s up to you, whether you want to take it or not."

Juin\'s lips twitched slightly. After a moment of hesitation, Juin parted his lips and took the pill in without much resistance.

After he swallowed it, Eranos lowered the vine chair that Juin was sitting on and changed it to a bed so that he could rest more comfortably.

"Close your eyes and focus on the healing…" Eranos said softly as he looked down at Juin.

Juin followed the instruction and closed his eyes.

After a few seconds, he could feel the pill working. It was an odd sensation… He felt as if he could feel each and every cell. Numerous cells appeared in his mind, like dried shriveled beans, and they moved and contorted until they became plump and full of vitality again.

When he opened his eyes, he was in a different environment. Surrounding him were thousands of things that looked like red blood cells; all floating around him eerily.

He then looked down at his hands, or at least, that was what he wanted to do, but all he could see were two shining hand-like things.

"A dream?" he mumbled without the slightest fear.

He then looked up and started to walk around.

Amidst all the cells, Juin noticed a small shining orb from far away. Those red blood cells seemed to be attracted to it as they kept floating toward it before floating away one by one.

He then reached out, trying to grab the shining orb.

Just when he was about to touch the shining orb, a bright light burst out of the orb, sending Juin flying backward while attracting all the cells toward it.

When Juin opened his eyes again, he was looking up at three curious faces that were peering down at him.

"Are you alright?" Wolfe asked worriedly.

Juin sat up. Pinching his glabella, he thought of the weird dream before nodding. "Erm… Yeah…"

He then looked at them. They were staring at him as if he were a freak. "What happened? Why are you guys looking at me like that?"

"You were glowing earlier…" Wolfe told him the truth.

Apparently, when the pill was working on him, Juin\'s body not only glowed up, but it was twitching convulsively.

"That\'s not normal," Eranos said with a frown as he looked at Juin\'s body. There were no changes to his physical state, but Juin\'s aura seemed a little different now. "I\'m not sure how the pill works on the human body, so that could be normal… But, anyway, how do you feel? That\'s more important now."

Juin frowned. He looked at his trembling hands and clenched and unclenched them a couple of times until they stopped trembling. "Normal… I guess… But…"

There was this energy inside of him that he could not fully explain in words. It was as if something had just been released out of its cage.

"I\'m not tired anymore," Juin said in the end, looking at Eranos. "That\'s what the pill is supposed to do, right?"

Eranos nodded after a moment of hesitation.

Before leaving, Eranos offered the boys his stash of treasures. Wolfe and Luca were excited and had a go at the mounds of treasures in front of them. Meanwhile, Juin merely stood at a side with constantly changing expressions on his face.

Every now and then, his eyes would twitch, and he would have a confused look.

Because he was now seeing things; things that he could not understand.

He saw Luca\'s and Wolfe\'s auras. The auras were not constant; they flickered, yet bright. He looked toward Eranos, who was watching the two greedy boys with a pout, but he could not see Eranos\' aura.

"F*ck… What the hell happened…"

When Juin heard the bossy tone, he looked slightly to his left, where Lucifer had appeared.

"Your Majesty…"


Juin stared at him, but he could not see the aura on Lucifer instead.

"I think something has changed with me," Juin said after activating a small area of Silence.

Lucifer raised a brow and looked at him questioningly. "What do you mean?"

"I can see things now…" Juin said in a low voice as he looked toward Luca and Wolfe. "I think those are auras…"

"Auras…?" Lucifer frowned and looked toward Luca and Wolfe, but he did not see anything. He tapped his forehead a couple of times as he murmured, "Tell me what happened earlier."

As Juin explained, Lucifer tried his best to focus while thinking of what could have caused him to blackout. He could not remember much about what happened earlier. The furthest he could remember was him merging with Juin and pulling out the sword and attacking Eranos. He remembered a strong emotion overcoming his senses, and after that…

No… At one point, he felt as if he were fighting against another presence that wasn\'t Eranos… and that he was devoured by darkness.

Frowning, Lucifer felt his grip on reality was slowly starting to loosen. However, as the oblivious Juin continued to explain the things to him, Lucifer could not help but feel it was his vessel that caused the blackout earlier.

\'No,\' Lucifer thought as he watched Juin\'s mouth keep moving. \'If it\'s anyone, it should be Hades. Juin doesn\'t have the strength to forcefully separate my soul from his body, and he definitely doesn\'t have the strength to knock my soul out… But if that was really Hades… It meant that he\'s slowly regaining his true strength…\'

Lucifer had a bad feeling about this, and he was right to feel so. Even though they were both born and destined to be daemon kings, but unlike Lucifer, who had been raised with care and trained by the best warriors in Alercane, Hades had never received any training at all. With that said, how did the soul, which had been asleep until recently, gain so much strength?

And from where?

These questions were plaguing his mind.

Suddenly, Juin stopped talking and looked in a direction, as if he were staring at something far up in the sky.

Lucifer did the same thing at the exact same moment.

And Hades, who had been sleeping inside of Juin, opened an eye and was looking in a direction as well.

All three of them felt the same thing and thought of the same sentence.

Someone\'s watching me.