The Demon King's Cowardly Vessel

89 Ralmaroz 4

It had been one of the darkest histories of their country, for the role the mages and seers played was bigger than what everyone thought. Especially seers.

This was a group of people who could foresee things, and they could play a decisive role in wars and battles.

After the order was made, both mages and human seers were hunted down regardless of their age and power level. The moment a human showed any sort of magical abilities, they would either be killed by their brethren or be sold to the executors of the kingdom.

In the end, for a long time, there was no mage in the country at all.

Unlike mages, a group of powerful human seers, who had long known about the order, had migrated to the other kingdoms before the king even set the order down. Hence, their people were saved as they hid in the other kingdoms.

When Ralmaroz took over as the new Daemon King, the first thing he did was to repeal the order. Even then, it took Alercane another hundred years before a mage was found.

The order that was placed by his ancestor out of anger had done more harm to Alercane than good.

Since then, Ralmaroz had been actively recruiting mages and seers from other countries, hoping that their presence would help build Alercane into a greater and more prosperous city. It had not been easy, due to the previous war against humans with magical abilities, but he managed to get a few of them.

Unfortunately, the long war that they had with Yulagvia and other countries meant that the journey to Alercane was perilous, as these mages or seers would very often be kidnapped by their enemies or killed to prevent future problems.

"Solidarity?" Ralmaroz scoffed. "They want to kill my child, and they want solidarity from me? These bunch of old farts is really something…"

He then waved a hand and said, "I won\'t take revenge against the seers. I\'m not that shortsighted."

Even though there was one that he really wanted to get rid of.

"Where\'s the Crown Prince?" Ralmaroz suddenly asked one of the two young female demon servants standing by his sides.

The female demon bowed politely and said, "The Crown Prince is being kept hidden in the secret chamber. As per Your Majesty\'s instructions, the Crown Prince is under the protection of your strongest warrior, and the Imperial Mage is there as well, to keep out any attacks."

Ralmaroz nodded and dismissed her. He was wary against Thadeus and doubted that whatever he did would be able to keep that annoying man out. But at the very least, if that guy attempted something, Ralmaroz would know about it immediately and could head over there.

Looking down at his queen, who was now slowly handing over the baby in her arms to the guard, he murmured, "Cahryss… You aren\'t planning something stupid with him, right?"

His hands clenched into fists tightly when he thought about Thadeus. From their first meeting, they had been fighting and fighting, and Ralmaroz couldn\'t even remember why they fought sometimes. He just had an urge to beat the warlock up whenever he saw him.

"Your Majesty?" the humanoid dog called out when he noticed the his king\'s eyes were unfocused.

Ralmaroz quickly sat up straight and said, "Go tell the queen that I\'m giving her two choices now. Either leave this area, or come up and sit by my side."

"Yes, sir," the humanoid dog bowed before leaving.

Ralmaroz frowned slightly as he watched the guard he deployed to get the baby from his wife placed the baby in the small coffin, and his heart softened slightly. For a short moment, he wished that he could abandon everything and just take the little one away from this place.

He could see the baby waking up and moving around in the small coffin, no doubt wondering where his mother was.

When the baby started crying, the guard gently patted his chest to comfort him, all to no avail.

Ralmaroz looked away, willing himself to tune out everything and just focus on his people. Not long later, his queen arrived in the room. Without saying anything to him, she just sat by his side.

"Cahryss…" Ralmaroz tried to touch her hand, but when he saw her flinch, he immediately stopped himself. "You know that I have no choice…"

"Neither do I…" Cahryss said in a cold voice.

Ralmaroz did not think too much into his wife\'s words at that time, but he would soon know the true meaning behind them.

A few minutes later, the guard by the baby\'s side placed the lid over the small coffin before activating the runes that were carved into the coffin. These runes were supposed to hold the baby\'s power in, to stop him from bursting out and killing everyone by stealing their souls.

The moment the lid was covered, Ralmaroz could no longer hear baby Hades\' cries. He glanced at his wife, who had her eyes closed, and said in a soft voice, "Don\'t torture yourself… Just go…"

Cahryss opened her eyes and glared at her husband. "I won\'t ever leave my son\'s side…"

She then looked at the small coffin that housed her soon-to-be-dead son. "Ralmaroz… This is not over…" she mumbled.

At that time, Ralmaroz could only sigh. He looked at the small coffin for a few seconds before nodding, giving the signal to the Imperial Seer, who had been waiting at the side of the sacrificial platform, to begin.

The Imperial Seer, in turn, looked at the four guards that were placed at the four corners of the sacrificial platform.

Upon receiving the signal, the four guards took out the talismans that were given to them and placed them on the ground in front of them at the same time, right inside a small diamond mark that was connected to the huge diagram in the middle of the sacrificial platform.

The moment they placed their talismans down, four thin crimson lights appeared from the talismans, piercing through the sky with the eeriest yet brightest glow. As the talismans disintegrated into the small diamond marks, the four crimson lights slowly disappeared from the sky. At the same time, from the small diamond marks, red lights spread out along the diagram on the sacrificial platform.

Everyone watched as the red lights connected, and the moment it happened, the lights turned into blue flames that slowly engulfed the small coffin.

"No…" the young minotaur sighed as he looked away from the small coffin.

He looked up at where the king and queen were sitting, and at that moment, he saw that the queen\'s attention wasn\'t at the small coffin.

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