The Deity of War

Chapter 2219

"To resist the calamity of the era with the holy dynasty?"

Qi Ying's face changed and her tone became urgent.

It seems that Xue Wulian may really know something she never knew.

"May I ask your majesty, how can the holy Dynasty resist the calamity of the era?" Qi Ying squinted and asked, "as far as I know, every time the Apocalypse happens, it directly happens to the gods who have the original power. And the change of the power of the source is enough to bring about a devastating disaster in Pangu world... "

"Ha ha ha!" Snow without pity and smile, "Qi Ying, you are still too naive."

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Qi Ying shook her head: "I don't know why your majesty said that!"

Xue Wulian said: "Qi Ying, you should also know who the first and second era's detachment is, right?"

Qi Ying hesitated for a moment and said, "the first era is destiny! In the second era, it is Qi Yun! "

Xue Wulian nodded and said, "that's right. But, think about it, whether it's fate or luck, are they real people or gods? "

"No Qi Ying thought for a moment and said, "but they don't have nothing to rely on. It's said that fate once appeared in various forms I don't know about luck. "

"The two of us, the opposite." Xue Wulian said, "I don't know what fate is, but I know what kind of existence Qi Yun is, and how it is detached!"


Qi Ying was shocked.

The news he learned from Xue Wulian surprised him more and made him ponder for a long time than any news he heard these days


The plane of God.

It's the place where the mother of the beetle and countless eggs of the beetle are hidden.

A figure suddenly gathered in the cave.

This figure showed his face in the faint light reflected by the stinging beetle eggs in the cave.

However, he looked like an old man with white beard. He was dressed in a shabby robe and was clutching a long crutch in his hand.

"Many years! The ups and downs have finally come to the present. " The old man with white beard looked around at the countless eggs on the inner wall of the cave. His eyes and eyebrows were full of joy. "It's harvest time! But there is still a little time to go... "

He looked at the mother of the thorn beetle again, and his eyes were filled with deep feelings.

"Wait a little longer Just a little more time... "


Snow pilgrimage.

Qi Ying followed Xue Wulian to a sea of churning clouds.

In the sea of clouds, there is a floating island. They fall into the middle of this small floating island, and a Dharma array suddenly appears in front of them.

"You pass your Divine thoughts to this dharma array and have a look for yourself."

Snow no pity said.


Qi Ying put his mind into the Dharma array.

Before that, he heard what Xue Wulian said. In fact, Xue Wulian had already created the world, and the time flow of those worlds was very fast.

So that.

Xue Wulian even observed the rise and fall of a world.

Of course.

Those worlds are very weak. Even practitioners can't exist.

There's no comparison between China and the wild world The only advantage is the speed of time!

Only in this way can we fully observe the rise and fall of the world in it.

"The whole world is made up of galaxies, but there are not many galaxies, far less than a star field with endless streams of stars, and there are few living planets."

Qi Ying's shennian entered the FA formation.

Of course, what this dharma array connects is not the world created.

But in the Dharma array, it records the history of the world from rise and fall to fall.

At the beginning of the world.

On a planet of life, everything began to appear.

All things naturally did not appear out of thin air, but began to give birth to life under the human intervention of snow without pity.

At the beginning of life, it was very simple, just a simple life made up of various large particles But it's enough to surprise Qi Ying. You know, there's this kind of birth process in heaven, but it's Lolita's efforts that make up these simple lives.

However, Xue Wulian just intervened and did not create directly. This world naturally gave birth to life.

What's more.

After that.

Life is always renewing itself.

Large particles are constantly copied, but in the process of copying, they also make mistakes.

But it is this kind of mistake that makes the forms of life become more complex and diversified.

The time recorded in the Dharma array is also fast forward. It's madly changing time. Tens of thousands of years have passed, and it's still accelerating. Gradually millions of years, tens of millions of years, even hundreds of millions of years have passed!Finally.

I don't know how many billion years have passed.

More complex life began to emerge - with a larger size, like a combination of millions of simple life, but the overall structure is still very simple, looking like a big piece of snot.

Snot is still the same as the original simple life, self replication at the same time, constantly appear "error".

These mistakes make some "snot" have crustaceans, and some "snot" appear scales.

At the same time.

The world's natural environment is also changing quietly.

There is a distinction between the sea and the land, where the temperature is high in some places and low in some places.

Gradually, with the "shell" of the "snot", can be adsorbed on the rock, to ensure that they are not washed away by the current, nor damaged by external forces, but also engulf the simple life in the water.

As for the "snot" with "scales", it is able to maintain its own form of existence in the water flow. Wherever it flows, it can supplement its own energy by eating simple life.

Moreover, in the process of "false copying", some scales and snot can move themselves, which is similar to the oars. They can swim in the water by themselves, looking for waters rich in simple life.

In this process, those primitive "snot" are gradually eliminated. They are easily washed away by the current and killed by the high and low temperature environment. Crustacean snot, scaly snot, boatman snot and so on are all adapted to the new environment and are chosen to stay

"Natural selection, survival of the fittest, is this the evolution of life under natural conditions?"

Qi Ying suddenly.

Originally, there is no need for human intervention, life can also achieve self creation, self evolution!

Take Tianjie as an example. Even if Qiying and Lolita don't interfere, sooner or later, they can evolve a group of life adapting to the Tianjie environment. However, the actions of Qiying and Lolita bring the birth of life to evolution, which is far ahead of time. , the fastest update of the webnovel!